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Lv 4
shelly asked in Politics & GovernmentLaw & Ethics · 1 decade ago

Has anyone looked into what pregnant women do to themselves in countries where abortion is illegal?

Does this look like a better alternative than having abortions be legal? Also, please explain why just teaching teens abstenance does anything to lower the number of abortions being preformed. If the goal is to lower the number of abortions; wouldn't teaching safe sex (along with abstenance) be the way to do that? Is it really realistic to think that all teens will wait until marriage to have sex? Did you?


In a nutshell, I'm looking for people who are pro-life, but also believe teens should also be taught abstenance. I'm interested in learning how that's effective to lower the number of abortions.

As for what women do - sticking thing up themselves and having people punch them in the stomache to try and have a miscarriage, etc.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    In this country is used to be illegal, BTW.

    They take abortion-inducing chemicals, get unsafe abortions in unsafe conditions ("back street abortions" they used to be called, use things to kill the fetus (the infamous "coat-hanger" method).

    A lot of women died, others were made sterile due to the damage done by these methods.

    Well, yes.

    Civilized countries, that teach about contraception, and where contraceptives are readily available have MUCH lower abortion rates than here.

    The irony is that most of the people who pretend to oppose abortion are usually the very same people who prevent contraceptives being known about and used. This is why I suspect their motives -- it's not about "saving babies" so much as controling women (for many, though not all).

    People who really wanted there not to be abortions would push for quality sex ed and availability of contraceptives.

    They'd rather girls and women die than use safe and effective birth control.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think the dumbest thing to do is push abstinence on teens. Because like it or not, teens are going to have sex (not all but, some). Encouraging birth control and making it easily accessible is definitely the best way to go. Teens still need to realize that birth control is not 100%. If they make the choice to take the risk of having sex then they might have consequences.

    I'm sort of middle of the road when it comes to abortion. In every case possible I want to see the unborn child live. But, I certainly understand why we can't make abortion illegal. I don't want to see young girls dying because they performed coat hanger abortions.

    They need to make stricter laws though. They need to keep track of the amount of abortions a woman has had in order to stop abortion as a means of contraception. There should be a cut-off point.

    I'd also like to see doctors encouraging and providing more information about adoption to women who are unsure of their pregnancies.

    I was a young mother myself, having my daughters with 19 and 20 (I was married and still am to the same man). But, if one of my daughters were to get pregnant at a young age, I would support her regardless of her decision.

    It would be fair to say that I would encourage her to go the adoption route the most though if she didn't want to raise a child. I'd feel like she should own up to her responsibilities to that child in some shape or form.

    I hope that answered your questions. Good luck!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I don't know what the story is in those countries.

    Truth be told, the number of deaths from illegal abortions has nosedived since the introduction of penicillin in the 1940s.

    this is not a reason to make them illegal though.

  • 1 decade ago

    The things that women do to themselves to murder their unborn children is like something a guy said to me about this that most murders are committed in dark alleys just like the things these women do to themselves privately, but abstinence should be the most important thing taught because the more you talk about sex and the preventative things about it the more curious they are and the more acceptable they see it and it should be something that they are not openly comfortable talking about because it is a private and intimate thing supposedly between a husband and wife and I know things are not perfect in that area but you better belief never in my life will I look at my children and be like every one is doing but please baby be safe if anything I will remind them that it is a sin against their own body and sin has consequences just like v. diseases and I did not wait til I was married but wished I had and I don't want my children to make the same mistakes.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't care, there are repercussions for illegal activity no matter what it happens to be.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    ok too many questions in one. what do women do in outher countries??

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