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Are humans God's children or God's pets?

Christians commonly claim that humans are the "children of God," but do you really believe it?

Most theists try to teach morality by using the concept of heaven and hell to bribe and threaten people to behave. Others claim that if you love God, you will follow his orders without question.

To me, these teaching methods seem to be identical to the ones used to train pets. Pets are rewarded for good behavior and punished for bad. Then, we expect them to follow our orders without question.

With other humans, we only use these teaching methods among the young and immature. Most parents want their children to grow up and learn to think for themselves. We try to teach them WHY things are right and wrong, not simply which one they are.

For example, parents teach children not to play in the street by warning them of the danger of being hit by a car. We train our pets by keeping them on a leash and yanking when they stray.

Which is it? Are we God's children or his pets?


The point is, most parents want their children to grow up and think about the consequences of their actions instead of merely following blindly whatever they are told.

Wouldn't God want the same from humanity if we are truly his children?

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Great question and analogy.

    Yes, looking at it from the stand point of the way Christianity views "God" and his creation, yes he does treat humans more akin to pets than children. Like pets that he abuses and tortures if they don't behave as he wishes. He seems to want humans to love him like a abused dog loves his 'master'. I have seen dogs who will go to their owner seeking attention and affection only to be kicked or hit, yet they still go back for more because it is attention nonetheless.

    I could never honor or worship such a god.

  • 7 years ago

    Fantastic question. Interesting how hateful some people are being because you asked this question. Didn't Saint Peter say to give a reason for the hope that is within? Please check Some people treat their pets poorly and others treat their pets much better than they interact with other humans! Petism is a word coined in 2013 to represent this concept of humans as God's pets. Cheers

  • 1 decade ago

    Humans are God's children.

    He made us himself in His own image (Genesis 1:26-27) and while the other elements of the earth will called forth by His word, God FORMED Adam and Eve.

    So how does God's guidance work then?

    God wants their children to grow up too but consider this, all of us in God's eyes are young and immature. I mean, when you compare our wisdom and experience with that of an infinite being, seems mighty small, doesn't it?

    In the same vein, you'd keep an eye out for your toddler when he's crossing the street, wouldn't you? You'd pull him back the moment he stepped out on his own without holding your hand.

    You can't really teach your toddlers everything in life because they won't understand or appreciate the consequences of their actions just yet. Instead, you love them and teach them to

    a) trust you

    b) remember you're in charge.

    As such, those who use Heaven and Hell to WARN people do it out of love, but those that use such teachings to manipulate them to their own means are sad, sick people.

    And those that say if you love Him, you will obey without question mistake love and trust.

    God loves questions (at least you're talking with Him) but hopes like every LOVING parent would, that you would be able to trust His judgment and appreciate that things work out for the best when He's in charge.

  • 1 decade ago

    We are God's creation, and His children through salvation.

    Heaven is not a reward for good behavior, because we can't earn our way in. That's the whole point of Jesus, living the life we can not and paying the penalty so that we do not have to. We are given heaven freely, and because we are grateful we should try to improve, not the other way around.

    Hell is what we receive when we choose to reject God.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I enjoyed reading your question. It can seem that way sometimes to some people, and it's good for Christians to know that this is how they are viewed.

    The Bible does tell us that we are to mature in our faith, and not stagnate, and I suppose this could have its analogy to being a pet, tethered to God and wanting to please the master. I don't see anything wrong with that, because having a master is a good thing -- where the other animals are left to fend for themselves and die an early, sometimes miserable death.

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't parents do the same thing? Teach kids to behave, if the children resist, they bribe them with toys, candy, or Chuck E. Cheeses or threaten with a spanking or grounding.

    Children also can obey with out question.

    God does not yank us from a stray. If he did there wouldn't be as much sin.

    To me, you have no point.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Your inability to reason has caused you to err in your question probably because your parents were worthless. Parents send their offspring to college because they want to help them have a better life. Parenting is not stopped after age 3 or 4 when basic discipline and potty training is finished except in your case.

    If you had good parents you would have learned parents care for their children and mentor them to become successful people.

    It is obvious from your question your parents spent more time with the dog than they did with you, probably wasn't that good of a dog either

    Perhaps you should pray and ask God to adopt you. It is obvious you were neglected and raised by poor quality parents. The insulting tone of your question proves you are going to be as useless as your parents.

    Was your daddy away in prison when you were growing up or did your mommy's pimp make her work every night ? Did they live at home and sell the food stamps to buy booze and drugs instead of buying food for you ?

  • 1 decade ago

    Hey I'd rather be a servant(pet) of God in Heaven than an arrogant human in hell.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    God's science experiment.

  • 1 decade ago


    We're gods creations.

    Source(s): Common Sense
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