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Are finger foods good for a wedding?

We live in a small town and they don't have catering. Also, catering is out of the budget but my fiance wants a "full meal."

Almost every wedding I go to they have brisket, and a big pot of beans. lol I told my fiance I don't want that. I want mine to be different. I was thinking about some crousiants(not sure about spelling) and buying different kind of sandwich meats and cheese and putting out like different kinds of chips and dip with several fruit and vegetable trays and a fountain fondue thing to dip the fruit. He's half mexican and half white, while I'm Mexican. We don't want Mexican food either. So are the finger foods I want appropriate for a wedding? Also, ur suggestions are greatly appreciated!


Okay, I've went to Sam's and they have some stuff my fiance liked. We went to Walmart to look at their selection but he really didn't like their choices. Anywhere else they have food like that?

29 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Great idea.. except for the chips :) I love appetizers better than a big meal... you can make a whole meal out of them anyway! I'd just suggest avoiding anything that's mucky to eat, like chicken wings, and if you're planning on having any hot appies make sure to have chafing dishes for them.

    One of my favourite (and dead-easy to make) appies is mini-bagels with cream cheese, red onions, capers, and smoked salmon - all available at Costco! Just put the capers on the bottom or they'll roll all over :) And a sushi tray is popular with most people, as well as prawns with seafood sauce (hmmm I'm sensing a theme here... I like seafood!).

    If your fiance is worried that people will starve to death you could also have 'meaty' appies like mini-meatballs & sausage rolls. Another delicious easy to make Costco special... pickled asparagus spears rolled in thin sliced ham spread with cream cheese.

    I'm curious where you live that the traditional wedding dinner is brisket and beans!

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes this is very popular. You could do an afternoon reception which would be much cheaper. If you do it at night, your guests are expecting a full meal. The hall that you choose may have a appetizer type item to choose from. I wouldnt do chips and dip- it looks tacky. Unless you are having the reception in your backyard. Id do the veggie and meat & cheese trays. Maybe some mini tacos or jalapeno bites.

    I would try CostCo. Its like a Sams but better food.


  • 1 decade ago

    It is perfectly fine to have a non-meal reception ONLY IF you have the wedding AND reception at a non-meal time of day. Otherwise you're being a bad host, by taking up people's mealtime without feeding them a meal!

    It can be as simple as cookies and punch in mid-afternoon, or just wedding cake, tea and coffee. Maybe add some cheese and fruit trays from a deli or upscale supermarket.

    Your invitations should say something like "Light refreshments at two o'clock" or "Donuts-and-cocoa reception at one o'clock" so people know in advance that a meal will not be served.

    If he wants a full meal, what exactly does he want? Sandwiches for lunch-- a simple meal like that? Or a plated dinner?

    Sandwiches on croissants sound super to me.

    Source(s): Miss Manners books and
  • 1 decade ago

    Finger foods are great that is what I plan on doing for a wedding myself. It saves on having to have a hot meal catered and worrying about keeping it heated etc...Much more simple is to serve the cold foods like the finger sandwiches and fruits and veggies. Just make sure there is enough to go around. However I wouldnt use chips as they are a little tacky I would use crackers and cheese spreads

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  • 1 decade ago

    I think that is a great idea low cost and you can put so many different good types out... I mean you can do the mini sandwiches. you say you dont want mexican food what about chinese you can do pot stickers, egg rolls, won tons... maybe some hot wings but those do tend to get a lil' messy... You mentioned fondue well you could also do a cheese fondue along with the chocolate fondue...There are endless ideas... Honestly watch to food network that is where I get so many ideas... Good luck and I hope your day goes wonderful....

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes finger foods are perfectly fine! The ones you are talking about sound so good too! Its your wedding so you do what ever you want! I have been to all sorts of weddings Catered, Buffet, Breakfast & Snack foods! I always liked either the buffet style or snack foods because it was easier, better & the weddings seemed to be alot more fun & laid back! You should definitely go with the finger foods! Just make sure yall are both happy its yalls special day! I hope this helps! Congratulations & Good Luck :)

  • 1 decade ago

    If that's what you want to serve and is the only thing available in your area then go for it. Personally, I think the brisket and beans sounds like a full meal on its own. But definitely have the other foods listed.

    Is there a Costco or Sam's in your area? They have a ton of inexpensive finger food options in their frozen section that you can easily make a meal out of, and all you have to do is heat and serve.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes finger foods are okay as long as you tell your guests that you will be having fingers foods, when you send out your invites.My mom and I do catering for weddings and birthday parties, We do a platter of homemade chicken salad on crousiants then cut in half . makes a great sandwich, If you have any more questions on how to save money on a budget e-mail me at Best Wishes

  • Nena S
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Hi! Congrats on your wedding!

    Well, things have really changed. Formal weddings used to have full 6-course meals but now it depends on your budget and your personal preferences.

    In my opinion, yes, "finger food" is appropiate.

    I had a wide array of "finger food" at my wedding. Since we got married at noon, and the party was held at my mother's house (she has a big garden) we had a big buffet table and people could come and pick what they wanted. Both cold and hot things were offered.

    I had things like tiny salmon sandwiches, fried prawns, different types of cheese and dips, too. We also like "vol-au-vents" (little pieces of pastry filled with cream chicken)- these you serve hot. Another thing you could have are tiny skewers with meat and tomatoes and green peppers served- (like mini-pinchos). .... There is so much you can choose from!

    I hope this helps you out. Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    Alright I have a great idea. You say you don't want ethnic foods, but I guarantee it that it will be missed by some of the guests. What you can do is have some ethnic foods, like cervishy, little meat pies, muchina, rice and beans, or lentils and rice, and mexican sliced beef. This can be cooked by family members. But along with that food, I would have a variety of coldcuts, and cheeses and 3 different kinds of cold salads, such as potato salad, cole slaw and pasta salad with beautiful little rolls. Veggie trays with a nice dip. Big salad bowl and a large Fruit Bowl cut out from a large watermelon with all different kinds of fruit and a nice wedding cake, coffee and tea. You could have wine, beer and soda but that is optional. Good Luck on your wedding day.

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