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WOW! Abortion seems to be the hot topic right now, why don't we get back to basics and educate about safe sex?

I mean really. We are talking about something that can be prevented from ever occuring. Why is safe sex not the foremost arguement on this topic. It is all well and good to argue the points of pro life and womens choice, but what ever happened to prevention being better than a cure (for lack of a better word - I do not actually see abortion as a cure, I understand it is the completely wrong context). And, I am so sick of seeing these posts blaming the whole thing on the women. Condoms are available in the MENS rooms, why don't men wear condom? My goodness, it's appalling. Why are people risking the spread of STDs? Why aren't they taught about condoms? Then we wouldn't need to have these arguements about unwanted children. Who is willing to talk safe sex, as opposed to the pros and cons of abortion?

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well abortion is a very touchie subject for everyone. Prevention is taught in schools, planned-parenthood clinics, school nurses, health classes (I thought anyway).

    Condoms again comes along that the men are putting to much trust in these women that they pickup or date that they are taking birth-control. Plus like allot of men will tell you, they tell women that they can't feel that great of a sensation with them on (what a crock!) about the sensation of having something sucked out of your body or pushed out? how would you like that sensation....seems a small price for the big pleasure.

    Safe sex, is there really safe sex. Talking about peoples emotions, most health classes and clinics don't tell young women about the emotional toll un-requitted love places on them and they have a choose of saying no to the situation until their more prepared or sure of the relationship. But unfortunately most girls feel today that they have to do it, because everyone does, and so therefore it's expected.

    But I got news for those girls, it's your body, your decision. So you need to be stronger and take a stance on condoms if your going to go ahead with the sexual encounter with the male of your choice.

    STD's are the individuals own fault if they chose to have intercourse without protections, but unfortunately again if a pregnancy happens then it throws a precious baby into the mix. What most clinics don't tell you is that a small embryo's heart starts beating just 2 weeks after the woman becomes pregnant. If there's a heart beating there are nerve cells already. And most women are well past 2 weeks pregnant when they have an abortion.

    If you decide to have an abortion research the subject on any and all websites available. Look at what your baby looks like inside you what stage of development is the baby at.

    Read, read, read, educate yourself before you find yourself in any bad situation.

    No I'm not a pro-life activist, this is information I found when I considered aborting. I was 5 weeks pregnant when I found out, going through a divorce, dating someone else. The baby was my ex's, so you can imagine the turmoil I experienced. The turmoil settles down and you get on with your life and now I have a beautiful, intelligent daughter from the wise decisions that I made. And no regrets or what if's in my mind, because I didn't end the life growing inside me.

    Like the old saying "God doesn't give you anything that you can't handle!"...also if you read the bible you will find that there are passages of God talking I believe it was to Job about knowing him from the womb. So everyone of us, has a purpose, maybe not ours but a greater design.

    Make conscious intellegent decisions about your body, life, and relationships.

  • 1 decade ago

    I completely agree that safe sex should be taught. But as for the previous poster, it's not the school's responsibility to teach the children about safe sex, it's the parents' responsibility. Abortion shouldn't be used as birth control, and people need to learn that. Why not prevent the unwanted pregnancy in the first place and just use birth control and condoms? Parents really need to realize that they need to teach their children about safe sex rather than wasting their time complaining that the schools don't teach it. The schools educate the children so that they can go on to college and then a career. It's not the schools' job to educate the children about sex. Many parents complain that someone outside of the home tries to teach their children about sex, while others complain that the schools don't. Anyway, I do agree with the asker of the question, safe sex should be the arguement

  • 1 decade ago


    I heard a story on the radio where people had this brilliant idea to put women who get abortions in jail for murder. So... what about the fathers? No answer. It's a double-standard! Men have "needs," women are whores.

    I'm all about education. Knowledge is power. However, some people seem to think that kids get "ideas" from sex ed. I'm sorry, but when I was 14, sitting in a room with 14 & 15-year-olds and I knew we were all thinking about sex, it was probably the most uncomfortable thing I've ever been through. I got NO ideas from public education about sex.

