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Cinnamon asked in Entertainment & MusicMovies · 1 decade ago

Do you think Luke Skywalker would have had a better attitude and personality if his mother raised him?

Yes I know that his mother died in childbirth, but if she hadn't, whether he was played by the same actor or someone else, would that have made a difference in how he turned out?

8 Answers

  • LORD Z
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I like the question.

    Assuming Padme could find somewhere to hide and her funeral could be faked to make the Empire think they were all dead. That would leave Padme to raise Luke and Leia as she pleased. She would probably have to hide out with Yoda because the only way to hide three such powerful life forces is to put them on a planet teaming with life forms. That would mean Dantui. Obi Won would probably join them and the children would begin their training at an early age developing a sibling rivalry over time. Of course, this would take everybody out of the pipeline to the rebellion so there would be no urgent message to tell the group that the death star is being finalized. Now, the interesting thing would be what would be the dynamic of the new showdown. With Padme' alive Vader would be torn between his love for her and his hatred of the Jedi especially since two of the Jedi are his children and the other two were his teacher and his friend/teacher. His loyalty to the Emporer would be sadly tested. He may even have been able to be turned without the big sword fight. I think Luke and Leia would develop a symbiotic style of fighting to compliment each other and Obi Won would remain a much better swordsman as would Yoda. Their piloting skills would suffer. That would hurt in destroying the death star. But, as for Luke I would see him as a stronger fighter because he would be able to tap into his love for others and he would have to be because he would know this time that he has to fight his father from the get go. There's a thought how would Padme' feel about letting herchildren face their father in battle after he nearly killed her?

    Like i said good question.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You talk like if he was played by a different actor, his attitude would've been different. It's a movie, what he said was from a script. Sure a different actor may have added his own little touches, but for the most part it was all from Lucas & crew. Please don't talk bad about Mark Hamel anymore, he was the perfect Luke.

    As far as Luke Skywalker goes, there was nothing wrong with his attitude. He handled himself very well. The knowledge of being a Jedi did not do to him what it did to his father.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Anakin Skywalker's step-brother, Owen Lars, and Owen's spouse, Beru, have been given the toddler Luke on the tip of Episode 3 by Obi-Wan Kenobi. even in spite of the shown fact that, Obi-Wan stored a watch on him for the duration of his youthful people, plenty to the dislike of Owen, who tried to maintain Luke from following down his father's self-detrimental course, which he believed all Jedi shared. final analysis: Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru

  • Besides he WAS raised in a close-knit loving family home. His aunt & uncle may have sheltered him a bit, but obviously they had good cause to. I think they did a fine job raising Luke. He might not have become what he did had he been raised by his birth-mother. No disrespect to the Senator. But, she would've either allowed him to have a relationship with Vader, which would have brought him to the Dark Side. Or she would've had to have hid him out herself and his life would've been more on-the-run than what it turned out to be, your average 'nuclear family'. :-) Also, if she'd not died, she would've also had Luke's sister Leia to raise. They're relationship would have cause each one's life to turn out different, imho, had they grown up together.

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  • 1 decade ago

    i think you mean anikan not luke. luke was a boy scout and he was raised by his aunt and uncle in the desert. so he did have a mother figure type around. i could be wrong about anikan also. he had a mother figure until he was ten and he had no known father. he had cool force powers that made him act like a big spoiled brat. so this could be the skywalker your talking about. man i am a big dork.

  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe. I never thought he had a bad attitude or personality, he always listened to Obi-Wan. Also he promised Yoda he would return to complete his training and he did. Luke always was there for his friends and would have given his life to save him. He wanted nothing more than to help people from suffering and bad times.

    His personality and attitude is nothing like his fathers at all.

  • Lisa
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    What do you mean by better? I think it made him more devoted to the mission. If you ask me, it's Hans Solo who needs the attitude adjustment!!

  • 1 decade ago

    to believe it or not, i have never watched star wars and i never will

    Source(s): <3 AudreY WaNtZ 2 TaK3 U 2 H3r PlaC3 <3
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