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Is it OK for someone to admit or imply they've reported you for being an Atheist?


I received this response to a question I asked; It was barely an implication, more an admittance, really:

"Your question is in poor taste and offends the Christian community here. It also shows your maturity level. I hope that you do get reported and removed."

The question:

Really, is this worse than telling people they are bound for a fiery death in Hell where their actions will mean nothing if they don't supplicate? Should this guy be allowed to report others for disagreeing with his supposedly 'solid' beliefs? Or, do we need some VLR?

Update 2:

Gee, Daisy. I didn't know 'immaturity' was a reportable offense. Ever go to the single and dating boards? There are some very young people on there who are not quite mature. Do you report them too? Before you go around hitting that 'report' button, please know what the guidelines are for reporting in the first place and think to yourself: "Who has this person harmed in asking this question?" Go report the men on S&D trying to pick up the little girls. It may be more worthwhile to society as a whole.

Update 3:

CC: I appreciate your insight but in no way was my question advocating hatred. I will stand up and fight ignorance where and when I see it.

Hrylady: Thanks a whole bunch for not reporting me. Since WHEN is not believing in a God equatable with non-sprituality? I am here to learn something from my atheists, agnostics, and theists who don't shove their beliefs down my throat with threats. I am very spiritual, as are most of my friends here. We discuss religion and sprituality. Putting atheists in their "own section" is based on the same notion as enslaving black people. Whoa. That's a pretty scary idea you have there.

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    A really don't have a problem with somebody asking questions about Christianity for emitting to be an atheist. I don't know why any Christian would be offended by someone being an atheist.

    Notwithstanding this, I have seen many questions that were both demeaning and insulting all the Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus and so on. It really doesn't matter whether the asker was an atheist, or some other religion trying to prove their superiority over the one being mocked. My response would be the same in both cases, the person should be reported and should in fact lose their privileges.

    If the question being asked is merely informational, or to prove a point. I have no problem, and I really don't see what difference it makes whether someone implies that you could be reported on-either they do or they don't.

  • 1 decade ago

    reporting someone for being an athiest. that sounds can one have open communication that way. sounds to me like someone reacted and did not respond. Many religious people regardless of their belief are very passionate in what they believe and feel threatened when faced with oposition. Just means they aren't comfortable with their own knowledge of their own beliefs. Or that's the way I used to be...I would freak out if I was asked a question I couldn't If I don't know I just say so and try to find the answer. Now not really wanting to get into your battle be sure they reported you for being an atheist and not because of the manner in which you responded. I didn't read your previous question only because of the lateness it is here.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It's sad, eh? People are so easily offended in this section, it's almost sickening.

    This forum is really useless when every question needs a 600 words disclaimer.

    This person is just being silly, I never report people, but I could report him for 'not answering the question'. He violates the TOS! HA!! let's all go after him.

    Oops, the end of my answer was almost sarcastic. sarcasm is the fastest road to being reported. Oh well.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is YOUR responsibility to seek-out the truth of spiritual matters--this is the essence of free-will. The truth will NEVER run from or avoid the 'light' of scrutiny. The truth will never ask you to follow 'blindly,' and it does not require that you dismiss legitimate questions or concerns for fear that you may offend it. In the end, the truth can only be what it has always been or ever will be--The Truth. Such as it is, once you have found that Spiritual Truth, anchor yourself to it by faith. Keep your heart and mind open, and be prepared to follow where Your Faith leads you.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I think the problem is, you don't know when to draw the line. The prayer question was going too far. And no, I didn't report you.

    I believe that if atheists had their own forums and you posted it there, fine because you are in your neck of the woods. I also would know in advance, these people don 't believe so of course I'm going to see some nasty stuff.

    However, this is the religion and spirituality section and atheists don't believe in either. So it is indeed, disrespectful.

    I think that atheists need their own section so that they can be free to rally and support one another.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm an Atheist. If you think I will report you based on your religion, then that's pathetic. You are your own person. Now, if you report me for being an Atheist, then the immaturity is on you, and I pity the fact that you cannot respect that someone may be different than you.

    If someone reports me, then I'll be pretty frustrated and disappointed. But they should probably admit to it, because honesty is important.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't agree about reporting you for your poem because I wrote a poem not too long ago that got deleted because other people didn't like it. I don't like your poem and dumb is kind of rude but there is no reason to mess with free speech unless its hurting people. My poem was even more inocent then yours and it got reported. People say its because I didnt think of everyone when I brought up Easter in my poem and thanked the Lord for His bounty, but I was talking to those who celebrated Easter. Any one could have answered if they wanted to. I was asking it because it was the day our Lord rose from the earth and saved us all. So no I guess your question is for athiests and you say that so its kind of crazy you got reported.

    God Bless You. Glory To His Name On High.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    To whom would that person report you to? Legally you cannot be penalized because of your belief system. Your belief, if you are an atheist, is as valid as those who believe in god. It's all conjecture, there is no proof that either belief system accurately represents reality. Keep and open mind, and honor the belief system of all.

  • 1 decade ago

    People shouldn't report you for being an atheist. They probably reported you because they are afraid of your non-belief system. If you are not a Bible-thumping, church-going, God-fearing person then you're BAD! :)

  • CC
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I am an atheist. I don't think what you posted as the "atheists' prayer" is in good taste. It seeks to denigrate christian belief by mocking it. Sure, some christians have posted what I would define as hate speech by threatening hellfire in our alleged afterlives. But this is not sufficient justification to respond with similar hate.

    Remember that hatred hurts the hater more than the hated. Let us move beyond this. Let us allow everyone to believe as they will. Let us focus on our own lives.

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