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What would you like to see the Canadian minority Conservative government include in today's federal budget?

148 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    # All countries must be conservative, so I recommend reduce spending, better administration of national daycare, reduce taxes, pay down the national debt and eliminate federal advertising, because it is not necessary.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is not so much about cutting or spending that you should be asking about but more importantly,- what will be the total impact of the actions you chose.

    For instance, while the new tax cut saved me a few pennies per purchase the total impact it had on my life was so relativly low that I can easily say "my life didn't change at all". this means there was virtually no impact on my life.

    Now if the tax change didnt happen but you took that money and added a new service that actually benifited me, something with meaning, then would have been more grateful.

    For example: the amount i saved each month on a whole was equal to or exceeded my yearly MSP payments. Instead of giving us a paltry 2% off of taxes over a few years time - something with small impact versus free medical the difference is much more apparent even though the costs are the roughly the same.

    While to some people (especially big spenders) a 2% discount would seem like a better deal. But unless you make ALOT of big purchases and not just one big one like a house or a car. Then the free MSP will still benifit you more over a long term and it effects everyone, not to mention that any excess money that would be saved by the goverment can be used to actually further improve the system. (and by system I dont just mean health care. I mean ANY system that benifits canadians).

    You see by reducing our taxes you are only reducing the total amount of funds that the country recieves - reduce the money canada makes means reducing the total money you can spend on the initial and vital services that all canadians need.

    So in closing, It doesnt matter if you "cut" or "spend" just make sure that whatever you do - you makes sure it has a positive impact on every canadians life. - yes it can be that easy.

  • 5 years ago

    You just have to read any of the past three Auditor General reports to see how much of a lie a budget is. The money would be better spent on Environmental Remediation, and Public Transportation, while implementing emerging technollogies. Europe and Japan are already thirty years ahead of us in emerging technologies, and Obama has just comitted to catching up. We NEED to get a clue, take the hint. The Budget is a blatant lie to avoid a coalition government. Three opposing parties come together to oppose an irresponsible administration, is a miracle like peace in the middle east, and a demonstration of solidarity to the consideration of Canadian voters, and a demonstration of just how bad a party is when such an unpresidented action is considered. The conservitives only received less than 16% of the Canadian vote, because there were five parties, and a 50% turnout. That alone should void the election

  • 7 years ago

    For example: the amount i saved each month on a whole was equal to or exceeded my yearly MSP payments. Instead of giving us a paltry 2% off of taxes over a few years time - something with small impact versus free medical the difference is much more apparent even though the costs are the roughly the same.

    While to some people (especially big spenders) a 2% discount would seem like a better deal. But unless you make ALOT of big purchases and not just one big one like a house or a car. Then the free MSP will still benifit you more over a long term and it effects everyone, not to mention that any excess money that would be saved by the goverment can be used to actually further improve

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would like to see the Canadian Government take the average ever day person into account while making up their budget.

    In the respects of housing, instead of a lot of programs that supply extra cost of renting these days, create new law's that prevent Landlords from being the greedy creatures they are. End of problem. The average Canadian does not want to be on a Welfare system. The labor worker wants to pay for their own way, that is why they are working. Do you really want us to all go to welfare? That is the direction Alberta is taking. Stop it before it is to late. This is Canada. Not the United States.

    Within the budget stop playing the provincal games. This is Canada. We are all Canadians and therefore I believe each province should have the same rules. In AB we pay for health care. In Ontairo it is atomatically given........Our doctor's here and throughout the country are going to the US for better pay. Hint hint you want to fix the problem start there!

    I don't like war but I can see why we are in it. Give the army what it needs so that we are not as in much danger as we are at this moment. I did research in this area many years ago and was shocked to find out that if we ever go into a full war we have nothing to work with. No one likes war but unfortuntely it is a fact at the moment. Also place some major thinking on how to bring it to an end.

    Please educate our children at whatever costs it takes. This is why many of us can leave the country in the past. We were considered extremely smart. Now...........? Most kids entering the work force cannot count and many of them cannot read. This needs to be fixed now. Stop spending so much money on programs that just take up paper work. Remind teachers they are there for the students and not for payed days of discussing the children. How many parents can really afford all the day care they need because of all these holidays the children are getting because the teachers need to talk?

    Allow our police force to have more say when it comes to criminals. We are getting sick of the criminals getting their way. Ever wonder why a good person goes bad........they get tired of seeing the bad guys getting away with it. Maybe its time to sue the lawyers?

    Simple thoughts. I could get fancy but I believe you will understand my points. :-) and thanks for asking for my thoughts..........

