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Preschool problems?

Maybe - I really don't know at this point!!!

I am a mother of 4 - so preschool is not a new endeavor for me (my oldest is 20, and my youngest is 4....I've done this a few times!) but my sons preschool director is really beginning to rub me the wrong way.

We are in our 5th week of school and the first three weeks were great. My son has never been in a structured daycare/ school setting before as I work from home and have always had him with me. He adapted well, wasn't clingy, and seems to be very happy when I pick him up. Well last Thursday the preschool director comes to me and says he hit someone and spit - okay I can understand their concern and I am very glad they brought it to my attention. We were firm and discussed the reasons we don't do those things. He had never hit or spit at home before so this was a first time incident.

Then on Tuesday of this week the director again pulls me aside and says he had "another bad day" - what the heck? He didn't want to share and


he put the toys away "aggressively".

Then she said we need to address "the home environment" so that these things do not occur at school.

Am I wrong for thinking that some of this is pretty normal preschool behavior? That being a group setting is where they are supposed to develope sharing skills - now mind you she said this was a one time issue, that normally he is great with the other kids.

Am I being a "mother" about this thinking that this is pretty normal behavior - the 'aggressive' toy putting away was dropping them into the box making boom noises for pete sake. Not right I know - but really something that should warrant a parent conference??????

Am I off base or is this womanb neurotic?

Update 2:

Thank you everyone for the great answers. The reason I actually put him in a preschool was because I thought it would help him to prepare for kindegarten, as he has never been in a structured setting before.

I coach 2 squads of cheerleaders - older girls and flag (5-6 yo's) so I am around kids of all types everyday. It just seems odd to me that she keeps pulling me into these conferences over petty things.

We have a very structured and disciplined home and he is really a good kid - and he seems to love going to school which is why I am reluctant to pull him and put him in another center, but if it comes to it I will.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think that lady is crazy. He's your average four year old boy who is adjusting to the idea of sharing and his new daycare surroundings. Sharing is something that all kids have to learn and it isn't easy. Kids have to learn how to deal with frustration as well and at that age it's usually hitting or pushing. The daycare should correct him and remind him to share and play nice, which is how he will learn. I wouldn't worry about it too much. Good luck!!

  • 1 decade ago

    I personally think he is just being a kid. They do things like that and all of them go through stages where they do things that would not be considered appropriate. My son, now 5 hit another child in last yr in preschool. The teacher did confront me on the issue, and I handled it the same way as you did. However, the next day I brought him into class and had him apologize to his teacher and the child. He did it and it never happened again. As far as the putting toys away, when I help my children clean up their room at night even I toss the toys into the toy box. It does not mean I am upset or being aggressive. I think you should discuss this w/ the director, tell her that you don't think it poses as a problem. The sharing thing however, all kids go through that, simply talking to your son about it will make a difference I'm sure. If she keeps pulling you aside for minor things like that I would find a different preschool.

    Source(s): mom of 3 boys 5, 3 and 6 mos.
  • 1 decade ago

    Of course hitting and spitting are unacceptable behavior. However, they are not ABNORMAL.

    If your home environment is generally peaceful and your children are well disciplined, he may just be adjusting to a very new experience. Sometimes it takes little ones some time to process change.

    Disruptive behavior needs to be dealt with when it happens. Any good preschool will have a plan in place to discipline behavior. Talk to the director to see what that plan is, and find out whether it is consistently enforced. "Dealing with it at home" is too late for a kid that age. Of course, discussing acceptable ways to deal with frustration is a great idea, but if he had a small outburst at school and the school dealt with it appropriately, there's no reason to punish him again at home.

  • 1 decade ago

    , this is pre-school, as a parent, I would say these kind of things happen in pre-school all the time, I think it's wonderful that she brought it to your attention, but come on!! Are you paying for this pre-school? Uhm, I would think that is part of their job to be able to handle the situation, and not to make such a big deal about dropping toys into a box! at least he cleaned them up for goodness sake!!! Did she award him with any positive for that? Or was she just focused on the negative? I would start to pay attention, is she pulling other parents aside as well? Start to get to know some of the other parents and see how she acts with their kids? Home environment? does she have any children? Perhaps you should send all 4 of yours home with her for the weekend, then see if she still wants to discuss home environment !! Hitting and spitting , I agree is an issue that needs to be taken care of and you did. Some people just take control a little to far..... Good luck Mom!!

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  • 1 decade ago

    I know it sounds harsh for someone to pretty much accuse you of allowing behavior like this to go on, as if you condone it... My friend's son had the same problem, minus the spitting. His mother was so furious that they were taking the situation way out proportion, but it is understandable that as far as the other children are concerned, hitting and spitting are unacceptable. With my friend's son, they had a specialist come in.. yeah, a specialist! She had to consent to it of course. He was just trying to adjust to the new setting. However, he was an only child. With daycare, you just have to realize that these people were trained a certain way to handle these situations... It is their job to tell you that he "had a bad day," although it does get pretty darn annoying. Why don't you try a home daycare?

  • 1 decade ago

    if this behavior is new, then i would say something is going on with your child that he is not comfortable talking about, he is acting out his anger.

    it makes you wonder if he is having a 'bad day' with the same child? maybe there is another child at the daycare who is bothering your child, but is not being seen doing it.

    either way, new behavior is a way of children 'talking' to us.

    you have to have a talk with your child.

    i have found it easy to start out by reminding him that i was a child once, also...

    'you know, i remember when i was in kindergarten, there was this boy, Billy, who was just mean to me. He would make faces, and throw paper at me and the teacher wouldn't see''s usually a good opener and then my kids are off on a run talking about their problem.

    good luck.

    oh, and yes, the daycare director can quite possibly be overreacting.

    Source(s): Mom of twins
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Thats buillshit

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