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Susie D

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  • Withholding an Employees Pay?

    I work - well now it's "worked" (past tense) for a company located in Texas that withheld a significant portion of my first paycheck with them. When I received the check and questioned the amount they said they "hold X amount of hours of pay until the end of my relationship with them".

    I was never informed of this, nor did I agree to this. I know in my state you can't do this, but as this company is located in Texas I'm not as knowledgeable in the wage laws.

    Can a company in Texas withhold a portion of an employees paycheck indefinitely without a written agreement or a court order?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What are the chances this woman will get out of this ticket?

    On Valentine's day my husband was in a serious traffic accident (some men will do anything to get out of buying their wife flowers (; ).

    The woman was coming down an off ramp, crossing over two lanes of traffic to make a left turn. My husband was traveling in the first lane on the road she was crossing - and he was traveling the speed limit - 45mph. Trust me - I know my husband, he was doing the speed limit. I'm the Mario Andretti wanna be in this house, while my husband strictly adheres to speed limits because he has a CDL and multiple endorsements for his job - he considers his license to be his most valuable asset because he earns his living with it.

    There is a stop sign at the base of the ramp, and my husband remembers very clearly seeing her at the stop sign as he approached, and the next thing he knew she was pulling in front of him. He impacted her vehicle dead center on the driver's side. He spun her vehicle 180 degrees and he went about an additional 50 feet (I am terrible at judging distances.).

    She was cited for violating PA Motor Vehicle Code 3323b - failing to yeild. Now she is fighting the ticket. The citing officer called my husband to ask him to appear in court as a witness, and told us that her theory is that a.) my husband must have been speeding and b.) my husband should have swerved off the road to avoid. So, in her mind the accident was all my husband's fault. The police office of course does not agree at.

    Her insurance company has take 100% liability for the accident already, and we are working with them for settling my husband's lost wages, etc.

    What are the chances that this woman will be able to get out of this ticket?

    We are not litigious people - but we think that she deserves some sort of punishment for causing this accident. We just want her to at the very least to have to pay the fines associated with getting a ticket.

    18 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Working with insurance after an accident?

    I am just working on getting our ducks in a row here --

    My husband was involved in a significant auto accident yesterday (lady pulled directly into his path when he was going approx. 45 mph). The police have assured us that other drive was cited and was 100% at fault. My husband suffered relatively minor injuries, and is recuperating at home. We will follow up with a surgeon tomorrow.

    His truck is totalled - there is simply no possible way they will repair this thing. I am not so much worried about settling with the insurance company for the vehicle (worth approx. $10,000) - I am more worried about all the nuisance issues, such as my husband will be off work for a awhile, his glasses were broken, I am taking today off work because we have small children and he is in no shape to safely care for them - it's just the minor crap that is annoying me now.

    It doesn't seem right for us to be 'damaged' because this idiot pulled out in front of him. It's a notoriously dangerous intersection -- I half feel that the damn state should be responsible for everything because they KNOW this is a bad place for accident - two people were killed there less than a month ago! The police on scene were telling me that they come there at least once a week for some sort of accident.

    So, I guess my question is.......what do we do now? We notified our insurance company - so is it just wait and see until the other insurance company tells us what they are going to do?

    We don't want to "sue" anyone - this isn't our goal - we want the value of our truck, the medical bills, his lost wages, and new glasses. I am terrified that we are going to end up in a huge pissing contest with the insurance company.....can this be avoided?

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Suing for car repairs?

    My daughter was in a minor fender bender in December in a parking lot. My daughter backed out of her space and was pulling forward when the driver of a second car reversed out of her space, and struck the rear quarter panel of my daughter's car.

    She willingly gave my daughter her insurance information, admitted to my daughter and her two friends who were in the car with her that she didn't see her when she backed out. The other driver apologized for the damages, and told my daughter she would contact her insurance company as soon as she got home. The other driver never asked for my daughter's insurance information - only her name and phone number to give to her insurance company.

    Well surprise, surprise - the other driver's insurance company is now denying the claim saying the other driver did not admit fault.

    So my question is (and I am pretty sure that I know the answer to this already but I want to advise my daughter correctly): Can my daughter sue the other driver in small claims (damages under $500 - less than her deductible)?

