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Are you prepared for War?

Got lots of food and water saved up?

Mat 24:6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

Its not the end/ seventh trumpet yet.

Mat 24:7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

Thats nation against nation, kingdom against kingdom in War Rev 6:4.

Mat 24:8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.

Sorrows is birth pains, like a woman in travail. Closer and closer in intensity till the end is here. Birth of a new age.

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have a Three months supply of food and water,I ask Wife to buy extra food,started last yr.Wife ask who is it for,I said not for us.Someone will need it.I believe everyone should have food in case of Emergency, I saw what happend at New Orleans,The City ask people to have a supply of Seven days Food and Water,In case town has a Interupt of Services.

    Of course this would not last seven yrs.

    I trust God no matter what Happens.

    My parents lived thru the Great Depression,they always had Cellar full of Food.We are living in the fastest time of change


    You put forth A Picture of current Events,And Scripture supports your stand.Keep up,and Look up

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Personally...? No, I'm not stocked up for any great war but I trust that my government is prepared to offer a strong defense.

    But... ahem... I don't fear any catastrophic event is likely to happen just because a loon like Mathew thought it would - that old biblical dreamer was probably not thinking beyond a few decades or a few hundred years at best. He was worried about his own skin and not mine or yours.

    The bible revelations are a bunch of nonsense and people are to quick to believe that tripe. They'd do better to just read the newspapers and watch TV news.... and so would you.

    [][][] r u randy? [][][]


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    food and water? if there is a war it will be contaminated by radiation poisoning, God youre so stupid! Oh and christians are the real evils, take Hitler and Jeff dahmer, or how about the cho guy that killed Pagans because he was crazy? yeah i know who the real evil is and where christians go when they die, its not heaven honey its straight to hell! The Gods will make short work of you christians, but its not thier time to shine yet.

    Oh and a quote from a wise man: never trust a religion whose ultimant goal is the end of the world. (nostragoth on christianity)

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah of course none of those scriptures could ever mean any time in history...of course it means now. Look at the Dark Ages...those times make now look we are having a big world hugathon. Didn't happen then...isn't happening now. My best advice would be to get out of your house and live a little.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I don't believe in that personally and I find it amazing people say it is such a loving deity when it has shown time and time again that it prefers destruction above all else.

    And yet, your religion says others are violent. Talk about people in glass houses.....

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Why ought to China prepare for conflict? because of the fact the biggest fleet interior the american military is sitting ideal off the chinese language coast between Taiwan and China? those chinese language "hackers" won't have the capacity to even advance a good-adequate firewall to censor undesirable information/porn from the chinese language cyber web, so I doubt they are able to hacking the U.S. infrastructure via laptop yet. whilst living in China, on a daily basis I see hundreds of chinese language human beings making waiting for conflict with the U.S. by employing ingesting at KFC, finding out to purchase Nike shoes, and searching at American video clips. i assume a central authority attitude is to pump as lots money as available into American company. China basically needs to protects its borders. helpful, they nonetheless elect Taiwan to be a ingredient of the "one China," yet they are not prepared to get their entire u . s . bombed into the stone age by employing taking militia action to get it. They understand that no remember how super they build their military, the U.S. militia will nonetheless be much greater stepped forward in technologies, and that they had particularly fairly be an best chum to the U.S. interior the long-term. The U.S. owes China billions of greenbacks, and a conflict with them may be the quickest thank you to get united statesa. to pass-out on the debt. The final time China fought america of a transformation into in Korea, and that they did so because of the fact they have been petrified of the U.S. invading China after defeating North Korea. they are nonetheless exceptionally bitter relating to the eastern invasion, and China is satisfied to easily take care of its very own borders.

  • 1 decade ago

    Won't be here for it! Rapture & what not U know! But keep a stiff upper lip Old Man for Queen & Country!!! John

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I somehow feel that you want war to happen.

    because, as long as we dont want war, there will be no war.

    we had WW1 and 2 becuase germans wanted war, although they were kept in ignorance by Hitler.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well,Israel and American neo-cons want us to make war on Iran. They usually get what they want. I wish I could stop it,but I can't.

  • S K
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I have my lawn chair ready and a cooler filled with beer so I can watch the show.

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