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cheri b asked in Politics & GovernmentMilitary · 1 decade ago

Will Bush deny the troops in Iraq funding by vetoing the bill to fund them?

If he does veto it, why does he hate the US troops?

Is it because they are man enough to fight for the US and Bush himself is a chicken?

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Clearly Dictator Dumbya loves his Big Lie Iraqi Crusade and playing with the troops like toy soldiers more than the troops themselves.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, the Demoncrats in Congress will deny the troops funding by attempting to float a bill past that will do nothing but cause more senseless death in a war that up until that point will have a meaning and a purpose. They'll also deny the troops what they need by attaching big money "incentives" and favors onto the bill, such as bailing out the spinach farmers in California who were hurt by the e-coli outbreak, to entice those opposed to the bill to vote for it.

    More political BS, as usual.

    And Bush doesn't hate the troops, as much as you may like to think so. He, along with the troops by the way, think that broadcasting our military strategy to the enemy is a very bad idea.

    If you'd ever served any time in the military, you'd think so too.

  • 1 decade ago

    I HOPE HE VETOES IT!! I am an army wife, and nobody wants what is best for the troops than I do. HOWEVER, those idiot democrats think they are going to get it passed through by attaching all the pork projects they can. Their downfall is trying to attach a requirement that the troops begin redeployment by next spring. Bush wont go for anyone mandating when the troops come home. The troops should come home when Iraq is stable and can police and govern itself. WHEN THE MISSION IS DONE...not before.

    Source(s): Proud Army wife, 3rd ID
  • 5 years ago

    Bush vows to veto a bill to set a remaining date for troops leaving Iraq which might in turn deny investment to the comparable troops. is this meant to be a convenience to the troops? A bill ladened with purple meat to attraction to others to vote in prefer of it. is this meant to be a convenience to the anti-conflict voters? How concerning to the voters who loathe purple meat? the two aspects seems so be sure to attraction to their bases that that is getting incredibly much comical...i mean frightening. what's scarier is that that's the team of persons that the voters of united states of america voted to have as representatives. that's purely too plenty.

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  • 1 decade ago

    No, there will be no veto. The bill, as it's now written, will die in the Senate.

    Good luck, I hope this helps.

    I've got 22 years in the navy. Bush has about 500 hours as PPC in the cockpit of a jet fighter. How about you?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The bill still needs to pass Senate which it wont and if vetoed they will need to pass a new war funding bill that they don't try to pass a lot of liberal BS(pork) in with it and try to appear to be looking out for the troops.

    Chaulk up another democrat failure.

  • wizjp
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Well; I think he'll sign the bill for funding the troops when it arrives on his desk containing only funding for the troops and not a lot of things that won't do anything to protect the troops.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Buddy the only chickens are all the demos. who want to pull out , Bush has stood his ground 100% and iran is next on the list . In case you forgot .

  • RX
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    First of all the soldiers are not fighting for USA.Iraq war was a mistake,even Bush admit it.Is about time all americans get that!

    Second instead of Bush veto the bill is better that he ask UN for help.If american want the soldiers back,if the situation is not getting better what else is left to do but to admit he messed up,apologize and ask for international help?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    man all i got to say is the he needs to bring the troops bk an stop getting so fuken greety he is never gona win the war down dier because diers is nothng to fight over because he is trying to make the iraqies change the way they think kome own to win the war his gona hav to kill every body an put new people dier kome own the fu needs to stop all the **** an let evry bodys kids an husbans bak am for real fuken gretty mathafuker

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