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Will you please pray for me?

During a self breast exam, very dark blood was expressed from my left breast. Of course, I'm trying not to freak out, but it's hard, considering the main (and I believe ONLY) reason for it would be a tumor or cyst of some sort. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning.

I need all the spiritual help I can get right now. Will you please pray for me? I've dealt with cancer in my family, and I know it's going to be a long haul, no matter what it turns out to be. Even if it's benign, I'll always wonder in the back of my mind if it's coming back to steal my life away.

I'm 33 years old, visually impaired, have two young children, and married to a man who's life is going to be cut short due to COPD. I'm not asking for it to be something it's not. I know God doesn't give any challenge that cannot be overcome. I'm asking for the strength and endurance to see it through to the end, whatever end that may be. I need wisdom along the way to provide for and protect my children.



Thank you all so much. My hands are shaking and I can barely see through the tears. I can't even read all of your responses right now. I know the Lord is at work...

And I'll keep you updated if you request it in your answers. An online prayer list, if you will...


Update 2:

COPD is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. It's basically mucus and damaged lung tissue that builds up and builds up and eventually lessens airflow to the point of suffocation (not enough oxygen to carry out bodily functions). His mom died of it when she was at 16% normal air flow. He was diagnosed in August and is already down to 68%.

Update 3:

Well, I just got back from the doctor's. He found a "bit of swelling" and is "very concerned". I had blood drawn for some tests, and I'm going for a mammogram tomorrow and will follow up with a breast specialist.

If you want to keep updated, star this question and I'll keep extending it until I get some answers. Thank you all for your continued love and support.


Update 4:

I'm beginning to hate this already. I had the mammogram (not as uncomfortable as I thought it would be) but the tech said the radiologist found nothing abnormal. However, a lump was found in my RIGHT breast...not the one that is bleeding. They did an ultrasound on that area and found the lump wasn't even there!! I know I'm not imagining husband even felt it! It's about the size of a pea. What the heck is going on??? This is NOT normal!! A lump in one and blood from the other...oi.

Hopefully, I'll get some answers when I follow up with the women's clinic. Maybe they can do a biopsy or something. *sigh*

Update 5:

Well, I guess I've extended this as far as I'm allowed to go. I'll report any progress in the "comments" section.

I've got an appointment on Monday at a women's clinic and will go from there. Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers. God Bless you all...

31 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Dear Father in Heaven, I lift up this one to you now & ask you to surround her with Your peace and comfort. You have created her for Your glory & purpose and I pray You bless her with assurance of Your love. Fill her with confidence of Your prescence and the strength to face any difficulties ahead. Give wisdom to her doctors & nurses, technitions, & all who will be taking care of her. Please remove all fear in her heart - we know fear comes from Satan. You are our strength, our safe refuge, our protecter, and our Lord. It's You and You alone Who can move the universe. You are Creator of all we see and the sustainer of life. Wrap her in your arms tonight and give her rest & a new resolve to trust You with her life. Thank You for loving us & being available to us. You are truly a loving Father Who cares for His children. We step into Your care & welcome Your love. Let this child be evidence of what You can do. In all our requests we will ask that Your will be done. To God be all glory. We ask this in the name of Your precious Son, Jesus. Amen

  • 1 decade ago

    I'll be praying for you. First of all for your peace in this matter, then for the wisdom of the doctors to determine the best treatment options for you.

    I don't know if this will be any consolation or not, but my former sister in law had the same situation (bleeding from her breast) and was convinced it was cancer. Through medical tests, the bleeding from her nipples turned out to be something relating to her hormones instead of being cancerous. So, this may not be cancer at all.

    I know when things are stressful, it's hard not to think on bad things and it's easy to get tunnel vision, but take things one day at a time. Cancer treatments are improving all the time, and you are doing everything you can to increase your chances of survival. You did a breast self-exam and you're going to the doctors. Now, it's time to rest until you see the doctor. You've also asked for prayers, and yes, I will be praying for you.

    Take care and let God do the worrying tonight, okay?

    EDIT: We'll want to know how things turned out for you. Could you send me an e-mail message via my avatar and let me know how the test results come out (just remind me that you had the breast cancer scare)???

  • Gone
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I am in China, but I am a Christian.

    I will pray for you. May God be with you always.

    There is a book I would invite you to read. It is from almost 500 years ago and is the best work on the subject of adversities in our lives. I am also a Christian and the book gave me strength when I was suffering from lots of things when I was younger. The book is in English. Hope it helps.

    It is called: The Dark Night of the Soul By St John of the Cross. It can be found online to read here:

    you can download it by clicking the icon on the left right corner of the page.

  • 1 decade ago

    Now Silver, your starting out wrong. You have to be positive. You go to the doctor tomorrow faith believing that all things happen for the good of those who love the Lord. I will be praying for you of course. Please re post a praise report tomorrow when they tell you its nothing to worry about and the devil is a liar and will not touch you. In Jesus Name.

    Go to The Intercessors and post your prayer request. People pray 24/7 okay. Peace back at you.

    Source(s): ch
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  • 1 decade ago

    Sweetie, I will not only pray for you and your family, but I will add the details of your situation to the online prayer group that I belong to. People all over the world will be praying for you.

    God bless you, and know that my thoughts and best wishes are with you and your whole family.

  • 1 decade ago

    Praying for God to keep fear far from you, to strengthen and comfort you, to give you wisdom, courage and His peace that passes all understanding, and for your healing. Remember that God has a perfect plan for your life and that your steps in this life are ordered by Him. He will work all things for your good and the good of your family. I am also praying for your husband. Please let me know how things go tomorrow. God bless and keep you, in Jesus' name.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have a mother and aunt who survived breast cancer. Allot of cancer in my famly. I'll offer a prayer for you and your famly. If you need to rant or talk, I'm avalible. BTW whats COPD?


  • 1 decade ago

    Sure will pray for you,and bless you sweetheart. I would suggest you also ask God to heal you,and do it His way. Anoint with the oil of our people. Olive oil. Anoint and pray,God still hears.If it is cancer,He will see you through it if you trust in Him.

  • 1 decade ago

    Heavenly Father, as I give voice to Your Word, the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus makes this young woman free from the law of sickness and death. And your Life is energizing every cell in her body.(Rom 8:12) Father God I am asking that you forbid growths and tumors to inhabit her body! The life of God within her dissolves growths and tumors. Restore her strength and health .

    'The life of God flows within her bringing healing, to every fiber of her being. (Matt.8;17; John 6:63)

    In Jesus most precious and Holy Name Amen

  • 1 decade ago

    Well I am asking my MIGHTY God, GREAT physician, and MERCIFUL Healer, to heal you in the name of Jesus! Dear Heavenly Father, I ask that right now, there is complete healing in Silverwolf, and that you, who knew her in her Mother's womb, and knit her together perfectly, would mend the places in her body that need mending, and that you would provide the perfect dose of peace, and comfort that she needs at this time. I thank you for her life, her comittment to her husband and children, and believe that you have more plans for her life! We praise you Father for who you are, and for what you can do, and for what you are now going to do and to accomplish through Silverwolf.

    In your precious and heavenly name I pray,


    Pray and Believe, Pray and Believe!


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