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mrrosema asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

What are we accomplishing by staying in IRAQ?

To me GWs decision to stay in Iraq is kind of like lighting matches in a house where there is a huge gas leak. Rather than being strong it just seems kind of stupid. Anybody with relatives over there feel similar?


Are we able to stabilize Iraq or are we just putting folks into a fire? Some evidence of progress would be helpful, so far the VietNam analogy seems more appropriate.

Update 2:

I am glad that there is a military to defend us from out side forces, and having relatives there I understand as best one can that is not there that it is hell. I don't have much evidence that the focus of our forces should be and more so should have been Iraq. When soldiers do come home I am sure they will get the full support of the American people. Many will need help.

8 Answers

  • Katie
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    We are putting more money in the coffers of Halliburton. We are sending more men to die. We are keeping soldiers away from their families even longer. We are enciting more violence. We are repeating past mistakes. We are engaging an enemy whom doesn't play by the rules of engagement. We HAVE to play by the rules of engagement. We will lose because there is no comparison of religious fanaticism and patriotism- it's like comparing crazy to logical-paradoxical.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If we stay in Iraq companies like Halliburton make tons of money.

    If we stay in Iraq we don't have the power to go after long time friend and business partner of Bush, one of the Bin Laden family (Osama to be exact)

    If we stay in Iraq we don't have to talk about domestic agenda such as health care or quality education but focus only on the war.

    That is why we stay there. We were told the mission was accomplished and that Al Qaeda was in its last throes. These must, therefore be the reasons.

  • 1 decade ago

    As my mother use to say you make your bed now you have to lay in it. We have to finish what we started if we don't things will get worse and the enemy will come over here in our country and make us suffer. And just incase you havent heard Iran is very close to a making a nucular war head we can't aford to let them use it. Could it be the end of the world as we know it?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's called "making hay while the sun shines" and as long as there is a buck to be made for the Military Industrial Complex, there will be WAR.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Rebuilding the infrastructure, and stabilizing the governement. If you look at post WWII we did the same thing in Germany and Japan.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    More no-bid contracts. More funding to be misappropriated. More oil. More loss of soldiers lives. More world humiliation.

  • 1 decade ago

    We kill Ragheads there--so the Ragheads don't kill you here--Is that really so hard to understand??? USMC 60-68

  • 1 decade ago

    Bush knows the only reason he hasn't been impeached is because "we are at war".

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