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Question ONLY for married men or women who've been there?

I've seen many variations on this question from both men and women, but the answers tend to be from those of us who have no clue.

I'm interested to hear from either men OR women who went through a prolonged period of not wanting sex with their partner who now have an active sex life with them. What changed? What did you do? What did your partner do? The rest of us don't know. I see women telling men with low drive partners to do more housework - but that's not going to stoke a low libido woman. I see men suggesting lingerie and bjs to frustrated wives, and sure, that would work on ME but probably won't help with a husband who has a low drive. The only people who can answer are people who've been on that low drive side.

So , help the rest of us understand, and if you've overcome it, we're all ears on what might work!


Nobody Special, you say that (many men) 'are not willing to do what it takes to get it and keep it coming'. Can you comment on what it would take? And would you not simply discount anything your partner did as 'he did it because he hoped to get sex out of it'?

Update 2:

What I'm most interested in is finding _any_ men who say 'when I started helping with the housework her sex drive went up' or frankly women who say 'I'd been pestering him for sex for months, but as soon as I bought some thongs my problems were solved'.

Please understand, to those women with low libido who complain of being tired, I BELIEVE YOU ARE TIRED. I suspect that it is unrelated to your libido however, though other actions of your partner may be. If you have a low libido AND are dealing with the normal stresses of work, home, children, to then deal with a high libido partner must seem daunting.

However, if your partners take on _everything_ that still won't make your libido higher. Please understand I am not trying to blame anyone for their high or low libido or feelings, just trying to filter out advice from people who don't have a problem and focus on advice that actually works when there IS a discrepancy.

10 Answers

  • kitkat
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I lost interest and didn't do anything about it. One day I got very ill and had to go into the hospital. I found out I had been sick for a couple of years and after being put on meds my sex drive returned. Pays to go to the doctor once in awhile huh?!

  • ronnny
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    If one of you are always tired working countless hours and doing a lot other around the house can put a dampner on your drive. Taking pills like pain or muscle relaxers, even ome heart medications can cause this. When I worked 70 hours a week and took pills I had problems. Now my wife is on 3rd shift and keeping her tired because the hours does not work for her. But one of the main thing that takes both of you is that you need to give each other attention every day. Play a little, go out on dates, dress nicely, Give each other real compliments. This will make a difference. Who ver has the problem neds to do things to feel better about themself also. If the person is not active this will lower thier drive. The person needs to get into some activities so that they are doing more and not just setting around all day.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Compassion. To actually give a crap when you are tired and instead of thinking how that is going to affect you (later on in the bedroom), think about how it's affecting me now, and why... Why am I so tired? Is there anything you could do to help me out so I'm not so tired. Not because you "want some" but because you truly love and care for how I am feeling because you LOVE me... Saying "I love you" don't always work. SHOWING you love me by just simply loving me would be a turn on to me. This is the plain and simple truth from an exhausted, overworked, underpayed, highly stressed wife of ten years. Now you answer my question on how in the world can you get a man to understand that one?!?! You can't because MOST men are hard headed stubborn and selfish people. Maybe I shouldn't say that since I'm sure it's not all men, just mine... :)

  • 1 decade ago

    This is not uncommon. A healthy sex life can act like glue in a marriage. But if one partner has low libido to begin with, and then "lets himself/herself go" and become repulsive to the other partner, that can cause a cessation of all intimacy. This happened to us. The spouse, who had always been shapely and trim, fell under the spell of food; lots of it. Soon she looked exactly like her sister who was a despicable character. I could not see my wife ( in that body) anymore, and with her low libido, and my revulsion, we ceased intimacy for several years!

    She got her act together, finally, and turned herself back into someone I recognized as a bed-mate. Although the sex didn't sizzle, at least it returned.

    I think that testosterone tests may have proven helpful for both of us, but we didn't think of it at the time.

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  • 4 years ago

    probable you're precise about 'optimal grownup adult adult males', yet then what of the others? I have a woman buddy who's 'precise heavy', yet I have have had girlfriends who've been A: flat chested, and B: quite a lot flat chested. for my area, the length of their breast had now no longer something to do with my pastime interior the guy herself. Sorry to deflate your in all risk 'bubble of self preserve motive' to end you getting your self proper right into a courting. i visit in basic words use one arm for this reason of Polio. who's going to % me then? precise, I actually were married 2 circumstances, at present day-day have a woman buddy and performance had limitless them in my previous too. If someone is in touch in 'you', then do now no longer deny them that via operating away, and end denying your guy or woman pastime in others too. strong fulfillment. Sash. playstation : 'narrow' takes position to be my huge-spread structure / length.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have never encountered a men who didn't want to have sex. They may not be able to, for being tired or medication or malfunction of the organ, but men will "do" what's available and then some.

    I am married. I hate sex more than just about anything else. I used to like it ok, but then he became a bull headed jerk off SOB to me and now I don't give a d*mn if I ever have it again with him or anyone else for that matter. I currently have a very low opinion of males. I know that all they ever want is a peace of @$$ but they are not willing to do what it takes to get it and keep it coming. You can't be puttin your woman on the back burner and expect her to want to put out. It doesn't work that way. [!!!!!!!!!]

  • 1 decade ago

    after having my baby i never wanted to have sex due to hormones, being busy, housework, going back to work, oh and did i mention having 3 kids makes you TIRED. when my husband would get up with the kids, help with the house, rub my back to relieve some stress-not always but most of the time i did thank him with a little booty! i am not saying that it always made me want to jump on and i didn't always want to do it and no i did not feel very attractive but with the help of my husband doing house work helping with babies and constantly telling me how beautiful i was mad me want him more and more everyday and now we are back to everyother night!

  • Tink
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I think it is about feeling desired again... it is complicated but something has to bring back that initial urge to want mad passionate love again.. it is hard to be relaxed enough with all the responsibilities of marriage and family.

  • 1 decade ago

    ok well i am in that situation where i don't want sex i mean i could go forever without it, i am depression pills and they say that could have something to do with it, but i am sorry my problem hasn't been resolved so please ladies and gents help us out here..

  • 1 decade ago

    kindness, companionship, romance, interest, compatability, get the idea? "Good sex begins at breakfast" and I don't mean doing it on the kitchen table

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