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Lv 5
Pamela asked in Politics & GovernmentImmigration · 1 decade ago

Why do people assume I'm a liberal because I don't hate immigrants regardless of their status?

It seems every question I ask that people call me a bleeding-heart liberal. I'm a Christian. I call myself that because I treat others as Jesus Christ did when he walked the earth. He was often looked down upon because he associated with the hated tax collectors & associated with, healed & saved members of other races & nations. I base my opinions about immigrants on the Bible. There are well over 140 references in the Bible instructing us to treat immigrants well, to leave some of our crops for immigrants to take, etc. I'll be posting those verses in the additional details for you to consider.

So how exactly does it make me a liberal that I believe as our own government believes & as the Bible indicates that "ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL?"


Leviticus 19:33

"When an alien lives with you in your land, do not mistreat him."

Update 2:

Leviticus 23:22

" 'When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest. Leave them for the poor and the alien. I am the LORD your God.' "

Update 3:

THE BIBLE DOESN'T SAY "LEGAL" OR "ILLEGAL," IT JUST SAYS ALIEN. IT SEEMS THAT HUMANS ARE THE ONLY ONES WHO CARE ABOUT "STATUS." When did our laws become higher than God's laws? When did our opinions about a person's status become more important than God's? Placing ourselves in a position higher than God Himself seems a very precarious place in which to dwell.

Update 4:

Let them be created equally in their own countries?! Wouldn't that put most of us back in Europe? We are all immigrants unless we are Native American. So should we all go back home?

21 Answers

  • Lanani
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    How bizarre! I know what you mean...

    I'm socially conservative on most issues, but I just cannot understand why more people don't get that being understanding and respectful to the poor and the suffering that flock to our country is NOT antithetical to the principles of conservatism....

    We all were immigrants at some point. We all suffered. We all fled bad situations to seek better lives. How heartbreaking that some of us seem to think we've risen to a level above the struggling immigrants that flock to work in this great country. We were lucky enough to have been born here, and we never had to make the regrettable choice that many illegal immigrants have to make (cross the border illegally to work and feed your family or stay where you are and live in subhuman conditions). How arrogant that no one considers this choice. They rest on the moral superiority of never having had to break this law because the need never arose.

    You're not the only one, some of us remember the Biblical admonitions to be kind to foreigners and loving to those who are immigrants... and some of us know how little choice some people have.


    To whoever said this: "Consider also, that more US citizens are KILLED daily in the USA by illegal immigrants than are killed in the war in Iraq. What could this mean to the families of those who lost their loved ones? How would you feel."

    Email me your source for this incredibly ridiculous figure. I'm a journalist, and I've NEVER heard this.

    And to whoever said this: "Your quotes are all correct, but one of them, it escapes my mind, says that you MUST OBEY THE LAW OF THE LAND!"

    The Biblical admonition to love God yet honor the government ("Give to God what is God's, and to Caesar what is Caesar's") refers to the institution of government, not one specific government. Mere legality or illegality does not imply moral correctness.

    Or would you have used this verse to imply that citizens in Nazi Germany should blindly follow Hitler? After all, the Nazis WERE the government...

    No, I didn't think so.

  • Jan
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    As Christians,we are also not supposed to condone those who are breaking our laws. The Bible has many verses that speak of this also.

    As an example,Leviticus 24:22 states.."You are to have the same law for the alien and the native born". The verses that come before this are the ones about an eye for an eye,a life for a life,etc.

    Another is in Numbers 15:16..."The same laws and regulations will apply both to you and to the alien living among you".Does this not mean they are supposed to follow the laws of the land as are the citizens,no special exceptions are to be given?

    On a different note,since we are quoting scripture, Leviticus 25:45 states.."You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you, and members of their clan born in your country,and they will become your property". Should we follow this one also? We don't,because it is against the laws of our government to own a slave.

    I am also a Christian,my Dad was a Mennonite minister when I was growing up. I was taught that either you follow the entire Bible,or none of it.You can't just pick and chose the parts of the Bible that you agree with.

    We have laws of God,but we also have laws of government. The laws of government aren't being followed when it comes to illegal immigration.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't hate any immigrants...I want those that are here illegally to go back to their country of origin and do the necessary work to come here legally. I want those that are here legally to enjoy everything this great nation has to offer, and to make the most of the oportunities that are there for them. If you believe that the illegals should be given some preferential treatment or be given citizen status simply because they have made it into this country..then you are a liberal (in regards to this issue)....even the Bible points out that the laws of the land must be followed.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Since you quote the Bible, have you read the part in the bible about directing all men to obey the laws of Man?

