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Lv 4
Louise asked in Pregnancy & ParentingPregnancy · 1 decade ago

Question for mothers and mothers to be?

I was just wondering what tales you have heard that you may have used to determine your babies sex without actually finding out till birth. Were any true for you? I have heard ones like low heartrate means boy. I already know the one about how high or low the baby is sitting and in my family this is true, so please don't mention that one, but what others are there?

I'm 21 years and im 19 weeks, my friends are all having bets on what it is but i don't want to find out for sure what it is till birth. But find it fun guessing. Does anyone else have stories like this they would like to share? Im interested as to what proved true for you.

I understand that everyone is different thats not what im asking just asking for your opinions and experiences thank you.

I also wish everyone the best of luck in their pregnancies.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    ->I've heard early nausea is a girl (proved true twice for me ... nausea started at 7weeks w/ the 1st and 5weeks w/ the 2nd)

    ->Full breasts are suppose to mean girl (again proved true w/ both pregnancies for me)

    ->High heart rate girl (Proved true for my 1st pregnancy. W/ my second pregnancy the heartrate was WAY lower. However, my midwife said that second babies are usually more mellow ... )

    ->As for cravings I've heard salty foods, and cheese means boy. Which proved wrong... My second pregnancy I wanted salt and vinager chips and cheese and crackers ALL the time and I thought I was going to have a boy ... not only because of the different cravings but w/ the lower heartrate ... and it was a girl.

    ->Take a pice of thread and place your wedding band on it. Hold it over your belly and watch the motion. If it goes in a circle it's a boy and if it goes side to side it's a girl.(This proved true for me as well)

    Congrats on your pregnancy!!! You're going to have a wonderful surprise either way.

    Good Luck!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm currently 21 weeks pregnant with my second and all the old wives tales for me where true this time and I'm having another wonderful baby girl. If you are carrying high it's a girl and if you are basketball it's a girl a football it's a boy. If you crave fruits it a girl if you crave meats it's boy. If you have morning sickness in your first trimester its a girl.( didn't have morning sickness with my first). If the heart rate is below 130 than its a boy and above it's a girl her heart rate was 160. It is fun guess in and seeing what other people tell you that you are having. My husband and I took a poll of our friends and family on how many thought it was a boy or a girl. Good luck and congratulations on your pregnancy!!

  • Kris L
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I gave birth to three sons and two daughters ... the 'sons' I carried 'low' and was 'fat as someone having a litter' but with the daughters I carried 'extremely high' and didn't even 'look' pregnant until right before the baby was born. I 'knew' what I was carrying by the 'position' of the baby ... my Grandmother had carried my mother 'very high' and didn't look pregnant, and my uncle 'very low' and looked like she was having a litter ... my mom carried two girls and she did 'show' but didn't show nearly as much as other women ... and I'm 56, and think that you're GREAT for wanting to find out 'all of the different ways' to tell 'what the gender' of your children will be. HAPPY BABY!

  • Mom
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    My husband's grandmother was from Italy and she had this old wives tale, which came true for all my children. She said when your child is born, look at their hairline on the back of their neck. if it comes down into a tail, that means the next child will be a boy. If the hairline is straight across, the next child will be a girl. Well, my first child had a tail - and my second baby was a boy! His hairline was straight across - and my third baby was a girl! We had fun guessing this way!

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  • Jes
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I didn't find out until two weeks before my daughter was born that she would be a girl. It was my 3rd ultrasound. I wanted to know the sex, but she always had her legs crossed and they just couldn't tell. It was sooo much fun guessing. There's lots of old wives tales about it. Someone once told me to pee in a toilet filled with drano and see what color it turns. Supposedly if it turns a certain color, it means boy or girl. It just turned yellow (there's a big surprise). All I can suggest is to buy lots of baby gear in neutral colors and have two names picked out. Its getting rare that people choose to wait until delivery. I admire your determination though, I couldn't wait to find out with both my kids!

  • 1 decade ago

    My grandmother said that you use a needle attached to a piece of string and hold it just above your wrist. If the needle swings toward your fingers's a boy. If it swings toward your elbow, it's a girl. When I did it, it went toward my fingers and I had a boy... so maybe this works or maybe it was just an old wives tale. Either way it was fun guessing

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Wel all babies have a high heartbeat in the beginning and the bigger they get the slower the heartbeat will be because they have to pump blood through a bigger body.. Everything from me carrying my belly high, fast heart beat, having acne, and the chinese calender thing said i was going to have a girl... Wel at my ultrasound I saw the penis soo its most definitely a BOY!!! They are just old wives tales.. way back when they didnt have ultrasounds... =)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I actually was wondering the same thing when I was pregnant with my son, I was so anxious to find out. I had fun guessing. I have heard that if you crave meat its a boy, if you crave fruits than its a girl. None of that worked for me, I craved friuts my whole first trimester and meat my second...but he was a boy...

    Source(s): Mommy of a 5 day old baby...Aidan
  • 1 decade ago

    They say...and yes I have done it and it worked every time for me...but you have to have a very steady hand...

    If you pull out a hair from the expectant mums head, thread it through her wedding band, or if unmarried a ring she always wears, and hold it an inch above the her i said a very steady hand is needed...if the ring swings back and forward its a boy, if it swings in circles its a girl...

  • 1 decade ago

    One is if your having a boy other little boys wont come to you and etc. Also if another person is pregnant with a boy and your having a boy if they touch you your baby will kick really hard

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