    People this is freedom.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would like to see more money going towards the schools. Parents are finding it harder and harder to put their kids through school because of the costs. At one point, I could remember that elementary children (in Calgary) didn't need to buy their own supplies. Ontario still enforces that. They don't even have to send their kids with a pencil if they didn't want to. Nowadays, you even have to buy a box of kleenex when you child goes to kindergarden!! The government should have the same standards all across the country.

    Also, there should be a stiffer tax on those who make more money (like over 100 thou). Give more breaks for families with small children/school age children trying to work. Bring down the costs of daycare or some sort of tax break at the end of the year to help out. It shouldn't cost $1000 to put 1 child in daycare for a month.

    The last thing is that I don't think that the people working in the government shouldn't be allowed to give themselves a raise. They make more than enough money while there are other people who are working more than 1 job to make ends meet.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The reduction in GST is a nice to have, but there should be more personal income tax cuts. The government has a budget excess in the billions and it would be nice to see some of that money going back to the people who contribute to the coffers. People on Social assistance seem to take advantage of the system as well. There is definitely a need for this and there are people who need it, but the fact that there are a whole lot of people sitting at home and not working is a burden on our society. Help people get to a social point in their life where they have a bit extra and they will care as much about the environment as the next guy. It's hard to have concern for the environment when you are battling to put food on the table and a roof over your head because you are paying most of your income in taxes (not just income, but hidden taxes as well, like taxes on gas for your vehicle etc)

    Source(s): Just my opinion.
  • 1 decade ago


    This is politically sexy, but to the average person, it does not add up.

    Where should the money go?

    1) Education - we have the best young minds in the world right here. Lets get excited about giving our youth the best tools to show the world that CANADA is the best!

    2) Medicine - let's find a fix so we can maintain the best system in the world. Let's not become America Jr.

    3) Childcare - The workers are under paid, even though the fees break the bank. they should be paid what they are worth, but it should be affordable to the average family.

    4) Seniors care - because they deserve to live with their dignity intact.

    5) Military - These young people put their lives on the line, we should give them the tools to do their job.

    6) Infrastructure (including public transit) - the cities need it.

    7) Pay down the national debt so our kids will have a better country.

  • 1 decade ago

    Canadian Goverment is more interested in big buisness that the older Canadians that built and fought for this country. I am ashamed to say that we did not do any favours for our seniors. I see many seniors working beyond their retirement years at stores because they can not live on what the old age pention pays them. I thank God that at least in Alberta that the economy is hot and the seniors who can make extra money can. But in many parts of Canada they can not because of the labour force and high unemployment. The budget that just came out does not do enough to allow seniors to enjoy retirement. I am not a senior but I do have eyes to see that they are the forgotten just like our World War Veterans were and are still. The budget does not address this.We have billions in U.I. overpayments why not use it for seniors who worked and made this nation so great. I am a conservative voter and contribute to the party.

    Source(s): My self and my ears and eyes
  • 1 decade ago

    Significant funds to be immediately invested to create a 100% 'Canadian' publically owned and operated energy company. The company would invest in securing Canada's current and future energy requirements through direct investment in the Alberta Tar Sands Projects and other resource related energy projects, refining capacities, and distribution infrastructure.

    The security of our economy and our way of life is at risk. The urgency and importance of a comprehensive and all inclusive energy policy and development of associated services cannot be dismissed.

    Canada has the largest oil reserves in the world (~300 billion barrels), and yet we have virtually no 'national' energy assets and no national energy reserve or stockpile.

    While Ottawa fidles in the shadows, divesting Canada of it's natural resources, the term 'freezing in the dark' becomes a very real possiblity.

  • 1 decade ago

    What I'd actually like first is for people to understand what money is.

    1) Money = debt. It is a promise to do work in the future. It is NOT a value assigned to work that has been completed.

    As such, cutting the budget does not make Canada wealthier, it means we are promising to do less work in the government.

    2) If we lower taxes, you must make up for this money=debt promise by doing more work yourself. This is rarely the case and our economy suffers because of it.

    3) As such, look for the sneaky cheap ticks in the budget and actually make some noise about it. eg: Last time, they lowered the GST while raising the bottom % of the lowest tax bracket. This WAS not a tax break for the middle and lower class, it simply added to the number of people who were required to pay taxes at the lowest bracket (ie: The poor). You only made it up if you actually spent enough money on GST items to offset the higher taxes added onto the lower bracket of taxation, which we all pay.

    Having said that

    Reduce government salary that does not directly contribute to profit of the country or our basic human needs. Government wages are the biggest welfare system of them all. I personally do not want tax dollars being spent on "make work" projects to solve imaginary problems.

    Put this "money" in systems or projects that meet this criteria.

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