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For harden criminals that have no chance of parole, should they be sent over seas to fight wars?
I have my own opinion, I just want to see if any one has an opinion. When the draft comes in to play, I believe it is not fair to send college students, fathers, and other productive citizens of the country to go to fight, while on the other hand you have criminals that r doing nothing but wasting tax payers money eating three meals a day, watching cable and having other perks when they havent done anything to warrant them being rehabilitated. I say send them there to do the dirty work, they wanted to be menances to society when they had the freedom, they lost that right. Most of them already know how to use firearms since when they commited their acts of unlawfulness some had firearms on their possesions, maybe if they come back then maybe we can talk about parole. I just don't think its fair for those who try to make the world a better place being productive human beings to have to bare that burden unless they so choose. This goes far beyond any political affiliations. What u think?
20 Answers
- 1 decade agoFavorite Answer
Another great question....The prison idustry is business and thier is money to be made. The idea that you proposed is a good one and they should send them overseas to fight but they are too money hungry to have that eveer happen. You probly already know this but the government doesnt care about college students, fathers, and other productive citizens thier objective is more money, control, and finding another towers to knock down.
- 1 decade ago
I think a lot of people think this. I have the mindset to understand criminals and college students the same. Since I am a hardened student crimnal I think I have something to share. I have had an extremely had time finding employment because of felonies on my record. Now I am half way through a college degree. Will I be able to obtain a job when I graduate? I wonder every day. I was thinking yesterday that I wouldn't mind going to Iraq and killing as much Arabs as possible. Live or die its all good. I think the problem is that there are a lot of criminals that would turn on their staff sargents and fellow soldiers alike. Give me a machine gun and some meth and I am going to shoot everyont good or bad.
- 1 decade ago
Well this is not a new idea. Remember that the Romans used slaves to fight in battle. However, there are laws that would prevent such acts in this nation, not the least of which is the the Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which forbids cruel and unusual punnishment.
But if you wanted to explore your theory a litte more, the problems of the past also come into view. First and foremost, how are you going to govern a mass horde of inmate mercenaries with firearms in battle? Isnt it just as likely that they will nto fight and instead kill their commanders and return home locked and loaded?
The United States imprisons 2.1 million people; I'm not a hundred percent sure who we're fighting but I'm sure we're not winning. Ten years ago we spent $5 billion fighting drugs and we did such a good job that last year we spent $16 billion. Sixty percent of Federal prisoners are in jail on drug charges, as opposed to two and a half percent in jail for violent crime.
We imprison a higher percentage of our citizens than Russia did under Communism and South Africa under Apartheid. Somewhere between fifty and eighty-five percent of our prison population has a drug or alcohol abuse problem. We've tried "just say no," I don't think it's going to work.
This war's at home. Its casualties are in our prisons and not our hospitals. The amount of money the American Government is spending in Colombia is the same amount that American consumers are spending buying drugs from Colombia. We're funding both sides of this war and we'll never win it that way.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Ok, so you don't know much about WW2 history. For that I will forgive you. Saying this, it was tried during WW2 and did not prove to be a very good idea. They attacked their own troops and tried to kill off anyone who gave them orders. The idea was dropped after a very short time. And why is it that you think college students should be allowed to sit on their fat a**s and have parties while the people who keep this countyr going, be drafted?? I say if there is a draft, NO COLLEGE DEFERMENTS AT ALL. Send them spoiled brats first. AND, why are college student any more productive than construction workers, maint men, highway workers etc etc. You must be a nut to think that you, as a college student are productive, All you do is go to class's and play football. Balogna. What an insult to the millions of average Joe's who go to work everyday to keep your country going.
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- Anonymous1 decade ago
Well, personally, I lik the idea of sending them to fight as well. But I think we differ on our reasons why. I just like to see these guys getting out to breath soem fresh air once and a while. My own father went to prison and I know others who have gone as well, and many of them are not bad people, but rather they either made a mistake or sometimes their charges are trumped up to make the judge and the district attorney look better for elections, and hell, sometimes they're wrongly convicted. I think they deserve the chance to earn their freedom by fighting for their country at least.
- BDOLELv 61 decade ago
Would you put automatic weapons in the hands of hardened criminals who have no hope of freedom?
I'll pass. Sure, they serve no good to us in prison, but there's no good reason we should let them out of jail and have weapons. Even if we drop them in and have no contact with our own guys, they could wind up slaughtering civillians wantonly, which would just get everyone pissed at our volunteer soldiers.
Now, you want to suggest that we offer early release for nonviolent criminals who'd rather spend 12 months in Iraq than 6 months for stealing a few hundred bucks, then I'm listening. Serve your country, get paid for it, and the jail sentence is taken away? Of course, there's a few ethical issues there, but it sure sounds good.
Murderers though? No way.
- Anonymous5 years ago
maximum folk serving time accomplish that because of the fact they crapped on the regulations of regulation Order and ideal behaviour, they led to discomfort misery and suffering to their fellow voters without care interior the international, so keep in mind criminals seem out for themselves. infantrymen interior the protection rigidity seem out for the team! and what's the element in attempting to rigidity anti-social scumbags serve interior the protection rigidity. and how do you advise to regulate them while they have get entry to to weapons?? how are you able to make certain they do no longer use the weapons against their very own element? you rather placed little or no attempt into questioning your concept via. For eatcacti2: in line with danger you will possibly care to record the countries who did that and while, i will state for a certainty that it has in no way been carried out submit WW2 interior the U.ok. Republic of eire, Mainland Europe, Scandinavia, or any of the submit communist block countries. And bringing up a action picture as an occasion isn't genuine evidence of something!
- 1 decade ago
If those college student, father and other productive citizens sign up for ACTIVE duty what do you think they are signing up for. And no criminals with no chance a parole should stay in jail.
- idak13Lv 41 decade ago
I kind of agree with you because it used to be done. However if they don't have a chance for parole where is the incentive to fight. If they don't have the incentive they aren't going to fight for their country. Its just that simple. Good idea, good questions but not thought out very well.
- PookyLv 41 decade ago
I see flaws in your theory...I don't think that I would want hardened criminals sent as MY army. They are fighting for our country...but they're criminals? Where would their loyalties lie? Do you really think they would be loyal to us? They would probably end up switching sides or betraying us somehow. I would totally not trust them.
Besides, I think the military would resent it, too. The people in the military are there because they WANT to be. They wouldn't like it if criminals were sent to do their job instead.