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Why do people think 'their' religion is bad but 'our' religion is good?

How is it that many can see that religion is a major obstacle to peace in the Middle East, yet it doesn't dawn on them that religion also has a damaging effect on our own politics?

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Actually, I think war in general are part of human nature. Not sure about other part of the world, but according to the Chinese history for example, thousands of years ago, everybody only have one religion and yet they still fought and billions or even trillions of people died as the result, and for what, power... Perhaps the Roman empire are the same, although I'm no expert at that... Now that we evolve beyond the whole dictatorship part (well, the majority of us, at least here in America), we fought over other things, race... As we evolve beyond that, of course here comes religions. Who knows, even if one day everybody in the world will believe in one God only, I bet we will then go to war with each other over other things too, by then maybe men versus women, Mars versus Venus, perhaps by then genetic engineer is so advance that men and women don't need each other anymore to reproduce so we all turn gay... Human nature if you ask me...

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    it type of feels the added non secular everybody is the more severe they're. take a examine out each and each of the pedophile clergymen you listen about. Then undergo in recommendations the do-no longer some thing keep it less than the rug coverage the Church officials took on it. then you definitely have The September 11th assaults that were by technique of Muslim Extremists. even notwithstanding homicide and mayhem aren't from now on some thing new to the non secular persons. The Catholic Chruch is to blame for The Salem Witch Trials, The Spanish Inquisiton, and executing Nicholus Copernicus and Giordannoi Bruno for proving The Earth revolved around the sunlight and replaced into no longer the middle of the universe. in addition they Threatened Galileo Galilei for an similar project. In Tennessee contained in the Nineteen 1920s Professor John T. Scopes replaced into arrested and imprisoned for training the concept of Evolution. I see society status up and rejecting faith as a demonstration we are evolving. we are transferring previous superstitious nonsense and gaining awareness of to settle for truth.

  • 1 decade ago

    Religions are the reason the world will never be united as one people.

    Ignorance. That is what it all boils down to. Most people are comfortable knowing what the man behind the pulpit has been teaching them all of their life is the way it is, and refuse to open their mind to the possibility of another truth. That is ignorance. Humans, in general, do not like to be wrong & they certainly do not like to get out of their comfort zone. This is prideful and ignorant.

    There are 7 major world religions and many non-recognized beliefs out there. Christianity alone has more than 10,000 sects to it. Why? Because the Baptists believe they're right and the others are wrong. Because the Methodists believe they are right and the others are wrong. So on and so forth.

    Most Christians believe only in the sect that they grew up in (that their family took them to), and they believe their sect is the only one that is right... but they have never studied other sects of Christianity or other world religions and do not care to. That is ignorance defined. They just have a preset judgement that their way is the only way. They were told by their church leader all of their life that through their sect is the only way to Heaven and they are satisfied with that. Do you know what that means? THEY ARE BRAINWASHED!

    This is why I love God, and believe Jesus died on the cross, and trust in the Bible but do not go to church. I'm a good person and have good morals and ethics. I'm not perfect. I sin. I pray. I ask for forgiveness. But I believe every major world religion has some validity (because I've looked into all of them). I most closely believe the Ba'hai Faith because the 1st of their 12 principles is "independent investigation of the truth", which states, instead of believing narrowmindely in what the man behind the pulpit says and that's it, open your mind up to the fact that there is a reason why there are so many religions. Find out why. Research on your own what truths are out there, instead of just being satisfied with what one man, who gets paid to stand behind that pulpit says.

    Maybe, Muhammed was a prophet sent to spread God's word. Maybe Buddha was sent to send a different kind of message, but still doing the will of God. Maybe there were a lot of prophets sent to various regions of the earth at different times in history to relay a message to the world. Maybe it wasn't God's intent for humans only learn about the religion that is taught in the area they live in. Maybe He intended for us to learn about all of them.

    Now consider that every major religion has been corrupted over time, mostly due to misunderstandings of the translation. Now you have the year 2007 in the state that the world is in. Before we, as the human race, can become one people under God (Allah in arabic), we need to learn more about each other.

  • 1 decade ago

    Everyone is governed by a set of beliefs that control their behavior even the irreligious and that is why America supports free speech in the market place of ideas. Any attempt of one group to censor the other is a violation of human freedom. Those that must suppress are obviously the inferior because they can't hang in a real debate about truth, values, laws, etc.

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  • 1 decade ago

    UPS and DOWNS

    We do not choose our religion at our birth

    We believe what our parents believe

    Religion is part of our human and social needs

    We expect, when wen we grow up, to use our acquired

    wisdom and discernment to choose.our religion

    Religion, in its original interpretations, ment to unite humans

    Religion and politics begin to work as partners

    after the clergy forgets about the earlier persecution

    by politicians and practice "what is from Caesar..."

    When religion becams more political, and

    politics becams churchy, is necessary to go back to the original sources of interpretation of all the sacred writings

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it is an issue of how the media portrays what is going on over there. If people from other countries watched the news and they saw how many murders were happening over here in America every day (more than any other developed nation) , they would think we're crazy too.

  • 1 decade ago

    Religion is a major obstacle to peace EVERYWHERE. It always has been, and it will be until humanity can evolve beyond such petty differences. IF we make it that far.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think in order for all us to become United, we need to respect eachother's religions. No one has a right to say that their religion is the right religion... Everyone has a right to their own beliefs.

    Source(s): I am Christian.
  • 1 decade ago

    I guess the same reasons that people like you hate our government and believe people like Chavez and Castro are good leaders with a "vision".

    People like you should move on to those places as soon as you can.

    I bet you hate everthing the US does in the world, huh?

    I believe they call them guilty white liberal bed wetting pathetic chumps.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ah, hang on there tootsie..

    Was it not a god of theirs that called to kill people in a Jihad?..

    And you just put it in the words that matter, politics and religoin do not mix, if the politics is based on lies for power..

    Most of it is..


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