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  • What pet would you suggest...?

    My family of four, including me, my husband, and our two boys (14 and 6) are moving into a three bedroom townhouse. My little one is moderately Autistic, my 14 year old has Asberger's Syndrome (a very high functioning Autism), and I myself am disabled (Stage Four breast cancer survivor, with unrelated mild neurological impairments, including visual impairment and mild motor issues.) Because of our disabilities, we are allowed to have a companion/service animal. I haven't had pets in years, but when I was growing up, I always had one or two cats and a dog. The problem is, I love both cats and dogs and can't decide which would be a better choice for this situation.

    I do know I want a spayed female, and either a large front-declawed lapcat (that can run away from my little one if need be) or a small to medium dog that can physically handle being loved on, but not yippie so as not to be annoying.

    I want to rescue an animal from a shelter if possible, so I'll probably get a mix breed of sorts, but I don't really know what breeds to even start with.

    Obviously, I'm home all the time and will be able to work with the animal as much as needed, and will physically be able to go for short daily walks if I get a dog. During good weather, we have a play area she can run around in, too, but not a fenced in area that is available ALL the time, like in a backyard.

    Thank you so much for your time and thoughts. My children and I much appreciate it!!


    5 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Is a 2 quart casserole dish closer to a 9x9 or a 9x13 pan?

    I'm making peach cobbler and those are the only two pans I have. Which would work better?

    6 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • What is involved with shipping a dog?

    Long story short, I need to get a young dog (1 year old lab) from Eastern Pennsylvania to Midwest Ohio and have no clue how to go about it. HELP!!!

    How much does it cost?

    What do I do?

    Who do I contact?

    Any info is appreciated.

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What does it mean when someone healthy smells death?

    This is freaking me out. My husband is driving to work, and called to tell me that he smells death on his clothes, in the air, all around him. He's gone several miles with the windows open and it's still lingering. There's also a storm brewing after a very dry summer, but the lady I babysit for just picked up her baby and said she doesn't smell anything odd. Any ideas what this would mean?

    PS He's an EMT and knows what death smells like. He says it's almost like roadkill, but definately different. Personally, I've never smelled it.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Wildflower seed mixes...?

    I got a box of "Sunny Area Wildflower" mix (contains annual and perennial flowers) from Family Dollar (I also saw the Alyssum Mix of the same brand at WalMart) but I can't remember the name of it. It was a tan box with a white banner across the top in an arch shape, with drawn flowers on the carton and a picture of the real flowers on the front. The seeds have germinated very well, and now I have a mass of green foliage (no flowers yet...I seeded late). I would love to figure out what's what, but have no clue where to start. I know I could do each plant, but if I could get the name, hence a list of possibilities, it'll make my life much easier. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.


    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • I know this has been asked a hundred times...?

    but this is a unique situation.

    My husband and I need some help. I am visually impaired and am dealing with other neurological disorders that mostly involve motor function. (walking, lifting, climbing, etc) I can no longer drive. But I can adjust my computer to compensate for my eye issues.

    My husband is working full time at a factory making 14.25 an hour. (Just to let you know where we are financially.) This job is going to Mexico in less than a year, so between the two of us, we need to replace his income. I say both of us because I would love to find a job that we can both do from home, so he can be here to assist with housework and taking care of our two boys, and yet we'll have enough income to pay the bills.

    If you have any ideas or suggestions about online job opportunities (NOT our own business...we can't afford to take a chance on it's success or failure) I'm all ears.

    Thanks in advance


    8 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Can constant headaches be caused by low blood sugar?

    My husband has had a constant headache for the past few months. (Yes, MONTHS) and nothing is helping it. He's gone to the doctor and has been referred to a neurologist, but can't get in until July. He's been given Imitrex, but it doesn't help. He got shots from the ER, but that didn't faze it either. He's had an MRI and that came back clear.

    Anyway, this is actually a two-part question. When I was pregnant, I had hypoglycemia and found when I hit a horrible low, a swallow of maple syrup would make me feel better almost instantly. I tried this one morning with him, and worked for about 15 minutes, then came back, but not any worse than what it was.

    Can hypoglycemia cause ONLY headaches, or are there other signs to look for? (It's been a while since I've had it so I can't remember the details.)

    Any other suggestions until he can get to the neurologist? He's on a host of meds (nexium, wellbutrin, singulair, lomotil, albuterol inhaler) so he has to be careful...

    11 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Flower identification help, please...?

    My mother in law and I found these perrenials and would like to identify them. (I can't take a pic because we've already transplanted them to pots.) They are small, white flowers with four petals, very slender, like a cross. The leaves are extremely thin, almost like thick grass. There's a thin white/light green stripe running down the center. The bulbs range in size from an unshelled peanut to pea-sized.

    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!


    PS We live in Ohio, if that helps...

    4 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • How do I find out what kind of desktop computer this is?

    I got a used computer from a friend that knows nothing about it. I know it's a Dell, is running Windows 98, has 192 mb of RAM, and has a Pentium III processor. Other than the ethernet and phone modem PCI cards (obviously), it's running on integrated systems. Other than that, I know bupkus. How can I find out more info such as...

    specific model name

    processing speed

    date of manufacture

    Thanks for all your help!!


    6 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • How do you freshen old dresser drawers?

