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Why is it that men seem to be the ones who are guilty of most of the autracities in this world?

Look at the crimes committed - Child and adult prosititution and pornography are for men, alchohol is consumed by more men probably and emboldens many of them to beat their wife and kids, gambling can cause them to lose their jobs, homes, and families, thieves, murderers, druglords, pimps, prostitution rings are primarily run by men. In other words, if men would somehow realize how destructive their behaviour is, and stop wouldn't the world be better? If men could only realize their position as caretakers, protectors, heroes, helpers to their families, we would not have all these problems. What do you think?

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Grasshopper, men have strong urges like a mating lion. Without discipline a man will succumb to those urges. We are born sinful, and most seek to be made righteous. Without a proper fear of God, man thinks he is god. The strength of man is not the problem, it's how we channel it. The presence of good Godly parents is of utmost importance.

    Source(s): ME
  • 1 decade ago

    I think you are generalizing a little too much. But it is a well known fact that men are stronger and more violent then women. That is because of the hormone testosterone. I think that men have a biological need to breed, but not necessarily to stick around and take care of anything. In fact, if the baby is deformed, men will take off and find a new mate. If a woman is infertile, the man will seek a new mate. It's kinda like men think they are here to insure the survival of the species by breeding. After that, they are very territorial and hence all the wars. This is mine. I'm king of the hill. Men are very goal oriented. Women are relationship oriented.

  • 1 decade ago

    Consider this: Although women may be more emotionally expressive and men more inclined toward math and the sciences women do, actually, think more logically and men more emotionally.

    Drinking, abuse, crime are all emotionally driven. The people doing these things let their emotions dictate their thoughts and actions. They don't truly consider other options or the way their actions will affect both themselves and others. What's most absurd is that they fail to consider that the consequences are always bad for them. Let's face it, no one is actually happy as an abuser. Drug dealers will, eventually, be either killed or arrested.

    Women are just more likely to consider more aspects of a situation and make choices based on logic rather than emotions and immediate gain.

    People will say men are more aggressive but this is an emotional trait.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with you - to a point. It takes a strong and grounded mother to teach her son these things. If a woman raises her son to hate people, or to go through life with his hand out, then why are we surprised when he commits a crime?

    I think it's time mothers stepped up to the plate as well as fathers and start raising their sons properly.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I am a man and i agree totally because it is even in the bible that it would be men that do most of the damage.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    thats the way it is

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