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Could 9/11 'truth'/conspiricy theories be based on fear?

Isn't it a little more comfortable to believe that 9/11 was carried out by a group of political conspiritors that can simply be voted out of office?

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    not based on fear, but on facts and unanswered questions.

    A recent study, by a conservative think tank in Washington DC, analyzed White House administrations' use of fear to shape public policy.

    Only one Administration used fear to shape public policy.

    Lincoln did not use fear during the Civil War.

    Wilson did not use fear during World War I.

    FDR didn't use fear during the Great Depession and WWII. In fact, he stated the opposite, as there was "nothing to fear, but fear itself."

    Truman didn't use fear when he ordered the use of the atomic bomb to end WWII.

    Ike did not use fear during the cold war. In fact, it was extremists who talked about the "Red Scare." Ike only cautioned us to beware of the Military Industrial Complex.

    JFK did not use fear, but urged greater civic participation.

    LBJ, in the wake of JFK's assassination, did not use fear but instead continued JFK's progressive social programs, in spite of the conflict in Vietnam.

    Nixon never used fear. He in fact ended the Vietnam War.

    Carter never used fear, but instead asserted his worldwide Human Rights campaign.

    Reagan did not use fear, in spite of his harsh rhetoric.

    Bush the First did not use fear in the Persian Gulf War.

    Clinton, in spite of rising terrorism never used fear and presided over unprecedented economic growth and restoration of American world leadership.

    It was only Bush who has used fear... specifically fear of terrorists, as a major component of his public policy and re-election platform.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    i'm in complete contract with you. in case you prefer greater training there replaced right into a documentary concerning to the engineering factors of the autumn of the twin towers. They clarify precisely what happen and how each tower fell. The towers fell in 2 separate manners. in one tower, the indoors shape gave, interior the 2nd. The outer shape went first. The theories do no longer even handle this subject and it is not accessible with a planned explosion. to boot 9/eleven wasn't the main reason for invading Iraq and could have been executed regardless. some human beings merely have too lots time on their hands.

  • 1 decade ago

    9-11 conspiracy theorist that have posted here are using it for their hate Bush bashing. It does no good to show them evidence of what happened. They even deny that the planes that hundreds of thousands witness saw in New York that were there, not just news video, hit the Towers. They are where brain cells go to die. If you watch it is not just 9-11. It is the invasion of Iran, it is the dog food contamination. It is every unbelievable far fetched goofy stupid thing that comes along that a rational person would not give the time of day. Ask them for proof and it cannot be provided. They think a rant is proof.

  • 1 decade ago

    The 9/11 conspiracies are just another way for liberals to attack bush without focusing on the real issues. This wasn't the first attack against the U.S. but Bush is the first president to do something about it.

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  • Mother
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    9/11 conspiracy is based on a hatred for President Bush and Vice President Cheney. Hate not fear is at the heart of the Tin Foil Hat Societies doctrine.

  • 1 decade ago

    You think that people capable of conspiring 9/11 could simply be voted out of office? Get real. If it was an inside job (and I'm not advocating that it was) then it is way deeper than one incident. Whoever has enough power and secrecy to orchestrate such an incident is NOT someone you've elected - and has entirely more clout than you can imagine.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think that's part of the motivation.

    And to answer Gabriel above me-I have spent close to 1000 hours poring over everything I could find concerning 9/11,both pro- and anti-conspiracy theory,and I have to say that I have not seen one bit of credible evidence to support the conspiracy theorists assertions.

    I'm a liberal,am very anti-Bush,but there's no way that George Bush or anyone else in our Government,or associated with it,had anything to do with the planning and/or execution of the attacks on 9/11.

  • 1 decade ago

    You can also blame it on our country's past. We don't have great track record in this area.

    In 1846 - The Mexican American War - This was the time of Manifest destiny (God ordained this as "White Mans Land" from coast to coast. Settlers were offered land and citizenship in Tejas, Mexican territory. They accepted but had an uprising where the Mexican Army was sent in. James K. Polk said "American blood has been shed on American Soil" and proceeded to send the US Army into Mexico. (They were Mexican citizens in Mexican Territory) And that is how we got Arizona, new Mexico, Texas and California.

    1n 1898 - The Spanish American War _Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders. They used the guise of the Battleship Main blowing up in Havana harbor. They incited the country by blaming it on the Spanish "Remember the Main!" was the war cry. So we went into Cuba and seized the sugar fields for US companies and also got the Philippines, Guam etc from it. It was later retracted and listed as a coal bunker explosion. We installed a corrupt puppet government which resulted in Castro Coming to power and proclaiming "this time we will be invited to the Revolution!"

    Then in 1941 we delayed the acceptance of the declaration of war from japan which infuriated the US public and got us into WWII. Then we have 9/11..and so on. So although I am not a full fledged conspiracy theorist I do see the pattern.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you're referring to some of the allegations in the Michael Moore film, I've looked into those and it's for the most part conjecture and opinion. There are no facts to support that.

    For a good rebuttal to Moore's film, go to your video store sometime and check out Fahrenhype 9/11. It point by point debunks his conclusions and has several revealing interviews with many of the people mis-quoted in the moore film.

    As for conspiracy theories in general, it's sad but I sincerely believe most of the people putting these forth are paranoid delusional. Their theories fail under the scrutiny of logic, reason and close examination. There are conspiracy theorists who have proposed all kinds of ridiculous things over the years from a falsified moon launch to a secret society controlling all of the heads of state around the world.

    The burden of real proof is on them...

  • 1 decade ago

    No it would instill more fear that those that mourned with you over the loss of friends and family may have been to blame

    BUT WE KNOW IT IS NOT TRUE...It was a extremist group of MUZZIE scum

    Those that post the LIES are only getting their enjoyment by the suffering of those that lost loved ones....

    I just wish that they would be brave enough to step out from behind the computers and state these things openly...Rosie's career is OVER..her ratings are in the toilet....she used her free speech and is paying the price for it....

    GABE...Go to the FBI wanted list....he IS there...all your FACTS ARE OPINIONS THAT I CAN PROVE FALSE...


    Source(s): I truely hope Karma repays these "people" 10 fold for the pain they inflice..and I hope it is public so we may all laugh at their expense as they do now at our pain...
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Bingo. Better the devil you know...and can see...and can fight against...than an unknown enemy that can strike without warning at any time.

    I believe that this is the heart of the 9/11 Conspiracy Theorists beliefs.

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