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  • Voice goes croaky randomly please help?

    Wondering whats going on, i was sick most of winter and had a croaky voice through most of it. I'm well now but randomly my voice will give out, either goes croaky or ill lose it completely and have to cough to try to get it back. It's embarrasing as i work as a cashier and talk to people all day. Is this something i need to see a doctor about or will it pass. I've been well for over a month now. Let me know if you need more info, to help you help me, thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Nipple piercing one or both?

    Ok so here it is.. I'm a 23 year old female and ive decided to mutilate my body once more. (i have tongue ring, Belly ring, cartilidge done) Since i have finished with having kids, ive decided my next step is a nipple ring. BUT i cant decide whether to get one or both done (it is about $20 cheaper to get both done then one at a time, should i decide to go later for the second one) So what do you think one or both. Please dont comment on how painful it was for you or your omg dont do it its disgusting, ive made up my mind ive chosen a very reputal piercer with about 18 years experience and has travelled over seas to learn better ways of piercing, and he has only good reviews. ok that said.

    One or both?

    12 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Birth control question( no not an am i preg question)?

    ok guys just wondering i missed two pills (im on Levlen ED) and ive started bleeding. is there anyway i can make the bleeding stop soon. do i just continue as normal and it will go away or will i have a normal period (i only had my period last week) any info would be great , will it just be shorter and lighter, if anyone has experienced a similiar situation please share.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • First period after giving birth question?

    I had my second daughter 10 weeks ago. i stopped bleeding around 5 weeks, at 6 weeks i had a bit of spotting for a day then nothing till 8 weeks when my period started. Stopped for a day at nine weeks and started again. Its now 10 weeks and it still hasn't stopped, sometimes red sometimes brown and light enough that i only have to wear a liner. It doesn't seem to be letting up. has anyone else experienced this. With my first daughter my period started around 10 weeks post and was normal 7 days. Not sure whats going on this time. I will be going to see the doctors tomorrow just need to know opinions now to ease my mind. thanks.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Vasectomy question.......?

    Just after opinions from men who have had this done. My husband is interested in having it done, but he is only 22. We have had our two kids and he is adamant that he does not want anymore. what are your experiences with getting it done. Hospital stay time? Time in pain? how long till you were able to have sex after ( i know you have to still have some other form of contraception until you are cleared) and how do you feel about it now?Did your sex drive change? any other information on top of this would be apreciated thank you. Also women of husbands who have had it done please feel free to answer with your opinion.

    6 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • Is it to safe to have a bath?

    Its been 3 weeks since my baby was born. She was born naturally and there was no tearing and bleeding has pretty much stopped. Is it ok to have a bath now or do i have to wait till after 6 weeks.

    15 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Sex after baby how long?

    When did you start having sex after baby? I had my baby 3 weeks ago. Vaginal delivery no tears and pretty much stopped bleeding. would it be ok to have sex by now. Anyone have similar stories. if your answer is wait till six week check up please dont answer i understand that im just after opinion on what others have done. Thank you.

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • False labour/labour question?

    ok for the past three weeks ive been going through alot of false labour. over the last couple of days the contractions have been getting stronger, around 10-15 mins apart only to just stop after about 2-3 hours. Last night was the worst i thought for sure it was it. yesterday afternoon i went for a walk and at about 5.30pm the contractions started and they were very painful and about 6-10 mins apart. i had constant back pain inbetween contractions as well. I was told to have a bath to help things along so at about 7.30pm i had a bath and my contractions pretty much died off and stopped after that. I was so sure it was all starting. This is my second baby and had nothing like this with my first. Im 39 weeks. So im wondering has anyone experienced something similar and when did the real thing start for you and how did you know it was the real thing? This is driving me insane, im happy to wait until baby is ready even if it is another two weeks but i feel like my body is teasing me and driving me insane.

    P.s have been losing mucous plug over the last three weeks as well.

    I dont want to call the midwife as i know she will just say wait until they are five mins apart or your water breaks, im after experiences. thank you.

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • When did real labour after false labour start for you?

    Im pretty sure i just experienced false labour. Im 36 weeks i was having contractions that would get down to about 3 mins apart and quite painful then they would just stop. Only to start up again about an hour later starting at about 10-15 mins apart and work down to 3 mins then stop again. this lasted about 24 hours yesterday. I ended up in the hospital where they did all the tests and found no reason for my contractions to be like this and i eventually went home. Since they could not tell me what was going on im assuming i went into false labour.

    That said my question is have you experienced something similar possibly around the same time as me and when did real labour start.

    This is my second baby, first was born only a year ago. No complications everything with baby is fine. The weirdest thing is that how this labour started was exactly how it was with my first daughter only i stopped contracting then 6 hours later my water breaks, then contractions started back up again and into full on labour. thats why i was so sure this was it. Guess not. Please give your experiences.

