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painting roof?

we do not like the color of the roof on a house recently purchased, green. the roof is in very good shape and does not need replacing.

we are considering painting the roof with a latex paint. does anyone have any experience with this???

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I've been a professional roofer for 20 yrs and have NEVER heard of such a thing. What sort of roof do you have?You can't paint shingles and metal roofs are almost impossible to repaint as it just flakes off the original coating. need more info

  • barile
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    A "eco-friendly" or "residing roof" would be much greater effective. A white roof would have a distinctive, yet effective result, and are already utilized in NYC to maintain homes cooler in aspects of Hell's Kitchen as an occasion. Silver paint is extensively utilized. Black colored roofs take in warmth and upload to the "warmth island" bring about super cities. the main significant reason maximum of roofs in super cities are black is on account it is the colour of tar paper and roofing tar (black). only in the final 10 years have human beings discovered that white and silver makes a development cooler in the summertime and have a cooling result on the city as an entire. the terrific answer however is a eco-friendly roofs, because of the fact that they're plenty greater advantageous at this than merely a coat of paint. A eco-friendly roof has a plenty decrease ambient temperature and absorbs rainwater - this in turn takes a stress off present sewers and retains interior of sight rivers cleanser. finally, for what this is nicely worth, i've got self belief clouds mirror much greater image voltaic than polar ice besides.

  • 1 decade ago

    i agree with both of the gentlemen i think your best bet would be to re-roof over the existing shingles if it is a newer roof that has no damage but keep in mind when you go to re-roof it later there will be a extra charge for the removal and dump fee at least in Florida

    Source(s): general contractor Florida
  • 1 decade ago

    i gotta agree with alf on this, i've never heard of such a thing. there is aluminum paint for flat roofs, it's real thick stuff, and looks like chrome when it's done.

    Source(s): siding and roofing contractor
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