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rdnkchic2003 asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Re-training a dog?

We have two dogs. One is five, the other is a year old. The one who is five was trained to scratch at the door when he wants in or out. This has ruined our back door and I've had to paint various doors inside as well. When we have guests we usually either put them outside or in the guest room. The youngest usually just goes and lays down and lets the older one do all of the scratching. They usually sleep in our room at night but I'm tired of tripping over them and stepping on them, not to mention listening to them licking themselves or pestering each other. I tried to put them in the guest room last night and the oldest one scratched for two hours. For about the first 20 minutes I tried to ignore him thinking he'd get tired and stop. But then I started getting up and telling him to stop. I dont know how to handle this. There's the issue of scratching just to get his way, and then there's an issue of re-teaching him where to sleep. Please help.


I really do not want to crate the dogs. I dont see a point in crating them. We dont have potty or chewing issues, just the scratching. I hate the idea of leaving them in such a confined space.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have dog beds in our room and my boys sleep there...most of the time.some times on the bed. with us.

    if they don't have thier own beds i would get some...or throw old blankets down we did this cause i hate dog beds and ya can't wash the filling in most! make them "go lay down'...and just don't give him his way when he scratches...just like kids. they whine and cry to get their way u give in and then ya just taught them to whine and cry to get what they want!

    i taught my dogs to come to me if they have to just by asking them 'outside' when ya know they do so in teaching this they come to me when they need anything water bowl..ect. or my mom trained my dog as a kid to bark to get out.

    urs already know they go out to this should be easy....when the oldest scratches the door...or is about to correct and make him go lay down. then in a few mins ask him out side or potty or what ever word he knows. then take him out. don't wait to long as u know he needs out. else u could have bigger problems.

    sleeping in another room could be a pain as ur dogs want to be with u and not in another room....

  • 1 decade ago

    Hi, well, training a dog to scratch a door was not a great idea, but there is a solution. As a trainer, I would recommend some crates for your dogs. The older one cannot scratch as the crates doors are made if stiff wire and have spaces. Crates will give the dogs some alone time, they will sleep and not play together or perster each other. A crate should be introduced gradually, especially as your dogs are mature. Buy crates that are the proper size, the dog should be able to turn around and lie comfortably. 1 dog in each crate. Take away food after 6 pm and water after around 10 pm. Then a visit outside for potty and into the crates for the night. They may fuss a bit at first, but should settle quickly and sleep all night, a favourite toy in the crate is acceptable, but I advise against blankets and such, they get too dirty and stink! Let the dogs out in early in the morning for outside time and food. 99% of dogs love their crates. Crates make car travel easy (and much safer) This behaviour method is guaranteed to work with healthy dogs. Good Luck

    Source(s): I am a dog trainer, 22 years of experience
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It doesn't seem fair that you taught the dog to go to the door and scratch. I just potty trained a 11 week old puppy to go to the door and when she scratched at the door I was so proud of her!! As the sleeping thing that too seems not fair. All this time sleeping in your room now they can't. The dog is thinking what did I do that was so bad???? Sounds like you have two well trained dogs. I have a fan that is by my bed I use when I had two dogs and a cat sleeping with me and my husband ,it did cut down on the sounds of them licking..My pets are just like my kids! If it is so necessary to re-train your dogs you need to do one thing at a time. You will really confuse the poor things. After all they haven't done anything wrong only what they were taught!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Hi, I understand that you are looking for some advice or resources to help fully train your dog or fix behavior problems. If a professional dog trainer is not an option at this time, or if you want to trt training your dog on your own (a great way to bond), I'd suggest you

    A friend recommened it to me a few years ago, and I was amazed how quickly it worked, which is why I recommend it to others. The dog training academy also has as an excellent home training course.

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  • 1 decade ago

    There are numerous points to using crates. They can sleep in the room with you and not pester each other or cause you to trip over them. Because they are in the room with you, you don't have to worry about damage to your guest room door. Since you are not crating for housetraining issues you can use larger crates for them to give them more space to stretch out and sleep.

    Though there isn't a door to scratch as the poster above said, that doesn't mean he won't be rattling the door. You can pretty easily train him to accept the crate by feeding him in it for a few days (door open at first) and giving him super yummy treats when you put him in. You can also place a t-shirt or towel with your scent on it in the crate to comfort him.

    If you really, really don't want to use crates, and you don't necessarily care if the dog is scratching at the door but don't want the doors to be ruined, you can place sheets of plexiglass on the doors to protect them. I have seen them in pet supply catalogs but don't recall which ones right now.

    If you want them to get used to sleeping in another room, expect to spend a few sleepless nights getting them used to the change. You can either put them in another room and ignore everything they do, hoping that they will eventually get used to it and settle in. Or, you can sleep in the guest room with them for a couple of nights to get them accustomed to the switch and then leave them in the room on their own to sleep. I would also suggest some good hard exercise in the evening so that they are more likely to just go to sleep rather than complain.

    Source(s): dog trainer
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'd crate train them. You really need a good night's sleep.

    Source(s): Dog Rescue Director
  • TR.
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Crate train him. This would solve both your sleep problem and when people are over.

  • John N
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Hi ,

    Well i found this really helpful guide ,its a really professional training called sit stay fetch , it teaches you how to train your dog by yourself , check it out at , its a easy step by step videos and book Hope this helps you with your dog

    Good luck

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Here is a good site with some options for you.

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