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Anonymous asked in HealthDiseases & ConditionsSkin Conditions · 1 decade ago

13 year old son with eczema help?????

he has eczema and i am 0% of knowing what i am supposed to do to cure it. (his arms,legs and thigs and top of back

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There is no known cure for eczema yet, but you can reduce the severity of his eczema by:

    Wearing 100 per cent cotton or soft fabrics - avoiding rough, scratchy fibres and tight clothing

    Using rubber gloves with cotton liners

    Having lukewarm baths and showers using a non-soap cleanser or hypoallergenic bath oil and avoiding extremely hot water

    Gently patting, not rubbing, the skin dry with a soft towel

    Applying a moisturiser within three minutes after bathing to "lock in" the moisture

    When possible, avoiding rapid changes of temperature and activities that raise a sweat

    Removing carpets and rugs from houses (if possible) and giving pets dander treatments

    Ventilating the house as often as possible

    Avoiding stuffed toys which harbour dust mites

    Changing bed linen regularly, vaccuuming mattresses regulary for dust mites and avoiding feather-filled pillows

    Reducing daily stress

    Learning what triggers eczema and how to avoid them

    And there are many treatments available for you to:

    Topical corticoteroids that help reduce inflammation and itchiness. This is the most common form of eczema treatment. Most topical corticosteroids are available on prescription. However some milder strengths are available in pharmacy.

    Sedating antihistamines that induce sleep and reduce itchiness

    Wet bandaging that soothes the skin, reduces itchiness and helps heal lesions

    Antibiotics that treat secondary infections

    Allergy testing (prick or blood tests) that may help establish trigger factors

    Dietician for diet assistance.

    Source(s): personal experience
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Cure Eczema Easily Naturally Forever

  • 1 decade ago

    I have had eczema all my life and I know how it feels. The best way to describe it is that it's an allergy. Like any allergy Anti-Histamines help (well they do for me) so you can try that but ask your doctor first because your 13 year old son may not be able to take them. Keep in mind that everyone is different so what works for me may not work for you I am just giving you some solutions you can try that work for me.

    Avoid soaps, deodouriate, shampoos, and conditioners because they aggravate it. Avoid wool, dust, abrupt changes in temparture, hot showers, and sweat because they also aggravate it. I use Dove Body Wash (not the soap) as a substitute and I use it as a soap, deordouriate, shampoo and conditioner. You can also use AloeVera and Sorbolene Cream. There are specialised products too. Have a bath rather than a shower. I love hot showers so I take anti-histamines because it allows me to enjoy hot showers as long as I keep them short.

    You have to moisturize the skin you can use Aloe Vera or Sorbolene Cream for that the Dove Body Wash is not much help in that regard. You can use Aloe Vera and Sorbolene cream as a moisturizer, shampoo, conditioner, and a soap but not a deodouriate. You can try Omega 3 and Omega 6 these will eventually allow you to avoid moisturizing your skin completely but they take time. You need large amounts of Omega 3 and Omega 6 however, I am talking about 2 1000mg tablets 4 to 6 times a day. As your situation improves you can go down to 4 a day and eventually taking just the Omega 3 or the Omega 6. But it took me 2 years to get to that point.

    The good news is that it is controllable and manageable and I am 30 years old and while I have my days my eczema is hardly a problem. I do keep some cortisone on hand now because I do need it from time to time but one tube will last me 6 months. I does get better with time but it takes time and don't be afraid to experiment everyone is different and finding the right solution for you requires trial and error.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Tiger Balm For Eczema

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have had eczema since I was about your son's age. I know it can be a real pain to deal with. I use lavendar oil in my bath water or put some on the eczema directly. I also use the oatmeal bath.

    I have also learned that the skin eruptions like this come from an inner anger in me.. so as soon as I figure out what I am angry about, it tends to go away.

    I also found when I was younger that Dermavate cream from the doctor helped tremendously. They have many creams that they can prescribe and they will help him to find one that is best for him.

    Also...increase his intake of essential fatty acids. So more salmon, nuts, etc... This helps me to get my eczema under control.

  • 5 years ago

    I Cured Eczema Easily Permanently -

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Professors Predicted I Would Never Cure My Eczema. But Contrarily to their Prediction, I Cured Eczema Easily, Permanently & In Just 3 Days! I'll Show You How...

    Discover in Eczema Free Forever:

    +) How to eliminate eczema without the need of any medication.

    +) How to treat your child's eczema in the special kids section.

    +) How to stop the itching once and for all

    +) How to eliminate dry skin for good

    +) How to be totally free from the pain and sleep at night.

    Learn the Causes of Eczema and How to Eliminate Them. Unleash Your Body’s Own Natural Ability to Heal Itself from All Skin Problems!

    Permanently Eliminate Eczema -

    Finally - a 100% All Natural Remedy to Relieve Eczema Symptoms and Treat the Underlying Problem - GUARANTEED!

    Source(s): You Don't Have to Live with Eczema Any Longer -
  • Lorie
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Aveeno products are great, especially the packets of oatmeal for bathing during an outbreak. Add the oatmeal treatment to lukewarm water; hot water can increase inflammation as well as further dry out the skin. After about 20mins of soaking, do not rise off. Pat dry, then apply Cetaphil lotion. Between outbreaks, use Cetaphil, Aveeno, or Dove Sensitive Skin soap. As soon as he gets out of the shower or bath and pats dry, have him use the Cetaphil lotion. (I keep my bottle on the edge of the tub). As far as prescriptions go, I’ve had a lot of luck with Cutivate Cream and triamcinolone lotion. Both have immediate results and little to no burning. Elocon works well but burns and can leave permanent scaring. Another thing you may want to consider is changing your laundry detergent to All Free and Clear and fabric softener to one that has no dyes or fragrance. Stay away from 100% cotton during an outbreak. Cotton absorbs moisture which leads to further itching... contrary to belief, synthetic materials such as polyester are much better. Drinking tons of water will help more than you can imagine.

    For the best answers, search on this site

  • 5 years ago

    Eczema patients can avoid scratchy fibers for softer ones like bamboo, cotton, or silk, which are gentler on the skin. Opting to buy organic fibers can also be a wise, healthy, and eco-friendly alternative. Learn here

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Have you ever used Eczema Free Forever method? Move right here : . This can undoubtedly teach people!

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