    Also, my daughter had two other people in her car who witnessed the accident and are willing to go into court with her, but of course there is some bias to these witnesses as they were in her car.

    We tried to be nice about this - and I even told the other driver that because I understand that this was an accident we were more than willing to take the straight cost of repairs only, and would not ask for rental coverage. She basically told me to go to hell.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Am I being a Scrooge?

    I'll try to keep this relatively short:

    My husband and I live near his family (mine lives three states away) for the past 10 years I have been cooking Christmas Eve Dinner for his parents and then they come back over for Breakfast on Christmas morning. My husband's father passed away 5 years ago - so it has just been his mother.

    Now - his mother is quite literally a monster-in-law. She comes over to my home, treats me and my children like slaves (get me this get me that do this do that), never offers to help with anything, and never brings so much as a box crackers to contribute!

    I also traditionally host my husbands entire family for Christmas Dinner.

    This year, before Thanksgiving, I had a long talk with my husband about his mother coming over Christmas Eve and Christmas morning. I told him that I felt very put upon by having to wait on her for two days that I should be enjoying with my children. I didn't mind doing Christmas Dinner - but I really didn't want to do Christmas Eve Dinner and Christmas Breakfast for anyone other than him, myself and our children. He agreed that it was time someone else took some of the load off of me.

    He discussed it with his mother at Thanksgiving (which I of course cooked!) and told her that this year he wanted to give me a break and that I would only be hosting the family for Christmas Dinner. He said very clearly to her that she would have to go one of her other children's homes for Christmas Eve (she has 5 children total).

    She just called and asked me to have my husband pick her up for dinner tonight because the roads were bad. I told her that I was under the impression she was going to one of the other children's homes tonight for dinner. She screamed at me that she would go where she wanted and how inconsiderate I was for trying to "pawn" her off other people. She proceeded to rant on about how I wouldn't have done this if Dad was still alive. (She's probably right - I adored my FIL, and he never treated me the way she does.)

    I told her I had a meal planned for just the family, and there was simply not enough for more people and I was sorry she had not made other plans.

    She screamed at me some more, told me she was going to sit "all alone and cry" on Christmas Eve, and then hung up on me.

    Am I wrong here? We let every one of her other children know that someone else needed to invite her this year but no one did - not that I blame them, she is a vile woman. I simply can't do it this year - I am at my wits end with her!! She doesn't even bother to say thank you for pete sake!

    Am I a Scrooge? I feel terrible to the core about this - my husband is on my side about this. He knows how she can be.

    10 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • I-pod Touch Won't Synch?!?!?

    Argghhh - I am having trouble getting my I-touch to synch. This is the first time I have had any problems with it.

    Yesterday I loaded 8 songs into a playlist for my daughter to listen to on a trip. When I "synched' it the playlist loaded, but it wiped all the other songs in my library out. It left all of my TV and Video in place.

    Now it just flat out won't synch - I connect to the computer and it says "synching" then a few seconds later it says "backing up", but nothing changes.

    Suggestions? Besides throwing both the computer and I-pod out the window? (I have no patience with gizmos!)

    What is the restore feature on I-tunes - will that wipe out all the songs and shows in my I-tunes or just reset the I-pod?

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Dealing with a school Bully?

    I am at a bit of a loss and thought I would ask for other people's opinions.

    My 8th grade daughter is having problems with another student at school. I have coached this girl in sports before - outside of school - and had multiple discipline problems with her. Her parents refused to see the issues, and in the end the girl left the activity because I refused to create a special list of rules for her. My issues with this girl and her parents was almost three years ago.

    Now my daughter and this child are in many classes together at school and now on the same sports team at school. This girl has taken to calling my daughter a "b*****", telling her teammates that I am gay, stupid, a child abuser - and the list goes on. She has also gone as far as saying she wished that another member of the team I coach had died when there was injury.

    I have called the athletic director just to talk to him about this situation - as I feel my daughter should be able to participate in school sports without being accosted by this child on a daily basis. His feeling is that as long as she is not physically hurting my daughter there is nothing he can do.

    My daughter is considering quitting the team because she is fed up with the constant harassment by this child. She is afraid that if she goes to the coach or teachers that she will be singled out, and the harassment will get worse. She has basically told the girl that her issue is with me - not her, and she needs to let it go. She's not a confrontational child. She is a straight A student, who excels at the sport she went out for (which I think is a huge threat to the other girl) and she just wants to be able to go to school and practice and not be afraid.

