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SPOILLER ALERT - Can someone explain the plot of Silent Hill to me please?

Ok, these are the problems I'm having. If Rose and Sharon died in a car accident towards the start of the film, why are their bodies missing? The male cop tells the dad that the car is just at the end of the bridge - if they are ghosts in a 6th sense twist, why do they not find the bodies? Why is Alyssa's mother able to control the reaper? That is, why does she give the creature with the pyramid helmet a nod so he kills the red head? And how is Officer Bennett drawn into this purgetry (sp.?) when she should have gone to whatever afterlife awaited her? Plus, the male cop appears to be the cop who rescued Allyssa, is he meant to be the same age he was years ago? Are there infact two purgetrys, the dad and male cop in one, everyone else in another, and the last scene with living people the fathers trip to the bridge? Is this confusion due to me just not getting it, or is it the result of attrocious editing? Does anyone know what the original story line was?

Any help appreciated.


Jessica stay away from my questions you spamming cow. Why you have not been shut down I don't know, but I am reporting you. Get a life.

Update 2:

Jumbos Mom - I'm aware it's fictional, it should still make sense :)

9 Answers

  • RE_FAN
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    QUESTION1 and 2

    have you read dante;s inferno?

    well dante enters the pit of dispair agony and sin... that's exactly what rose and the little girl accidentaly stumble into along with the cop... they are dead, but since the town is 'tainted' it really is like a merging point, and the moment they die their bodies merge into the second world hiding them if you will in the realm of silent hill....

    #3 and 4

    she cant control the girl, but the girl does seem to evade her mother a lot... like in the end she kills everyone except the helpers SHARON and THE GIRL and her MOTHER... because and i quote "mother is god in the eyes of a child", so pretty much the girl does not hurt her because she sees her mother as "GOD".... as to the reason why the pyrimid head appears is not mainly because the mother points at the redhead, allessa can SENSE the 'sinners' when they are out of their sanctuary, and the mother just pretty much curses the redhead as a witch, if you notice later in the movie near the elevator Chistabella (the old lady in the purple frock) points at Cybil and Rose in the same way, kind of condeming them as witches...


    Bennet dies when the motorcycle crashes, if you read my question 1&2 answer then you should know she dies in the merging point as well...


    no the cop is not the same age, they were just probably lazy with the makeup


    only one purgatory. That is the foggy one Rose and Sharon end up in, just waiting for the judgement or whatever.


    you decide wether u understand it or not after all this info i gave you


    it was different and much better. Buy a playstation, find the game, and see for yourself. the storyline is too long and complicated for me to explain....

    Source(s): my brain... i don't know im 15 and i understood it perfectly, and people much older and supposedly wiser cant.... guess i'm just smart
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    First time ive ever watched this film (bc when it first came out I was still a child lmao), so im a bit late. I love the different theories for the ending and how they are still in the Silent Hill dimension! This probably is not the real intentions of the film, but you could even suggest, from a non 'supernatural' perspective, that due to the trauma experienced in Silent Hill, they are in this fog like world, as to represent the trauma due to the suffering Rose and Sharon (and Alessa even) went through. Returning back to a normal life after what they supposedly experienced and witnessed is obviously going to have a major shift in their perspective and reality. They both return home in this fog like 'dimension' and look and behave so different, they are not the same to how they used to be at the start of the film-so full of life and emotions. That's why Chris's world is normal and bright and colourful-to show a contrast- whereas they are still in the fog/misty, grey state because that's what Silent Hill looked like and now that is their new world in their minds-hence why Rose was behaving so 'out of it' and apathetic towards her surroundings (e.g the cop ladys bike) and Sharon just walked away from Rose at the end. And to maybe to explain Chris, and why he didn't see them physically return (yet the door was open like they had), he cannot come to terms with what happened to his wife and child, to him that connection they had at the start of the film is no longer present as emotionally they never did return back from Silent Hill.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, I'll start at the first question. No, Rose and Sharon are not dead... simply trapped in an alternate reality created by the demon for Allessa to exact her revenge. All the weirdo cult people died in the fire they created, but they think an apocolypse happened and they were saved by burning Allessa. They are in Purgatory, but only because the demon and Allessa needed Rose and Sharon in order to finalize their revenge. From what I know of the bit with Officer Bennett, it seems that anyone who somehow loses themselves in the fray in Silent Hill are somehow sucked into it's alternate reality. The age thing with the male cop saving Allessa, I think is just due to bad editing (not considering that it was supposed to be 30yrs in the past).

  • 1 decade ago

    O.K. i'll try and keep this short. Rose and Sharon did not die. Not in the beginning, not at the end. No purgatory either.

    Sharon is the virtue of Alessa. The torture that Alessa had endured for years ( and the hatred spawned by it) invited an evil and created a portal between hell and earth. This portal is Silent Hill. Normies, like the cop and dad walk our reality, while those drawn to the place by a connection are absorbed into it's hell until thier fears and private hells become part of the fabric of that dimension. This is why the characters exist in parallel realities. Bennett is drawn by her past history and Sharon & Rose by Alessa.

    In the ending, Alessa slips inside Sharon and deceives Rose into staying in Silent Hill, drawing on Rose's memory of home.

    The original story is a bit more complicated and much darker.

    My advice is: if you enjoyed it, watch it a couple of more times. i think things reveal themselves over repeated viewings. Also, try the original game on Playstation 1 - it's kinda old by now, but still one of the scariest games ever made.

    There's some extremely dark philosophy going on in this series about personal-hells. Very rich. Very dark.

    If you're just looking for a casual horror film, this ain't it.

    Talk to more people who've played the games.

    "...the knowledge of terror is vouchly only for the chosen few."

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  • jmf
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I never really played the video game and i think that is where i went wrong. I had NO idea why or what the hell was going on half of the time. It is a very very confusing movie. Im pretty sure it has alot to do with the video games (Silent Hill 1-4).

  • 1 decade ago

    From some research and what I've found on the Internet this movie is actually like a dream sequence movie. The writers intended the viewers think that this was all occurring within the protagonists mind and that she may be suffering from physiological disease, i don't remember what it was. There is going to be a Silent Hill 2, i believe, and I think that the second on will elaborate more on what is really going on.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sorry, I saw the movie and still wondering what in the world was the movie about,I just hope they don't make a sequel because they are usually worse than the first one

  • 1 decade ago

    This movie was based on a video truly the people don't exist!

  • 1 decade ago

    The film opens with Rose and husband Christopher Da Silva (Radha Mitchell, Sean Bean) rescuing their troubled, adopted daughter Sharon (Jodelle Ferland) from sleepwalking near a cliff. Sharon repeatedly cries out, "Silent Hill." Desperate for answers, Rose takes Sharon to the town of Silent Hill, despite Christopher's opposition. At a rest stop, Rose finds that Sharon's drawings have been disturbingly altered. Sharon's cries raise the suspicions of a police officer. As they leave, the officer attempts to pull Rose over. Spotting the turnoff to Silent Hill, Rose evades the officer, swerves off road to avoid a young girl walking in the street, and is knocked unconscious.

    Rose awakens in a limbo world of fog and falling ash.[3] With Sharon nowhere to be found, Rose enters nearby Silent Hill, where she chases the girl that she swerved to avoid, who resembles Sharon. A civil defense siren (mine collapse alarm) blares, and Rose is plunged into darkness. She is soon assaulted by disfigured, smoldering children (the Gray Children) that burn up as she passes out. She awakens back in the fog and runs back to her car, only to find a large chasm bisecting the road. She meets a ragged woman named Dahlia (Deborah Kara Unger) who speaks of the terrible things done to her daughter, Alessa, by the townspeople. Rose makes it to her car and finds a drawing of a school. She calls Christopher for help, who only receives enough fragments of her message to know where to search for her. When he arrives near Silent Hill, he is stopped by Officer Thomas Gucci (Kim Coates), who reluctantly agrees to help Christopher's search.

    Rose is found and arrested by Cybil Bennett (Laurie Holden), the officer she evaded. Cybil defends herself from a mysterious creature (the Lying Figure) while Rose flees for Midwich Elementary School. Rose spots the girl (Jodelle Ferland) and chases her into a school restroom. She finds a corpse bound in barbed wire wearing the name tag "Colin." Rose pulls a stone from his mouth that reads "The Grand Hotel" as the siren sounds and the world again darkens. "Colin" reanimates, and Rose runs in terror and falls from a window. As she regains her senses, a figure wearing a pyramidal helmet (Pyramid Head) appears, frightening her. She runs away, passing Christopher. While they are unable to touch or see one another, he feels her presence, which gives him hope. Back at the school, Cybil pulls Rose into a barred room to escape the Red Pyramid. He departs as the darkness recedes. Back in the foggy streets, they agree to head to the hotel to search for Sharon. Meanwhile, Christopher is ordered to go home after a failed search. Distrustful of Gucci, Chris breaks into the neighboring town's Hall of Records, where he finds information on Alessa. The police reports detail how she was burned with the town thirty years ago. Gucci follows him and arrests him for breaking and entering. He warns Christopher to let matters rest and releases him.

    Cybil and Rose arrive at the hotel, where they meet Anna (Tanya Allen), a member of a religious cult. Cybil finds a clue in a mailbox and heads for Room 111, where a painting depicting a witch burning is found. Anna mentions the room is related to the first burning in Silent Hill. In a neighboring building, Rose encounters the mysterious girl again and chases her. The siren blares and Anna cries out that they must seek sanctuary at the church. There they encounter other cultists, summoned by the air raid siren mounted atop the church's bell tower. The Red Pyramid materializes, and Rose and Cybil watch in horror as he kills Anna with his bare hands. Rose and Cybil flee into the church, where the cult immediately condemns them as witches. Christabella (Alice Krige), head of the cult, silences them as she discusses Rose's situation. Christabella states that the demon, who resides in the town's hospital, holds the answers. Christabella returns Rose’s locket that was torn off in an earlier scuffle with the cult. She notices the picture of Sharon inside and declares that the child bears a likeness to Alessa. The cult convict Rose as a witch as Cybil fends them off. Rose takes a broken elevator to the basement, where she finds her path is blocked by a number of disfigured nurses. Rose uses a flashlight to distract them and escapes. The screen turns white.

    The mysterious girl praises Rose for following her clues and tells her story. Alessa was Dahlia's child, born out of wedlock, her father unknown. One day while being tormented by her classmates, Alessa escaped to the bathroom, where she was molested by the janitor, Colin. The religious community of the town agreed that Alessa needed to be "purified" because of her "sin." Inside the Grand Hotel, where the church held their cleansing ritual, Alessa was chained to a metal frame and burned. One of the chains broke and knocked the fire pot over, causing the fire to burn out of control. Dahlia returned with the police to find the hotel empty. A young Gucci freed Alessa and she was taken to the hospital and placed in an Intensive Care Unit. Asked to identify herself, the girl Rose has been chasing claims "I have many names. Right now, I'm the dark part of Alessa," and later "I am the reaper." She further explains that Sharon is a manifestation of Alessa's remaining innocence and goodness, and was taken to the orphanage and subsequently adopted by Rose and Christopher. "Dark Alessa" declares that the current state of the town is a personification of Alessa's nightmares, and they will not end until she gets revenge. Rose offers herself as a vessel to help Alessa into the church, which she cannot enter because of the cult's blind faith.

    The cultists find Sharon hiding with Dahlia and both are brought to the church, where Cybil is tied up and burned alive. Rose enters the church just before Sharon is burned, declares to the cultists that there was no Apocalypse, but that they are already dead. She is then stabbed by Christabella in the chest with a dagger. The bloody essence of Dark Alessa pours out of the wound, bringing the darkness and disintegrating the floor from which adult Alessa, in her hospital bed, rises out of the pit. She uses barbed wire tentalcles to kill the cultists. Rose, her wound apparently healed, frees Sharon, warning her to shield her eyes. Sharon peeks out to see Dark Alessa peering down at her, and passes out. Rose, Sharon, and Dahlia are the only survivors left in the foggy world. Rose and Sharon enter their car, which now starts. The road reappears and they leave the town. Their dimension is still shrouded in fog, including their hometown. Christopher naps at home in the real world as Rose and Sharon, still apparently invisible to him, enter the house. Though they occupy the same space, Rose and Sharon are still separated in fog.

    THE END.

    I think now you can understand the movie.

    email me

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