    About condoms: It's both parties' responsibility. If A won't have sex unless there's a condom and B doesn't want a condom, they better not have sex. It doesn't matter which gender which person is. People need to stick up for their own standards. Besides, it's best to have 2 forms of birth control - how about one for each partner?

    Of course, abstinence is the best way, but portraying it as the only way seems to provoke people to rebel. My views about when to have sex are my own, and I have made my own decisions in line with my views.

    I think parents and schools should both teach kids about sex. That way if you have a crazy parent or teacher, it's more likely to balance out. Just as long as no one in public school says "premarital sex is wrong" or "waiting until marriage is wrong" - or anything else implying sexual morality, great. Kids will get many of their sexual morals from their parents, but as teens they will have many of them themselves.

    Safe sex isn't 100% safe, but it gets pretty darn close with 2 forms of birth control. If the woman still gets pregnant, it was meant to be.

    I agree with the poster who elected not to abort her pregnancy - make an intelligent, well thought-out decision about these things.

  • 5 years ago

    That must be a left wing study as the opposite is true. It was the Repubs that fought for both the women's right to vote and to stop slavery. In-fact, in 1854 it was a group of abolitionists that got together in Wisconsin and formed the Republican party to fight slavery. Their first President, Abe Lincoln, finally was able to override the Southern Democrats and free the slaves at the end of the civil war. The party believes we have a God given and Constitutional guarantee to the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That is why they are so against late term abortion and believe it is murder.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That's because "THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS SAFE SEX!!!!" Why do we keep telling kids this great, big lie that such a thing exists??? Condoms break, pills and other methods fail. There is also the HPV virus that can cause cervical cancer via skin to skin contact. The only safe thing is abstinance until marriage. Call me old fashioned, delusional or unrealistic for thinking this way. I don't care. Maybe if more people thought with their heads instead of their loins their would be less AIDS,HIV, unwanted pregnancies,abortions and venereal diseases because people would look at the consequences and think long and hard before they dropped their drawers just because they get horny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    that's the problem.

    the religious right and the republicans want to fight abortion rights, while at the same time, refusing to let the schools EDUCATE their children about safe sex, choosing instead to push abstinence programs.


    as to the men having to wear the condoms, i agree with you up to a point. WOMEN have to be more in charge of what goes into their bodies, as THEY are the ones that get the majority of consequences of unprotected sex. Women need to close their legs until the guy puts on a condom!

  • 1 decade ago

    Its not about safe sex or abortions, its more about people not taking control of their lives. Lots of men and women are followers and not leaders. Safe sex still wont stop the topic of abortion and neither will wearing condoms. Its about poeple knowing what they want and when they want it. Most people arent looking for children thir just looking for the pleasure and satisfaction without thinking of the consequences of their actions.

  • don n
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The biggest draw back to your argument is that the people who are not practicing safe sex are aware of the need to practice safe sex and choose not to. One of the big reasons being "It won't happen to me!". The cemeteries and hospitals are full of people who were sure something wouldn't happen to them. Regretfully, I am sure everyone reading this reply or question has at one time or another done things which were dangerous and said nothing will happen to me.

    Luckily, nothing drastic happened.

    So I guess the question becomes who is willing to practice safe sex instead of risking an unwanted pregnancy.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Agree completely. Conservatives seem to believe that sex education will lead to higher levels of teenage pregnancy, but the reverse is true. The worst performing countries for teenage pregnancies are the US and UK, both of whom have comparatively poor sex education in schools. Abstinence campaigns don't work - teenagers are always going to have sex, so they might as well be taught to be safe.

    "a paper published in the British Medical Journal shows, [...] that abstinence programmes are “associated with an increase in number of pregnancies among partners of young male participants.” You read that right: abstinence training increases the rate of teenage pregnancy".

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i am with you girl!...why stress the importance of something that's not as duzn't make sence to me either!...being safe is a get out of jail free card..and yet for some reason that gets put in the backround if it wasn't an option in the first place!....i think the reason this has happened is cuz we have literally given up on our own people...america is now so convinced everyone is gonna skrew up that they wont even concider the first step..they just skip to the next...wats up with dat~

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