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • do you know of any pregnancy chatrooms?

    Just wondering if anyone knows of any Australian pregnancy chatrooms? im not interested in forums so please dont mention any of these. If not australian then whatever else you know of that is live chat with pregnant women, i would love to be able to relate to someone. im 36 weeks and wanting to talk.


    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • mucous plug question?

    Im pretty sure i lost part of my mucous plug this morning. Felt different to normal discharge when it came out. But there was no blood in it, just a white blob (probably about a 20c piece worth (Australian)). What does it mean? I have had a baby before about a year ago but it didn't come out till my water broke. Any advice or similar experiences would be great. Im 36 weeks no complications.

    p.s i understand labour could still be 2 weeks away or more, just after your input.

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 31 weeks painful contractions.?

    Just after your opinion. I had two contractions about 15 to 20 mins apart which were both rather painful. I have been through labour before and understand that real labour pains are much worse then this but on a scale of one to ten i would put it at about 4 or 5. 1 being no pain 10 being worse pain ever. It felt like alot of pressure below my stomach and in my lower back and bottom as well as the pain. I have since had another two contractions about 10 - 12 mins apart but felt normal. Im only 31 weeks so just a tad worried. My previous baby was born just under a year ago im 22 years old and have had no other complications. am i simply just worrying too much? what could have happened?

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Test question?????

    Just wanted to know i have done two tests one yesterday and the day before (im gonna wait till tomorrow morn and test again, i probably ovulated on day 23(chart says) it is now day 35 my period was due two days ago however because of the recent birth im not regular yet) on both of them the line was there but only just visible going by all the sites and textbooks this is a positive. what im wondering is has anyone else had this, two tests exactly the same, light line and it turned out they were pregnant?

    Were trying for # 2 hope i am. Baby dust to everyone ttc.

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • please help?

    Can you please give me some suggestions.

    What songs would be appropriate for entry of bridal party to reception and the farewell circle where we say goodbye to everyone? any help would be appreciated.

    yes i realise this is in the totally wrong section but i got only one answer when i put it where it should go.

    thanks for your help.

    4 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Help song choice?

    Can you please give me some suggestions.

    What songs would be appropriate for entry of bridal party to reception and the farewell circle where we say goodbye to everyone? any help would be appreciated.

    2 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Please read need answer?

    I want to clarify what im seeing on my opk, but first ill give you some background information. I had a baby girl about 5 months ago my husband and i want to try for another, a boy. (please dont say just do it and be happy with you get, if i get another girl thats perfectly fine but my husband has strickly said only two kids so i want to maximise my chances for a boy). I have so far done 7 tests over 7 days all neg except yesterdays was quite close but going by the packet was considered neg. Todays is deff neg. Have i missed the surge or should i keep testing till i get a positive? average date for ovulation is CD 18, today is CD 17. also yesterday my bbt was 37.0 celcius and was today 36.5 if that helps. Should my husband and i try tonight and tomorrow since average ovulation day is so close?

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • OPK question?

    I want to clarify what im seeing on my opk, but first ill give you some background information. I had a baby girl about 5 months ago my husband and i want to try for another, a boy. (please dont say just do it and be happy with you get, if i get another girl thats perfectly fine but my husband has strickly said only two kids so i want to maximise my chances for a boy). I have so far done 7 tests over 7 days all neg except yesterdays was quite close but going by the packet was considered neg. Todays is deff neg. Have i missed the surge or should i keep testing till i get a positive? average date for ovulation is CD 18, today is CD 17. also yesterday my bbt was 37.0 celcius and was today 36.5 if that helps. Should my husband and i try tonight and tomorrow since average ovulation day is so close. i read that the closer to ovulation you have sex the higher your chances are of having a boy because male sperm travel faster but die quicker, it is opposite with female (so i have read)?

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Question for mothers and mothers to be?

    I was just wondering what tales you have heard that you may have used to determine your babies sex without actually finding out till birth. Were any true for you? I have heard ones like low heartrate means boy. I already know the one about how high or low the baby is sitting and in my family this is true, so please don't mention that one, but what others are there?

    I'm 21 years and im 19 weeks, my friends are all having bets on what it is but i don't want to find out for sure what it is till birth. But find it fun guessing. Does anyone else have stories like this they would like to share? Im interested as to what proved true for you.

    I understand that everyone is different thats not what im asking just asking for your opinions and experiences thank you.

    I also wish everyone the best of luck in their pregnancies.

    12 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Is it normal to get pain after orgasm when pregnant?

    I'm 21 and 6 weeks pregnant with my first child and i have noticed that i get pain in my abdomen randomly and only lasts for a few minutes or so. I understand that this is normal. what i want to know is i get the same pain in the same place right after orgasm. This has happened on four seperate occassions. Has anyone had this before and why is it happening, what does it mean? I am a first time mother and as you would understand very worried. Please help.

    14 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago