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Diabetics: What do you do when you have to eat but have no appetite?

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't eat... simple. I don't have to take insulin and don't have a problem with low blood sugar, (I'm type 2). So, if I'm not hungry, that's good. That's one less meal my broken body has to deal with. There's plenty of stored energy hanging around

  • 1 decade ago

    As said previously, taking a basal such as Lantus or Levemir can give you a lot more freedom with your bolus injesctions. So will a pump, but not everyone has that sort of money lying about. I usually have a little something to drink with some sugar. You should speak with your doctor about decreasing insulin when you're not hungry (depending on what kind you're taking of course).

    Source(s): I've had IDDM since FOREVER
  • valy_4
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I'm type 1 diabetic and sometimes i really don't feel like eating. in my case, no feeling like it is a sign that I'm down (depressed/sad). but, Ive realize that if you start cooking something you really like, just the smell of it will bring back your appetite. my bf is a chef so when he cooks something, even when i don't feel like eating, i always end eating the good stuff.

    so basically, just try to motivate yourself in cooking something you like. could be just a grilled cheese or a chicken salad, but eating is a pleasure to be used.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    look, I was asking for help on my questions and not looking for negetivity. If you couldn't help you shouldn't have answered at all. I am not coming on here and bugging you about what you should think before you ask people. I have asked these questions for a certain reason. I asked what people like because I don't know every book out there in the world and I am hoping to stumble upon somthing exciting and wonderful. I asked what they thought was interesting in the feild of writing because i need to interveiw people and I need notes to do my research. Right now I have no clue who to interveiw or what to do about the project specificly, even though I know its writing.

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  • 1 decade ago

    It's so hard to eat when you have no appetite. I usually force myself to eat an apple or a salad, or maybe whole grain bread with some cheese.

  • 1 decade ago

    Usually, i don't eat (i know, its bad) but if someone really gets on my back about it i usually just have a cup of tea with milk and sometimes a plain biscuit,i find it's just enough to keep my sugars at a stable level until my next shot and meal.

    Source(s): IDDM for 14 years
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That's a hard one. I usually keep different snacks around the house, because I know that if I don't eat, I'll get in trouble. Fortuanately, it doesn't happen all the time. Good question, though.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Im on a reasonably newer kind of insulin called Lantis. It give me so much more freedom about that sort of thing. It gives you the flexability so that you can eat less/more than your regular depending on how you feel.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    there is an excellent product line made by glucerna especially designed for diabetics. they have meal replacement drinks and snack type bars. i personally recommened any of the chocolate drinks. easy to get down.

  • 1 decade ago

    My son has type 1 and he usually likes chicken soup and toast. Then he'll add juice to make sure he has enough carbs.

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