    A friend just gave me a bedroom set (mirror dresser and chest of drawers) that has been in a garage for quite some time. They're old but still in good shape. What's the best way to clean them (the dust is in EVERY nook and cranny) and what can I do to keep my clothes from picking up that stale wood smell? Any suggestions are appreciated.

    ps I don't like the smell of cedar, so that's out. I like the smell of lavendar or fresh flowers, just like the laundry soap I use.


    10 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • Have you ever heard of such a thing...three breast lumps developing in two weeks??

    I need some advise from women with experience. I had bloody discharge from my left breast, so I went to the doctor. At the initial exam, she found no lumps in that breast, but found two in my right, which she thought were glandular and not alarming. A sample of the discharge was sent to the lab and my prolactin level was tested. I also had a mammogram that came back clear. When I went back a week later for followup, a third, very large (1x3cm) lump was found laying on top of my rib which was not there before. The discharge showed abnormal cells and my prolactin level is normal. I followup with a surgeon on Monday.

    Last night I found two more in each breast, for a total of four in my right and one in my left breast. (It's been less than a week since my last exam.) Those areas are painful at times, like their growing is stretching the tissues around it, but the lump itself is not painful.

    Can cancer be this aggressive??

    5 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Will you please pray for me?

    During a self breast exam, very dark blood was expressed from my left breast. Of course, I'm trying not to freak out, but it's hard, considering the main (and I believe ONLY) reason for it would be a tumor or cyst of some sort. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning.

    I need all the spiritual help I can get right now. Will you please pray for me? I've dealt with cancer in my family, and I know it's going to be a long haul, no matter what it turns out to be. Even if it's benign, I'll always wonder in the back of my mind if it's coming back to steal my life away.

    I'm 33 years old, visually impaired, have two young children, and married to a man who's life is going to be cut short due to COPD. I'm not asking for it to be something it's not. I know God doesn't give any challenge that cannot be overcome. I'm asking for the strength and endurance to see it through to the end, whatever end that may be. I need wisdom along the way to provide for and protect my children.


    31 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • My husband's new uniform pants...?

    My husband hates the new-fabric feel of his uniform pants. (He's in maintenence at a factory.) Is there any way I can wash them thoroughly enough to soften them and make them more comfortable for him without washing them a dozen times? (I use a coin-op machine and it can add up quick.)

    By the way, we have hard water to boot. Would vinegar or baking soda mixed with the regular soap or in the rinse water help? Thanks for any suggestions.


    3 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • Can you help me find my waistline?

    I seem to have misplaced my waistline sometime in the last eight years, between baby one and two. I eat healthy, watch my servings, speedwalk on a treadmill 2-3 times a week, and have a gym membership (hence, the treadmill). The problem is, I absolutely cannot lose weight. I've actually GAINED four pounds since working out! (And no, it's not because I'm gaining muscle...there's not enough change to notice much of anything but the numbers going UP!)

    I think I might have a thyroid condition, and will be going to the docs soon. Until then, any suggestions to tone up?

    ps Due to physical issues (balance problems, gait disturbance, neck surgery) I have to be careful. No strain on neck, unable to run/jog, and sure footing is a must.

    Thanks for any advice!


    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Can you help me find my waistline?

    I seem to have misplaced my waistline sometime in the last eight years, between baby one and two. I eat healthy, watch my servings, speedwalk on a treadmill 2-3 times a week, and have a gym membership (hence, the treadmill). The problem is, I absolutely cannot lose weight. I've actually GAINED four pounds since working out! (And no, it's not because I'm gaining muscle...there's not enough change to notice much of anything but the numbers going UP!)

    I think I might have a thyroid condition, and will be going to the docs soon. Until then, any suggestions to tone up?

    ps Due to physical issues (balance problems, gait disturbance, neck surgery) I have to be careful. No strain on neck, unable to run/jog, and sure footing is a must.

    Thanks for any advice!


    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Can vinegar and/or baking soda soften hard water?

    What happens chemically when each is added to hard tapwater?

    Which would be preferable to add to a child's bath?

    3 AnswersChemistry1 decade ago
  • Possible employment with visual disability?

    I was just denied social security disability. To keep it short, I'll use an excerpt from the letter...

    "You are able to perform limited activities that do not involve fine visual acuity or wide visual fields. You may experience memory problems, but are able to follow directions, communicate, and act in your own interest..."

    Basically, my eyes are corrected to 20/20 with glasses, but I have muscular issues resulting in double vision, downbeat nystagmus (bouncing up and down) looking directly ahead, and elliptical nystagmus (steady movements in elliptical pattern) looking to either side.

    So, does anyone have any ideas about what type of work I can do that fits this description? I'm currently working with the Bureau of Services for the Visually Impaired, but up to this point we were considering office work. In addition to their help, if I can find work on my own, they will try to help me keep it with accomodations, etc. Thank you.

    2 AnswersCareers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Warehouse check-in damage report...?

    My husband checks in warehouse semi-trailers and is looking for a form that can be used so damage can be documented as the trucks come in so his warehouse isn't blamed for existing damage. Any help would be appreciated.

    Thank you

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Here's one for everyone...?

    What is your favorite passage, whether it's from the Bible, Koran, whatever writings you hold to be true? (This is for Athiests, too. I just don't know what writings you use.)

    How has it influenced your life in a positive way? Be nice, be positive, and let's get some good vibes going around here...


    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago