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In light of the events at Virginia Tech should we ban....?

The loner?

Columbine, Luby's Cafe, The Amish school tragedy.....all the gunman were "loners".

So since everyone wants to now ban the gun, should we also make laws against anyone who is a loner? If your a 'loner' go to jail go directly to jail do not pass go, do not collect $200!


I can see that some of you are getting what I am trying to say. There is no one answer to solving the problems in our society! Guns are not the problem - people are.

To the moron who offered a suggestion on where I can store my gun -- One only a moron answers with something so class, and two you betcha I own a gun. I am licensed and legal. Taking my gun will never stop crime - but y having a gun may stop a crime on my property!

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Why don't we teach people to control themselves instead of trying to pass all these laws to control their guns? Then we won't really have to worry about it.

    Heck, we're so busy trying to ban stuff that it's no wonder people like this are ignored. If we spent half as much time teaching people to control themselves rather than do it for them, maybe we'd have less problems.

  • 1 decade ago

    That reminds me of an old commercial, 'When you're out of Schlitz, you're out of beer!'

    The gunman was a loner, but not all loners are gunmen.

    A gun killed these people, but not all guns kill people.

    (What? Some of you don't agree with this one? What else does a gun do but kill people, you ask? A gun is an inanimate object which only takes on a purpose when it is used. If a policemen uses a gun to prevent a violent criminal from committing murder, then his gun has actually saved lives. Still not convinced? Oh well.)

    The basic problem is determining which loners are also gunmen. And, if the set is not exhaustive, IE, are there gunman who are not loners? And for our next trick, we can ban only those guns that will be used for violent crime.

    More to the point, humans tend to be more stable, happier, and more successful within society, if they have a support network of friends and relatives. Humans, being social creatures, need companionship. Being a solitary hermit is clearly not health. A reasonable argument could be made for treating loneliness as any other illness.

  • 1 decade ago

    I will offer a better idea.

    Why not just enforce the current laws. As a non-citizen I am not sure it was legal for him to purchase a weapon, if he did it through a licensed dealer. There is a broken law.

    He brought weapons to a school which I believe is against the law, yet no one reported it, and I can tell you if you live in a dorm, everyone knew he had a weapon.

    One of the main problems in AMerica today is we have enough laws, too many in fact, that go unenforced, and then Congress wants to make a new law to fix that. I think if we enforced the laws we could probably do away with half of the government since we do not need more laws. Just think about that for a moment, we could reduce the outlay of government my half in one fell swoop. What a wonderful thing.

  • 1 decade ago

    Banning guns from Americans hasn't helped anybody. The bad guys are going to get their hands on guns one way or the other. They don't care about laws. So what kind of situation does that put the law abiding citizens in? They don't have the adequate means of protecting themselves from the guys with guns.

    In Texas one guy tried to rob a convenience store with a firearm. Immediately, 4 people pulled their guns on him! Without the means of protecting ourselves, the bad guys don't have anything to fear, except for the police, of course, IF they get there in time.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah, not so sure you can outcast a "loner" legally, but yes I believe guns should have no place being given out so loosely to people. I think those that like to hunt should go back to old ways of doing actually making it a challenge, use a bow and arrow or knives, something like that instead of just picking off some helpless animal that has no idea what is coming.

    Guns are horrible so are those that commit crimes like these. It would be a big help to society as a whole to greatly tighten up gun laws. Maybe only armed forces, police officials should have them. Definitely not make them available to anyone and everyone. A waiting restriction does absolutely NO GOOD! A waiting time does not keep someone from obtaining a weapon for murder.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am a loner and I don't kill people, but if you mess with me you will take your life in your own hands because I will protect myself.

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't be absurd. People have the right to be alone. All 'loners' do not go out and kill people.

  • 1 decade ago


    Prohibit anything you don't do. That's the current trend.

    There oughtta be a law......*eye roll*

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sure, let's.

  • 1 decade ago

    we should violently ban guns. if youre some kind of redneck no-dick that loooooves your gun, it should be shoved up your ***.

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