    I don't want to start throwing "legal action" around or threatening the school, but there has to be a remedy to this situation rather than waiting for this vengeful child to hit my daughter. If this was any other situation I would go to the other child's parents - but I already know how they react to anyone going against their precious little "angel". The child is wholely disrespectful to them, and they refuse to even consider that her behavior is out of line on anything.

    I just want my child to be able to go to school without fear - anyone have experience with this, or can you offer any possible solutions? I didn't raise my children to be hateful or to strike out at others, which unfortunately has made my daughter a sitting duck for a vile bully.

    4 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • Live in PA, received a ticket in NYS, paid the ticket but now getting notices about a fine?

    In July I received a ticket in upstate NY for speeding. I paid the ticket (even though I did not agree with it - but the 6 hour drive to fight it wasn't worth it). Now I am receiving letters from New York State telling me if I don't pay this $300 Driver Responsibility Assessment my NEW YORK state drivers license will be suspended and if I don't turn in my license there will be a warrant for my arrest.

    I don't HAVE a New York License! I have a Pennsylvania License!

    Can anyone with familiarity with NY traffic laws enlighten me on this situtation. I do not live in, have never lived in, and have no intention of living in New York state. I was simply passing through.

    7 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Can money spent in a volunteer position be deducted on taxes?

    I had never even considered this before, but someone said they thought I should be able to deduct the money I spend on supplies, uniform, and travel as a volunteer coach for a youth recreational league.

    I didn't think you could deduct these things - and I can't find anything on the IRS site.

    Any one know if this is possible and what it falls under?

    1 AnswerUnited States1 decade ago
  • Deducting Uncovered Dental Expenses on Taxes?

    I am trying to figure out what can be considered a deduction for uncovered medical and dental expenses.

    I have read Topic 502 - repeatedly lol and I am still a bit confused.

    Okay - my husband and I both wear eye glasses - and do not have vision coverage. Can we deduct these costs?

    We have two children in orthodontic care (see why I need more deductions lol). Can orthodontic care be deducted?

    We had approximately $600 in uncovered dental expenses (above or beyond scope of insurance coverage). Are these deductible?

    The "Topic 502" seems to say yes - but I am deathly afraid of making a tax mistake!


    5 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Legally, if a stolen credit card is used at a store can you demand the surveillance camera footage?

    My daughters credit card was stolen and we just got the statement that it was used at a store in a town north of us. We had reported the card stolen and we will not be charged - but the people who stole the card stole several other items as well and I want them caught!

    We called them and they gave my daughter horrible attitude. We want the surveillance footage and signed receipt in order to help find the little **** who stole her stuff. They are located in a predominantly black/ Puerto Rican neighborhood and the manager flat out told me they cater to an "ethnic cleintele" --- trust me no one can say my daughter has a name that could be mistaken as "ethnic"! Is there anything we can do get them to release the footage and see who signed this card to help us get this jerk. I am most angry he stole my daughters college text books which cost a fortune!

    Grrr--- how can these stores NOT be accountable for not checking ID's??

    10 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Does my daughter have the right to be upset?

    My oldest daughter is going to her father's this year the day after Christmas (she is 20). It is her father and his wife's 10th wedding anniversary this year - and my daughter emailed her grandmother (his mother) to see if she wanted to help her in planning a special dinner or small get together to celebrate. Her grandmother informed her that her father and stepmother had planned a renewal ceremony for the 23rd (three days before my daughter arrives) and a reception afterwards with the family.

    My daughter is angry and hurt - not just because it is happening three days before she arrived but because her father never told her about it. She is on the verge of not even going to visit, but doesn't want her sister to have to travel alone (she is 12). Her Grandmother has basically called her terrible because she is angry and upset --- but I think she has a right to be upset because it was rude/mean not to even tell her they were planning it.

    37 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Juvenile it time we start prosecuting parents next to their children?

    What ever happened to "parenting" your children?

    I am just so furious - maybe frustrated is a better word. My daughter's car was broken into over the weekend and approximately $800 worth of items were stolen. We live on an alley system in a very old town in PA so her car was parked behind the house, and she left it unlocked.

