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Christians: Why do so many of you believe that Atheists can't pray?

Since when did you all corner the market on prayer? I am a humanist. I pray to the whole of humanity. It's quite insulting to realize that many of you believe an atheist cannot pray if they don't believe in a God (or your God).


*Angel* - You don't even try to understand the question, do you? If you don't know what the whole of humanity is, go ask a nursery school teacher. I hope you can begin answering questions even if they don't apply to your specific religious sensibilities.

Update 2:

Praying does NOT solely mean worshiping God. Read on with your dictionary definitions. "Prayer": 1. The act of praying, or of asking a favor; earnest request or entreaty; hence, a petition or memorial addressed to a court or a legislative body. 2.The form of words used in praying; an expressed petition.

- The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

20 Answers

  • angel
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't mean to be rude but who are you praying to? Christians pray to their Father in Heaven. Who are you addressing in prayer? What is the whole of humanity?

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, as a life long catholic I'll make an attempt to clear up what you seem to take as a slight against you. I think your dealing with a difference in definition here. Webster's Dictionary has two definitions of "prayer" - 1 : an address (as a petition) to God or a god in word or thought 2 : the act or practice of praying to God or a god

    So if that is the understood definition of the word "prayer" someone who doesnt believe in "god" cannot "pray" as they are not undertaking the action which the word "prayer" dictates by making a personal address to God.

    Source(s): The dictionary, Life long catholic
  • 1 decade ago

    It's not that I don't believe you can't pray. . .it's just that I fail to see the point in it. If you don't acknowledge the existence of God (the God of Christianity or anybody else's), why address Him with your needs? The point of prayer is that God hears and answers us when we call out to Him. Praying to a God that you don't believe in is like making a call to a disconnected number.

    And in the case of "praying to the whole of humanity," that's like making a telephone call to the entire universe. What's the point? Humanity hasn't been able to help itself out of the messes it gets itself into. Why would praying to it do any good?

  • 4 years ago

    i'm very sorry to take heed to approximately your lose, you're an extremely courageous and strong individual for occurring and sharing this with us! i'm additionally satisfied you stumbled on your god, dropping your faith is worry-unfastened while something so close is removing. and for that, I honestly have the utmost know and sincerity for you. As for that be conscious Atheism, anybody may be compassionate, and a few of those human beings do no longer have confidence in god. yet there is alot of prejudging occurring in religions, i've got self assurance (Please do no longer hate me for this) Christianity, Catholicism, Judaism, Muslim, etc.. is faith according to one god, and one son (or prophet). So why decide, all of it incredibly is dedicated to GOD. this is like judging names, "bob is evil" yet ":Robert is actual". on condition that somebody believes that earth began forty 4 billion years in the past, and guy replaced into created via a mixture of carbon and gasses slowly evolving, does not cause them to much less a individual, merely skill it incredibly is a various opinion. all of us love, this is interior the bible, this is programmed in our brains, we could no longer prejudge. you do no longer might desire to have self assurance something you do no longer honestly have self assurance. yet settle for and know that there is a distinction accessible. in any case, i'm ranting on. God bless you susanm

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  • 1 decade ago

    I like it when people talk out there sitting down place, and not think about what they are saying before they say it,

    Here we go "Read this over and over"

    Why do we believe Atheists cant pray? Atheists don't be believe in God, they do no think he exists, so why the double talk, on prayer? Its not that we don't want them to pray, that is stupid, we just don't like remarks like this, due to the fact, why are they even wanting to strike up a converstation with someone they think doesnt exisit...

    Ya we want them to pray, its a chance for God to be God when they do. And God can do his mirical working stuff, and then they will believe. But fact is fact,

    Why pray, when they dont think he even exisit, Atheists,,,,

    dont believe in God, that is the meaning of Atheists.

    Dubble standers Blame it on the Christans. Not,,,

    No,,, let them pray, mabe they will find God... Atheists, should change there name, to a "I have not made up my mind yet" If they are praying, they are still hopeing, and that is good.

    Christan,,, believer, lover of God.

    Hell is full of people who are no longer Atheists, who wished they said the sinners prayer, So I ask them all to pray that one first, then walk into your destoney in God...

  • Unless you are telecasting your prayer to everyone, what is the point of your prayer? The point of prayer is to worship, to praise, thank, and ask for various things or actions for yourself or for others. If you simply pray all by yourself to humanity, how do you expect humanity to answer your prayer? Do you think that strangers would even care about your issue?

    I pray to God because I know that He listens.

  • 1 decade ago

    Okay, who are you praying to? And who's going to answer that prayer? Why would you pray for something in vain? Just to be talking. Is 59:1-2 says, "Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened, that it can not save; nor His ear heavy, that it can not hear. But your iniquities hav separated you from you God; and your sins hav hidden His face from you, so that He will not hear. For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity; your lips have spoken lies, your tongue has muttered perversity....." Need I go on.

  • 1 decade ago

    whole of Hhumanity?????? do you mean you pray to the rock, the trees,monkeys and dogss etc.? that's crazy! i would rather pray to God through Jesus Christ by the Power of the Holy Spirit

  • 1 decade ago

    I beleive everyone can pray. I pray to my Lord, who I beleive is Lord of all and saviour. But I know that people can pray to anyone or anything if they want to so in that way I disagree with many of my friends on here.

  • Why can atheist not pray to God presently?

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