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Kevan M asked in Entertainment & MusicTelevision · 1 decade ago

Anyone else fed up with Red Nose Day?

I know I am. It seems like it just goes on and on!


I am all for charities etc and have a number of direct debits set up to support a few. But to have shows of so called celebs going on for weeks, adverts at every opportunity on TV, Radio. It just gets soo arghhh.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    yes they dont know when enough is enough

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm not sick of it, it's all for charity and I like seeing people from different soaps etc joining together to raise money, the sketches are pretty good.

    Americans: It's a UK Charity Event, it's called Comic Relief and Red Noses are a trademark for it, the last one was a red nose with 'hair' and this time it's a big red nose lol.

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh, poor little you , it must be so hard to have to put up with this charitable event that happens every two years. It must be much harder than sleeping in a room with 15 other people on the floor, or not having food or water, or being an orphan due to HIV, or battling each day with a mental illness. I really can't believe how cold hearted and evil people on here really are. you or anyone you know never need to use the money raised by this event.

  • 1 decade ago

    I find some of the 'entertainment' a bit of a bore but at least they have done their job - you have noticed them and that is what the charity is aiming for - to get people see what is happening in Africa. Through the BBC/Red Nose Day their plight is being brought to the forefront of our thoughts and with that hopefully we will donate to make life in Africa better.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Plenty of people live below the breadline in this country so cant see the point in rushing to the phone with my card for some country 2000 miles away, that DOES have wealth if it was properly managed.

    I give cash to the NSPCC, I cant afford anyone else

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    by making use of left winger **** you propose humorous political comedian who blasts the two aspects. by making use of self promoting you propose advertising charitable activities and giving with the aid of a countrywide day of charity, especially plenty made selfless because of the fact all of us different than you is doing it? And by making use of pink nostril month 300 and sixty 5 days you propose in some days, sooner or later a 300 and sixty 5 days? i assume no longer all of us could be effectual or charitable. thank god all Brits are godless heathens or you will possibly be able to disillusioned your pastor/priest/druid.

  • 1 decade ago

    What are you guys watching? Is this something going on in America cuz if so I must be out of the loop.

  • yes im fed up of hearing about red nose day it seems to go on for weeks and weeks

  • 1 decade ago

    YES YES YES!!!!! Think I was fed up with it by year 2. It all just seems like a big lovey bash to me - all in the name of 'charidee' - one big boring palava.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    god yes i understand the thing about charity but for goodness sake,and dont get me started on the charity begins at home thing.jeeeez

  • 1 decade ago

    ooh charitable minded aren't you.

    Come on, it's only 1 day. If you were sitting in poverty starving you'd have to do it for the rest of your life. At least this one day tries to help those people.

    Give them a tenner then go to bed early so you don't have to watch it and at least you'll feel good about yourself.

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