    While I realize she shouldn't leave things in her car, nor should she leave it unlocked -- the bottom line is that this is HER stuff and not that of the twits we believe stole the items.

    This would not be the first time this particular pathetic little group of teenage hooldums have been caught stealing - they have been overheard telling other kids that they break into cars because people are stupid enough to leave them here's my question - when we catch these little morons should we prosecute their parents as well? Obviously the parents have failed to raise them with any integrity or sense of right and wrong - and this is not the first time.

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Preschool problems?

    Maybe - I really don't know at this point!!!

    I am a mother of 4 - so preschool is not a new endeavor for me (my oldest is 20, and my youngest is 4....I've done this a few times!) but my sons preschool director is really beginning to rub me the wrong way.

    We are in our 5th week of school and the first three weeks were great. My son has never been in a structured daycare/ school setting before as I work from home and have always had him with me. He adapted well, wasn't clingy, and seems to be very happy when I pick him up. Well last Thursday the preschool director comes to me and says he hit someone and spit - okay I can understand their concern and I am very glad they brought it to my attention. We were firm and discussed the reasons we don't do those things. He had never hit or spit at home before so this was a first time incident.

    Then on Tuesday of this week the director again pulls me aside and says he had "another bad day" - what the heck? He didn't want to share and

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Little teeny red bug looking things?

    I am working outside today (God Bless wireless internet - Amen) and keep seeing these teeny tiny little red bugs....I mean they are blood red and when you squish them they leave a red mark. Anyone know what these things are?

    I live in Eastern PA.

    3 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • Does anyone other than me think Paris planned this little "medical condition" by not eating?

    A little to convenient don't you think? She goes into jail in the middle of the night and is released at 2am? Doesn't sound to me like she was "evaluated" for a medical condition to me.

    Sounds to me like she went in planning to not eat - and get released early.

    Sorry - I am so done with the Paris thing - I am just angry that Drunk Driving Socialites are above the law!

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • In light of the events at Virginia Tech should we ban....?

    The loner?

    Columbine, Luby's Cafe, The Amish school tragedy.....all the gunman were "loners".

    So since everyone wants to now ban the gun, should we also make laws against anyone who is a loner? If your a 'loner' go to jail go directly to jail do not pass go, do not collect $200!

    10 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Two part fish question....?

    I recently purchased my children a 20 gallon aquarium and 3 of the fancy goldfish, and they appear to be doing well. Tip to tail each is currently about 2 inches.

    My questions are:

    When I was younger my tank not only had a filter but an aerator as well - this "full set-up" I purchased did come with one. Is the filtration system enough, or should I consider an aerator for better fish health and happiness?

    My second question is what kind of fish co-habitate nicely with goldfish? My children have been eyeing up some neons and other tropicals but I have held off because of other fish already in the tank.

    I keep tank temp at about 75-76 degrees.

    Any advice would be appreciated - I want happy kids and happy

    12 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • The flip side.....should PAYERS of child support be required to pay an....?

    an itemized 50% of all expenses related to the child? I see questions all the time regarding people receiving child support "accounting" for the money, but how about the payor stepping up and paying an itemized statement.....50% of all housing, food, clothing, education, extracurricular, haircuts, health care, insurance, trips to the movies, trips out with friends, birthday party presents....50% straight down the middle? Would that seem "more fair" to you?

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • 19 year-old daughter thinks I am being unreasonable. What do you think?

    My daughter is 19, and lives at home while attending college. Her first year was less than stellar (in polite terms!), and we told her that if that continued we would withdraw any financial support for college. Generally, she is a good kid, but lacks motivation. She has always worked part-time, but in November accepted a full-time position, and just informed me that she is planning to only go to school part-time. (This to me is her way of saying - my fall grades are gonna be bad!). I am pretty angry about this. She lives in my home, we support her, and she just up and decides to go to part-time? We were not happy about the full-time work, and told her that from the get go. I just think she is wasting an opportunity for an education, and it's not like she "needs" the money - she blows it on clothes and shoes!

    Am I right to be ticked off or is she right to say she is an adult and can make her own decisions? (Granted in my book adults have BILLS!!!)

    54 AnswersParenting1 decade ago