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Most people agree that the shootings at Virginia Tech Univ is classified as an act of terrorism,?

with that mind, will George W. Bush include this carnage as part of terrorism he is currently waging war upon? If so terrorism has again struck in the U.S. soil. If you disagree then explain Bush's definition of terrorism and terroristic in the U.S.

34 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I believe 100% this was a terrorist act. Just because it didn't involve a Islamic individual(s) doesn't meant it can't be terrorism. The main goal of any terrorist act is to instill fear in innocent people by any means. It doesn't matter who or whom does it. Look at the Oklahoma City bombing as an example. The terrorist in this case was American (and a former Marine at that!!). As of right now we don't know what this sick individuals motive was for doing, we may never know. But for whatever reason, he wanted to instill fear and kill whomever he came across. I mean for Christ's sake he is said to have put chains on some doors so that people couldn't get in or out....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It will depend on what the motives of the shooters were. A terrorist act is carried out to cause fear and unrest (terror) against a perceived enemy. To be considered a terrorist act the perpetrators must be affiliated with some sort of cause that the feel their act will further (political, religious, etc.)

    If a few crazed men walk into a mall and shoot 20 people for their own sadistic pleasure - then that is not terrorism. It is a spree killing.

    If the same incident happens, but with political or religious motives or the motive of revenge against an institution, I would call that a terrorist act.

  • 1 decade ago

    Acts of terrorism are done to gain some kind of political, or social ground; to make a point, get some power, intimidate, and provoke similar behavior from the opposing side.

    who is that agrees with you.

    Bush is a fool. All he is is an actor.

    This is just an example of how someones life gets screwed up and they repay society by going on a killing spree.

    I actually feel sorry for both parties here.

    How could this guys life have been so messed up that he actively pursues violence, death, and suffering.

    he was not in his right mind.

    On the other hand none of those victims deserves what they got. I pray that there is a GOD and that they are all accepted into heaven.

    It just goes to show how sad and dangerous our society is.

    Source(s): my POV
  • 1 decade ago

    It is terrorism; terrorism of our own society. Fact, these things happen and we know why they happen. People are getting abuse out there by each other and some are snapping. Also, they're not getting the proper help as in therapy and counseling.

    Society now only wants to force people to take medications that are really poison to kill them or cause them to get operations to make money off them. Sure, that is another way to deal with the problem. But THERE ARE BETTER WAYS.

    Also, society doesn't feel that it's worth saving a few lives to set up proper security in places. Saving the cost is a lot more important.

    So, yeah, it is terrorism; but, it's not always foreign.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Terrorism is determined by motive. I haven't heard any special motive besides killing so this cannot be terrorism.

    Terrorism is trying to get a group of people, a country, an organization etc. to begin or cease certain practices or activities by threating the escelation, continuation or initiating or destructive and deadly actions against said group.

    If the killer had done this, then told the University that similar killing would continue if they didn't ... say ... stop using lab ratgs for experiments. THAT would have been a sort of terrorism.

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh geeez!! Yes, this is an act of terrorism. Yet it is not the same terrorism. This is the same kind of terrorism such as the Oklahoma city bombings, the Columbine massacre, etc. It's national terrorism not international terrorism. When members of another counrty hijack planes and crash them into your buildings and kill thousands of people then you kick their a**. Neither are ok. There's your terrorism lesson!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Aside from the ghoulishness of using a tragedy such as this to make a cheap political point, I believe your question is extremely flawed. There is no way to protect everybody all the time, and unfortunately today a madman killed 33 people. This was not an act of terrorism, but an act of insanity. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families of those killed today.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    First let me say that their are 15,000 scholars at that particular college, 4,000 contained in the dorm, and 11,000 who live off campus. Virginia Tech the day previous to this had a Press convention on Fox information, and between the authorities (there have been 3), and that i do not understand his identify suggested that they do have a secure practices device, by ability of e-mail, and different technical ability. notwithstanding the time that the incidents occurred, replaced into contained in the A.M. at the same time as the students were commuting. at the same time as they did arrive they felt that it replaced into perfect to lock down at the same time as they did arrive. surely on the time of the info convention they were nevertheless doing the study of the witnesses, and they did no longer have each and each of the solutions yet. That suggested, i trust they ought to have metallic detectors as they do on the airports, and that i.D. playing cards (ones that ought to no longer be counterfeited), as they're making plans to do with Passports interior u . s . a .. Secondly at the same time as an incident does ensue they ought to have a noisy siren like they do in Israel, and different countries in the course of warfare time alerting human beings to flow into their shelters. That wll alert those who're commuting. For those that dorm they ought to have a PA device put in. those are the in elementary words measures that i will imagine of, except for strickter gun administration regulations. truth to inform, it really is unlucky yet inspite of measures are put in it type of feels that once a deranged individual, or a terrotist is desirous to damage human beings regrettably they consistently locate a fashion to artwork round any safe practices device it really is put in. it really is type of a no win problem, yet we ought to do what we ought to do no count number what. G-d will be functional those households, to be in a position to triumph over the tragedy of dropping a chlld.

  • toff
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I believe this attack is a terrible human tragedy. I leave the task of labeling to those that feel more comfortable scoring political points over the bodies of those who have died.

    I do not like, nor have I ever voted or this president. I am a liberal and have become very concerned with the direction our nation is taking. However, today's tragedy is a human one. I am not willing to utilize it for political oneupsmanship.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is the wanton murder of 30 people by a domestic terrorist. This one does not involve the President of the United States and this act of domestic terrorism should be handled by the State of Virginia and local law enforcement, with the aid of the FBI, if requested.

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