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Why do some religions tell their followers to have as many kids as possible and "God will provide"?

Many times, the father is the only one who works because the mother is at home with 5+ kids. And they may not even have enough money for basic necessities for that many people, never mind any occasional splurges. But their church tells them it is God's will to live like that. What kind of God would truly endorse that?


For example, my aunt was raised Mormon and she was told because she was unable to have a ton of kids even though she stayed home with their 2 and her husband was barely able to pay the bills each month, they were excommunicated from their church.

I also used to work with a guy (also Mormon) who believed it was better to have next to nothing than for his wife to work outside the home and leave their 7 children to fend for themselves, at the same time he said the reason they had so many was that the older ones are natural babysitters whether they like it or not.

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Only greedy religions .The reason is so when the kids grow up,They can give to the church and so on and so on.The more the merrier.

  • 1 decade ago


    There are people that feel this way but not everyone is like this. My husband Steadfast7 and I were not able to have children for medical (on my part) and finacial reasons, it was painful to know I would never give my husband a baby.

    Yes God does provide, He does love children. It is NONE of the churches business how many or how little or no kids you may have. Back when God said Be fruitful and multiply Adam and Eve were the only ones on the planet.

    But there comes a time when you have to know what you are able to handle lets say you have your last child at 40 when that child is in highschool you will be close to 60, This was on the news Andrea Yates had 5 beatuiful children yet she was miserable and mentally ill and drowned her babies in the bathtub because "the devil told her to" I feel the devil cant make you do anything you are responsbile for your actions she drowned her children because she could not handle the responbilites and she "lost it".

    God calls us to use wisdom and common sense and some people are called to have a large family I am from one myself,

    Many have said to me Oh you would make a great mom why dont you adopt of foster and they mean well but adopting and fostering does not solve all problems and I feel led to minister to all my nieces and nephews that are in my life and to be honest I dont feel led to be a mom I am pushing 40 and I know my limits and I beleive God honors that. God always honors whose who give HIm thier best even though life did not turn out the way they wanted. This was an excellent question thank you for posting.


    Source(s): Sometimes saying no to the things you want brings the most glory to God and this has been my lifes expereince as a Christian.
  • Angelz
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Religions tell their followers to have as many kids as possible so the religion will have more members. God doesn't endorse this nor does he tell you how many to have it is only in particular religions.

    Having lots of kids is part of the Mormon religion, they would not be ex-communicated for this reason though, it had to be something else that was going on.

    Mormons are to have as many kids as possible so they can bring all the embryonic gods that there are into the world.

    So there ya have more and more kids, more and more members.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Mainly because raising a lot of kids is the best way to experience what God must feel like, having to deal with 6 billion of his kids.

    Seriously, raising children tends to bring out the best in people ... adults and kids alike.

    Without kids, all that's left is selfishness.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I'm shooting for six kids (Presbyterian) because kids are a blessing from God and, quite simply, I like kids. Most religions teach it's good to have a 'quiver full' of kids because of various traditions and textual references (Be fruitful and multiply; the Catholic teaching on contraception, etc.). I don't know any religion that teaches having kids you cannot provide for. Even Catholics believe that you should naturally prevent conception if you cannot afford children. Most other religions believe the same thing.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    expensive buddy, you gave superb translation in English and nevertheless want what '' about"" this verse ? precisely what do you want? The meaning you know. It replaced into suggested about Shiva ( that does no longer recommend Shiva on my own , you may say Any god , because there is ONE GOD on my own ). the author of the verse is telling GOD is YOUR mom, FATHER, buddy ,RELATIVE ,he's THE WEALTH AND THE GNAANAM , IN ESSENCE he's each thing TO YOU . it truly is organic. WHAT EVER EXISTS IS HE in undemanding words BE IT A HUMAN OR ANIMAL OR a issue. ONE HAS TO strengthen THAT '' EYE'' to work out that in each issue.that could no longer that straightforward AS suggested. you may upload some information why or with what purpose revealed the question so as that we may attempt to reply in that route. This boring head might want to do not ignore that a lot in undemanding words. i'm no more beneficial knowledgeable IN faith AND SPIRITUALITY AS in line with YA, as they bumped off the TC badge as you note.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's true that God does provide. He provides us with choices, common sense. In times past, many women died in childbirth from complications, or just from exhaustion of being mother to 8, 10 even more children. I am by no means advocating abortion, just family planning so that parents and children can live healthy, happy lives like God planned.

  • 1 decade ago

    One of the reasons for this is that some of the churches (especially the Catholic church) are so totally against any kind of birth control. or contraceptive They consider birth control to be negative and maybe as bad as abortion. They think, it's up to God whether you have a baby or not.

  • 1 decade ago

    for one thing that is false if u actually look into the church u will find many programs that help the needy

    in the mormon church i get free babysitters whenever i want

    i do work thank you

    i am a woman

    how dare you claim that i am absent minded and can not think for myself.. and i depend on a man for everything

    and i do not apreciiate people who slander church leaders or members when they havent even goneif u actually looked it into the church teachings u would find the opposite of what u just said

    im sure the links provided would give more acurate results than u,19749,62...,11677,170...

    Source(s): have a nice day ctr
  • 1 decade ago

    I dont fully go along with that either, but I understand it somewhat. God values sex and its very important to Him and to populate the earth with more followers of Him and not just fill up the world with athiests. So, yes we are to procreate. God says so. And God will provide for those that love Him and obey Him. He tells us this over and over again. We may not have tons left for splurges, but who says you need that? Thats the worlds idea of living. A true content Christian is totally satisified in a simple life, just knowin gna dloving God, and having what it needs to get by, pay their bills. This is how they look at it, and we cant judge them. we can only pray for everyone.

    But, I also believe that God gave us minds to use and common sense. That He wants us to use our head and only bring their children into the world that we can afford. I am for living simply, but we must provide for our kdis. I knew a huge family once with 10 kids, all needed glasses and were too poor to afford them. That is not providing for your children. Yet, they lived what they believed and were truly obedient Christians, obeying what they thought was true. we cant judge them. How many Christians are willing to sacrifice for the Lord and obey, even when its not convenient. SO, we must admire the faith of those who think like that. Most Christians say grace covers all their sin and they dont even have to stop sinning and end up living like someone who never ever knew the Lord. Grace doesnt cover willfull sin, so in some way, you must obey those that are living in what they believe is Obedience.

    Jesus sacrified all for us, and we must be willing to sacrifice all for Him also. ITs the only way.

    But, I believe that even tho God wants us to live simplie lives, focusing on Him and making sacrifices to do so, I still do believe He doesnt require us all to have 10 kids, if He did, He would say so, and He did not. He said to procreate. What about those that cant have babies? Are they sinning? NO, you cant do what you cant do and God knows that. God to me is so very smart and knows all, and He knows we should be able to know how many kids we can truly afford to raise in the right way, not in affluence and extra. Most of those kids are so spoiled and so materialistc. But, To raise in a way that we can provide for their needs. Seeing is pretty important, as well as hearing, etc. But, if something cmes up you cant afford, God will find a way to provide for it.

    But, lets do admire ppl that will obey and sacrifice for the Lord, even if we dont agree with the whys they do it. But, most of those that believe that are in religions that I do not feel are of God. God tells us what He wants from us, and to flee from any faith that teaches against Jesus, and a few other things. Most of those in religions needing to have a ton of kids, are in religions that are into worship of Mary or of Joseph Smith. We musnt judge them, but pray for them, its all we can do.

    Source(s): God, THe Bible and the Holy Spirit
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