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ja man
Lv 5
ja man asked in Politics & GovernmentImmigration · 1 decade ago

Why? Please read?

Why does it seem that those who may have come here illegally get on this forum and are quick to point out anything bad about legal Americans or White Americans and want to pick fights with people. or even think that their race is responsible for giving us things that we had long before they were here? I know I will get all sorts of anwers I expect it just be honest and keep it clean I don't want your name calling or belittling of other races, backgrounds etc... If you don't understand what I am looking for don't answer it will be a waste of my time as well as yours. I don't have a problem with Mexicans or Latinos or anyone else who wants to be here and do it legally so don't go running off at the mouth about we are all racist. Just tell me why if you think you are allowed to be here that you can't or won't take the time to fill in the appropriate paperwork so we know who you are and allow you to enjoy ALL of the freedoms that come with being an American.


I know the parperwork to come here must be a pain, but isn't it worth it to know that you did it right? And last night on this forum as well as today there were questions posed that had to do with Latinos who think they are responsible for our infrastructure as well as today with someone wanting a fight with the minutemen. I am an American citizen and I am white I'm not asking because I have done anything wrong rather because of all of the hateful things said in ignornance most of the time. If you know the issues on immigration enlighten me if I am wrong by all means. I have said I have no problem if you want to do it right. I don't agree with all of the illegally entering it is detrimental to our society.

Update 2:

Also I know this country was founded by immigrants. But I also know that most in that time did it the right way. I am not against immigration rather the illegal immigration do we not have laws on our books that are supposed to keep this to a minimal? Why aren't they being enforced? Why do we need new laws when the ones we already have can't be upheld it makes no sense.

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are SO right. What amazes me, is that some people don't realize that our laws not only protect us citizens, but also the legal immigrants. They have a stake in things too, and the illegal alien problem hurts the legal immigrants as much as it hurts the citizens. I know all of the paperwork and waiting are a pain, but its necessary to protect all of us, and I am very grateful to those who do it the right way, and I'm glad that we continue to be a blend of cultures. I like legal immigrants of all cultures, nationalities, races, religions, etc.

    We are so generous here in the U.S., and its rather hurtful the way some people choose to walk all over us and take advantage of our loopholes. And then, to add insult, they start the name calling as soon as we try to defend our laws.

    Edit: To Jasmine- the bashing on here goes both ways. I've seen horrible things from both sides. Frequently, but its usually the same few people doing it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I personally haven't seen many illegals bashing whites. I see it the other way around here on y/a

    What people say a lot is "Well, I know an illegal and he's a great guy" but people need to look at the big picture. It's not about one, it's about the millions and their affect on our nation.

    My city has had a Mexican population explosion in the last 10 years. This is a drain on our state and city. Free medical, free school etc. And yes, it's obvious they are illegal.

    I'm all for having immigrants but we need this to be done right. Our government is as much to blame because neither Republicans nor Democrats have enforced our laws in the last 50 years. What else do they expect?

    *Ja Man: I read your updated posts. My guess is a bunch of 13 year olds got online. Also, Mexicans took land from Indians too. The whole Mexicans were here first stuff doesn't fly with me. Oh, I'm of Mexican heritage and yes a lot of wonderful people are from Mexico but...doesn't change the fact that illegals are having a negative impact. Especially Southern Cali and Arizona. I don't mind having workers here but keep the criminals out. We need to enforce our laws. Ok, that's my two cents worth.

  • 1 decade ago

    A. When the Hispanic immigrants speak to each other, they like to talk about how great they are and how great their countries are and how terrible the US is, how lazy, greedy and guilty US citizens are. All of this causes them to take the position that we owe them. When we argue a rational point of view, they haveto call it racism. That way they can disregard any argument that doesn't support their overblown opinion of their value. The lie justifies their position.

