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Lv 7
Edgein asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

What is the point of paying council tax ?

Why do we pay council tax if the people who are supposed to be employed for taking away your rubbish are now changing roles so a poem to explain :

Now here's a little story

I can't beleive its true

About how local councils

Won't do what their paid to do

Our bins are overflowing

And though they stink and leak

They'll only come and empty them

Every other week

Sing along

Oh my old mans a dustman

He wear's a dustmans hat

With ' Enviromental Protection Team'

Written on the back.

He used to drive a dustcart

And always came on time

Now he searches dustbins

For signs of Eco crime.

Some folks they recycle

And some of them forget

So if they use the wrong bin

He leaves it on the step

One old boy got sloppy

And didn't close his lid

So my old man went round there

And fined him fifty quid

Sing a long to the chorus has the world gone mad I am all for saving the planet and the environment but it goes a bit too far.

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    great,but you could have given littlejohn from the daily mail the credit,after all,he wrote it

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Tell me about it!! Your paying for the NHS and the education system etc, as well as the street lighting & dustbinmen etc. The dustbin men seem to take great delight in blocking off the roads whenever I'm late for work - it costs me £20 to sit my 2 year old in the dentists chair, as we can't find an NHS dentist, and if you want your child to be able to spell their own name before they're seven years old, you have to pay at least £5000 a year per child for a decent school... I think if you don't use the NHS or the education system - you should get some of your taxes back! But no - then where would the money come from to send thieving junkies on rehabilitative holidays?!...

  • keefer
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Pay your taxes and stop grumbling. If you don't like it, then get involved in the democratic process and campaign against it. Things cost money. If you want to live in clean towns and cities with libraries and swimming pools and leisure centres and lighting and schools and rubbish collections and well maintained roads and council housing and social services and child protection and housing benefits etc then all these things need to be paid for.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yes very good but the sad truth is we are running out of places to bury our rubbish. Unless you want to volunteer your local park as the next landfill site though???

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Brilliant, that's made me laugh, perhaps you should make a video to go with it and put it on "you tube" It might just make you a fortune and you can afford a weekly collection of your rubbish by private collectors ! good luck.

  • foxy
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago


    let,s see where it all started ok....the dustman would come to your house,go to the backyard to collect bin and bring it back empty,if you had an old washing machine he would sling it in and maybe you would give him a few bob,we tipped him at christmas back then,plan B everything must be put into BLACK bin liner supplied by them from our council tax,planC,we must take bags out onto the street as they won,t fetch them,pland D please take your bottles and news paper to bottle/paper banks ,plan E we now take newspapers so put them in a plasic bag tied up ,plan F please seperate all your plastics,cardboard,cartons etc and put in WHITE bag not supplied so we can recycle these to make a frienly enviroment,ok ..plan G.we shall supply you with a black container for you to place these items into..oh ok...plan H we shall give you a large square bin to put your garden waste into which you must put out on the morning of collection..hmmm ok...plan I ,we shall now supply you with large square bins for your recycle things and for your trash...hmmmmmmmmmmmm ok ,where the hell do i put all these bloody bins? it,s not like they cant be seen....not allowed to put them out the day before or i,ll be fined hmmmmm what happened to please? that went out the window once we conformed to everything,now those guys who basically are still just binmen think and believe they are someone special and can treat us like fools and they work for a load of council wallers who do treat us like fools...they want to fine us for not doing something they should be doing ,ok what are the chances that someone will forget to put out their bin ? that means the trash is stinking in that

    Source(s): bin for 4 weeks ...another fine i guess ....oh well ,thats life....just waiting to see what they come up with next....oh of weighing your trash and taxing you on it already ....where will it end TSK TSK
  • 1 decade ago

    if you have the balls dont pay !

    but you are probably a spineless conservative who moans about stuff that is of benefit does not believe in taxation as he is alright and he really wants to save some money for a new subaru! ace mate ace!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Aw! your very funny, and so true. You should send it to your local paper and have it printed. I'm sure lots of people will support your views.

  • 1 decade ago

    if you dont pay council tax you end up with a attachments of earnings order. I dont like paying mine but you have to!!

  • 1 decade ago

    They only like us paying to make us miserable and give us something to moan about!

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