    That means coming into our USA within legal immigration standards. Not illegally.

    It's generally a good thing to be compassionate to others ...within reason. If your compassion leads to the death of your country or of your fellow citizens or the defeat of many social institutions that have always prevailed within the "laws of Man" I don't believe the Bible is suggesting that approach.

    Ask yourself the question: When would I as a Christian be willing to stop the flow of illegal people into my land. Would it be when they for one reason or another kill your family, through drugs, crime or drunk driving? What if you or a friend of your's were severly injured by a drunk illegal immigrant. Couldn't walk or work or be a parent etc?

    Seriously, we can't let everyone who needs something into our country unababted. We need to control who we let in and what they do when they get here at least for a while.

    Your arguement is a compassionate one, but it lacks an understanding of reality. In all due respect you foster your focus on Christ. Look what happened to him.

    It's maybe not right but it did happen and frankly, I don't want your compassion or even my own, leading me to my death.

    Consider also, that more US citizens are KILLED daily in the USA by illegal immigrants than are killed in the war in Iraq. What could this mean to the families of those who lost their loved ones? How would you feel.

    Answer these questions for yourself and see if you can see the appropriate measures are to limit and qualify those who we let into our land. To help as many as we can. But not to let so many invade that they stamp the life our of the rest of us ...and this include you and your family too.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Who says you have to "HATE" immigrants or illegal immigrants in order to be pro Borders, Language, Culture, the fact you have a bleeding heart makes you a bleeding heart Liberal, for this type of social aptitude there can be no other explanation.

    Illegals have committed felonies entering our country, they deserve nothing more than the rightful application of our sovereign laws.

  • 1 decade ago

    People don't seem to want to deal with the distinction between what they did and how you should treat them. It is the same if you saw someone stealing food and you knew they were starving. Yes it is wrong to steal, but would you call the police? A good thing for Christians to ask themselves is "what would Jesus do?", not what the other did wrong and how they should be punished. That is for judges to decide.

  • DJ
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Part of the problem is that they are being allowed (by the government and advocacy groups) to harvest first and keep the best, not the gleanings. They are given preferential treatment by law enforcement, because they are afraid of being sued or imprisoned for violating their 'rights'. How does this make us equal? The citizens are being treated like aliens and the aliens are being treated like (or better than) citizens. But there is a reason for that. May God help us all.

  • 1 decade ago

    You need to understand that illegal aliens are NOT "immigrants".

    Immigrants are foreign nationals who apply to "immigrate" to the USA throught the proper proceedure, before they enter the USA to live and work.

    Foreign nationals who cross the border illegally, or overstay a visa are NOT "immigrants", they are criminals who are in violation of US law, and subject to arrest and deportation at any time.

    Nobody hates "immigrants", and most Americans just want illegal aliens deported back to their own nations because, having come here illegally, they have proven that they are dishonest liars and thieves and unworthy of becoming a US citizen.

    As a US native American indian, it is offensive to me when people like you make comments about non-hispanics all coming to the USA from europe.

    Let me remind you, HISPANICS CAME HERE FROM EUROPE TOO, and mexicanos are NOT indigenous to the land of the USA, they are indingenous to the land which is SOUTH of the current border, not north of it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I like how you think in regards to this issue, because mainly you're a TRUE christian and we need more of them. Those people who assume that you're a bleeding heart liberal because of your stance on the issue are normally part of the ressurected know-nothing movement. I don't hate immigrants because of their status because they're still human beings and NO ONE can tell who's a legal immigrant or not just by looking at them or their skin color. I wouldn't call you a bleeding heart liberal anyhow. I would just say that it's refreshing to see someone here actually able to think for themselves and not let the mainstream media or the Fox Noise Channel do it for them.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your quotes are all correct, but one of them, it escapes my mind, says that you MUST OBEY THE LAW OF THE LAND!

    I respect your views, but you have to think of the consequences of illegal aliens using an economic relief system NOT INTENDED for THEM. They complain they don't get the same rights, but they are NOT CITIZENS.

    And we are not all immigrants. I did NOT come here from another country. That right there is liberal stupidity. My parents didn't come from another country either. That is idiocy. That's like saying Native Americans are immigrants because they crossed a land bridge from asia. Think woman, think!

    Now go drink a glass of shush.

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