    B. The laws are set up so that most people who want to immigrate into the US CANNOT DO IT LEGALLY. You need a citizen or resident close family member or employer to sponsor you or you need to be wealthy. If you don't have those things, you cannot come to the US legally, it doesn't matter how long you wait or what papers you file. Most illegals can't and never could "do it the legal way". I keep repeating that, but just like the illegals, the antis ignore that point because it does not support their view that illegal aliens choose to be illegal because their character is flawed. The lie justifies their position.

    Both sides are engaged in self delusion. They get pissed when someone tries to pull them out of it.

    Source(s): lived in Mexico, deal with Hispanic immigrants every day, practiced immigration law for 8 years.
  • 1 decade ago

    My first wife came to the States in the late 80's, and we married in the early 90's. She is a brilliant woman, and a true example of the good that can come from America, but her half-brother just could not get it right. He tried to enter illegally on 9 different occasions, 7 of which involved his swimming the Rio Grande. I loved him as if he was my own family, but, I despised that he had such a lack of respect as to continuously try to do it the illegal way. His words on the matter: "Why should it matter who I am or why I come. I should be able to come and go as I want, and do as I please." I did not agree, and still do not. So far as I know, she (my first wife) still does not approve of that method of entry, and she is a Hispanic from Lima, Peru.

    Julio, you have it wrong. You apply for a residency before you apply for citizenship. You don't live illegally first, then become a citizen. That's not the way it is supposed to be done. Doesn't one go to the American Consulate to get a visa for travel permissions? If not, then one is illegal. Simple as that, unless there is an agreement between the two nations that allows for temporary visits without a visa.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Those who believe that the only racists are the legal Americans are cowards. Plain and simple. I, as a Norwegian American was born here. My dad was born here. My grandad was born here. My great-grandad was born here. My great great grandad came over a year before Wisconsin became a state. He came legally. He followed the rules and was afforded legal rights. However, back then it wasn't as hard. Nor was it as easy as getting off of a boat and signing your name in a book, like some like to tell you. There was also screening processes, language requirements, and taxpayer requirements. The only difference today then then is the simple fact that society is so relaxed on the laws of this nation that they figure they can whine and complain long enough and then get their way. Sorry, don't work with me!!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    in case people have forgotten america was founded by immigrants. immigrants are important to this country because contrary to the belief that they are a drain on the nations economy its totally the opposite. employers dont care if they hire an illegal they just ask for a social and dedeuct taxes which in turn benefit the rest of america....why? because illegals can not get those public services like medicare, social security, etc. for the exception of public schooling. in the end the big fat cats get alot of free money since they also can not file for taxes.

    how else are they a help to america....well they do take all those crappy jobs dont they? jobs like in the agricultural scene. can you picture your self picking strawberrys or grapes out in the hot sun for 8 to 10 hours? making chump change? cus if you can and wnat the job go ahead and apply since they do have a shortage of agricultural workers. how about working in the slaughter house killing chickens and all that good stuff? im sure an american is dreaming to grow up and work in middle america killing chickens for a living.

    you should really reevaluate your thinking and maybe do more research on how immigrants actually benefit the country. .

    Source(s): econ 202 macroeconomics good teacher.
  • 1 decade ago

    In most developing countries many families do not afford quality education or any at all.. poverty is high in these countries.

    education being a key requirement at US embassies as well as financial stability, a lot of individuals are filtered through the legal process.

    It is a situation where the rich move legally while the poor stay back.. and what would you do if you were the poor.

  • 1 decade ago

    You may not realize just how difficult it is to immigrate to the US legally. Its a long, drawn out, expensive legal process, and only a relatively small number of people are allowed in each year.

    The demand for labor far exceeds that number.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i just have a super hard time believing that the person we all have in our mind as "illegal" is up at nights on high speed internet, on their personal computer, contributing to Yahoo Answers! really!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My best guess is that they fear consequences due to the fact that they are aware that they are illegal, so they fear that they may get deported or something.

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