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What's the nastiest thing you've ever tasted?

OK, I had one of those ibuprofen gel-cap things in my mouth while I was getting a drink of water to wash it down. It dissolved and the liquid part got in my mouth--UGH! It was soooo bitter and it burned and it was sooooo nasty! It took forever to wash the taste outta my mouth.

So what about you?

13 Answers

  • tina l
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    some one elses vomit, my ex partner got extremely drunk, and i think you guys can guess the rest!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    The worst, bar none and hands down, is a Durian. It is a fruit from India and area. It is about the size of a volleyball, prickly and fairly innocent looking on the outside, but inside is another story.

    I cannot truly describe the stench and flavor of it, at least not politely, but I now understand why people are banned from eating it in the airports of India and Bangladesh.

    Spare yourself the agony and avoid these things at all costs.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    Here are some of the nastiest foods that I have ever tasted:

    Venison (Deer Meat)

    Liver,onions,and horseradish

    Fish not matter how it is cooked,it makes me gag

    Tuna Fish,the smell alone makes me want to throw up

    Lobster (I will pass on eating spiders,thank you very much)

    Corned Beef Hash

    Poached Eggs

    Eggs that are supposed to be over easy and they are not cooked right,and when you go to dip your toast in the yolk,there is all of this slime,EWWW!!

    Mushrooms (I will pass on the fungus thank you)




    Last but not least,Spam just the smell and look of that product makes me barf,EWWW!!! :-(

    Lv 5
    1 decade ago


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  • 1 decade ago

    ooh HM i remember when i had to go to the doctor because of a severe allergic reaction and the doctor gave me benedryl and pregnosone i chewed both to be weird and the pregnosone made my mouth numb and did not go away for two days LOL!

  • 1 decade ago

    The white chalk like stuff that they make you drink when you have a stomach problem OH YUCK

  • 1 decade ago

    A drink called a sweaty lumberjack. i don't recall exactly what was in it but I know it had in it but had a lot of tabasco in a shot glass.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It has to be escargot,snails I had trouble getting one in my mouth and I expected it to be nasty.Biting an aspirin was not pleasant.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would have to say.......those little Muscles things, there awfully disgusting i had to eat them though, the dude spent alot of time on them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I tasted my own poop out of curiosity once. It was probably the nastiest thing I've tasted.

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