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drezdogge asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

why do people find it necessary to belittle peoples mix breed dogs?

they know its a mix, why is it so beneath you that they have cutsie poo names for thier mutts, i met a chihuahua/dachshund mix and the owners call it a chi-weenie, i think its soooo cute



17 Answers

  • tom l
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    We don't!!! It's not the dogs fault, they had no control of who their parents were. But a person did!!!!!!

    So it's the breeder that should get the blame, not the dog.

    Why belittle the names???? Simple, "a rose by any name is still a rose"

    Source(s): breeder trainer exhibitor
  • 1 decade ago

    It's not that people are belittling them, they are just trying to explain that anything that is not purebred, is technically a mutt. For example, my friend has a dog that comes from a purebred staffordshire terrier and black lab. They call her a mutt because of it, even though her parents were show dogs and won several awards.

    Although the names like "shih-poo" and "golden-doodle" are fun, the are not recognized breeds because they don't have a breed standard (there is no look that they all share in common).

    Just to clarify here, I am not putting down mutts, or crosses by any means, as I have a mutt from the pound and she is my pride and joy : ) The main issue is really just breeders charging $1200 for a shihzu crossed with a chihuaha, or $2000 or more for a golden doodle, when you can go to the pound and pick one up for $100.

  • Sandy
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I think that people don't like mix breeds especially designer mix breeds because it is just another part of the over dog population. Irresponsible people allow their female dogs to get pregnant by not paying any attention and when the puppy's come out with faces a mother could only love the puppy's find their way to bad homes the street or to the pound. The pound is full of them, but this isn't always true of course but I would say the the majority. Also the point of breeding dogs is to better the breed not to invent new breeds. But on the other hand there are lots of mix breed dogs out there and some people have better luck with them. It comes to individual preference and not others opinions.

  • 1 decade ago

    No one is belittling mixed breed dogs, it is designer dogs everyone has a problem with. The owners are not the ones who come up with the cutsy names, it is the crooks that create these mutts that come up with the cutsy name to dupe people into believing they are getting more than a mutt, this way they can charge them big bucks for designer dogs even though it is still just a mutt. When dogs are adopted from shelters why do you suppose that they do not give them cutsy names, the reason is because no matter what they call them they are not trying to rob people.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Some people who have pure breed dogs just think that they are better . Who knows why. I have 2pure breed Min Pins & I don't think that my dogs are any better then the next. I know that most of your pure breed dogs are a mix of other dogs. Example... My Min pins are a mix of German Pinscher , Italian greyhound , Dachshund. They are considered pure breed after a period of time which I am not sure of. I can say that there are just some people who just think they are better then others in many different things but they are not. Don't ever take what people say to heart its just not worth it. Be proud of what you have. we all think are pets are better then others in a lot of ways.doesn't mean people have to think it too. Just as long as you love your dog thats all that matters.

    I do think its crazy when people cross breed with poodles and say the that breed is hypoallergenic. Is false the saliva is what cause allergies. Poodles just barely shed is all (They do shed). So people charge outrageous prices for these animals. Breeding is NOT profitable it cost more money then anything if you do it the right way. Good breeders breed for sound dogs healthy & fit the standards.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know. I think I've seen some of the most beautiful dogs and they are mixed. I don't think it makes a dog better to have papers. I own one registered Saint and one mastiff/german shepard cross they are both fantastic dogs. However, I don't advocate letting dogs breed unless it is for the betterment of the breed as there are too many homeless, unloved animals in the world due to irresponsibility. Pets should be spayed and neutered as soon as they hit six months. Just think that adorable chi-weenie you saw probably had 5 or 6 litter mates, how many of them got homes and how many are in shelters. Just my opinion.

  • 5 years ago

    I've certainly not heard that earlier than. I realize that persons surely have a alternative for natural breds like i do however that does not imply i hate combined breeds. many persons use natural breds for what their common intent was once for reminiscent of pointing puppies, herding puppies, protect puppies, and different paintings similar matters. additionally many persons experience the way in which a detailed breed appears and acts in comparison to others. combined breed puppies are not dependable in those locations that natural breds are on account that the natural breds had been bred for generations upon generations for those functions... however such a lot combined breeds are unintentional go breedings that does not imply that combined breeds cannot be high-quality partners regardless of that truth.

  • 1 decade ago

    A dach/chihuaha mix? The amount of skeletal problems this dog will have is enormous....That is cruelty.

    Get off your high horse, people can be critical about anything they want.

    Designer dog breeders are scum. These dogs have poor health, screwed up temperment issues, and end up costing their owners high vet bills, or most likely dumped at animal shelters, and become 'our' problems.

    We are not talking about simple mix-dogs like there were in the 70's & 80's....these are animals bred for some idiot who wants to be noticed.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    coz they're a bunch of close-minded freaks. pure breeds come from different mixes, they just called it 'pure' after a period of time. here in the philippines, mix breed or pure breed, we love them all. we never give out our dogs-we love them no matter what they look like. to us, they're the most adorable, most loving creatures around. we don't give our dogs or put it for adoption when we move to a new place. we take them with us!lol those cutsie poo names are a little

    Source(s): my country
  • 1 decade ago

    I love mixed breed dogs whether there from a pound or bred that way.I hate to dumb names they call the dogs though.

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