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Help with my son he has very peculiar behaviour,?

my son is ready to turn 3 and he is obsessed with his traffic signs, he will arrange them (they are as tall as him) and study them and walk around them for hours every day since christmas, he has about wore them signs out, he will walk around them and bop and shake his head and do interesting steps and never get bored with his traffic signs.

should I get him more traffic signs or take them away?


my son doesn't talk yet.

Update 2:

so should i buy him a power wheel to drive around the signs??

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Please encourage this behavior. My son was obsessed with putting hot wheels in a straight line. They would all face the same direction and sometimes my husband would turn one upside down or backwards and he would notice it right away and correct it. We would have a line of cars all over the house, so we kept buying cars. Children who enjoy things like this seem to have a better grasp of math and constructing and problem solving. We think he will be an architect or engineer when he grows up. He didn't talk until he was around 3 and when he started he was talking in full sentences. Your son sounds great. Encourage his way of thinking and playing, you will see in a couple of years how intelligent he is.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If your son isn't talking yet, I would take him in for an early childhood development assessment. My daughter was delayed also with her speech... and not to worry, not every kid who doesn't talk is autistic so don't panic. We just had a worker come to our house a couple times a month to work with her some. She is perfectly healthy and normal now.

    It is good that your son is holding his attention to some toys that he likes. Maybe if you start to talk to him as he is playing, he may respond... tell him the colors of the signs and what the signs mean. You may get him to start talking if you are talking to him about the toys he seems to like best. I wouldn't take them away from him.. for him to use his imagination and to play is so much better than him being stuck in front of a television all day.

    Source(s): Mother of three
  • 1 decade ago

    Your son is exhibiting several signs of being on the autism spectrum. Please do not hesitate to contact your local Early Intervention office (under schools in the yellow pages or your pediatrician's office can give you the number). They will provide a free consultation and evaluation education wise. In addition, make an appointment with your pediatrician regarding the traffic signs and your child's lack of speech. If your pediatrician says, "lets wait and see how he does" get another pediatrician's opinion. All too often the "wait and see" approach costs the child valuable intervention time in which he could be learning.

    Best wishes!

    Source(s): Autism Parent Consultant, Mother of 4 (one autist)
  • 1 decade ago

    I think you should take your child to the doctor or child health nurse immeadiatly. I am not a professional in that field but he is showing signs of autism. Not talking by 3 yrs old is not normal, I am aware that children mature at different rates but from what you have explained it does sound like autism. Please have him checked out by a professional. As for the traffic signs let him play. Autisic children are very smart and need to be encouraged however social skills are not always the same as other children.

    Source(s): Friends with autistic child.
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  • 1 decade ago

    Like several others have replied, he sounds like he might be on the autism spectrum. My son is on the spectrum and traffic signs were one of his obsessions during preschool. You should get your son evaluated asap, your local school district should be able to do it free of charge. If your pediatrician tells you wait and see - most of them will say that - DON'T. Early diagnosis is one of the most critical factors in the prognosis of an autistic child.

    As for the repetitive behavior going on for hours, I would not let him do that. Make sure he is productively occupied doing something, whatever his interests are that are normal and conducive to his development. Be creative in getting him to do things that will help him develop. Perhaps you could use the signs as a reward for doing something he's not crazy about. Maybe 10 minutes of sign time for whatever you want him to do. Good luck

    Source(s): mom of asd child
  • 1 decade ago

    I answered you other question about having an autistic child. Once I read this I stand by my first answer 100% and say get your child tested for autism. I am not saying that he has autism but it is better to get him checked immediately than wait and find out later when it is harder to make an impact. My brother who has autism displayed very similar behaviors to what you are describing. In fact when he started talking again "stop" was one of his first words. Not stop like stop what you are doing "stop" as in the big red stop sign. He would say it and spell it "S-t-o-p,stop" over and over again.

    I would really like you to email me if you have any questions, I AM BY NO MEANS A DOCTOR and I could be way off on this but I am very interested in the behaviors that your son is showing. I would like to offer you any insight or support that I can. My email address is

    good luck

  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds like he'll grow up to be a good driver! Better than most on the road these days.

    He may have a developmental disorder, such as autism or Asperger's. How suddenly did it begin? Another thing to check out would be unknown food allergies. Believe it or not, food allergies in children don't always just cause "rashes and hives".

    Source(s): I have Asperger's Syndrome
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The traffic signs are not the problem. Your son does not talk at three years old. That is a big deal. I would take your son to a doctor...

  • Emily
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    This is showing some signs of autism but this does not mean he has it. Some other things to look for: does he make eye contact with you a lot? does he interact with other people a lot or would he rather be by himself? please talk to your Dr. and get him evaluated for autism. Kids do go through phases and some kids would rather play alone especially an only child but just to make sure, see your Dr

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    you're making fossil records the inspiration that the earth has been one hundred,000 years old? They cant even talk. How did you be attentive to it is that old? Wars have been beginning ever because communities eyed on distant places products. Famines have been happening ever because guy saved on displeasing God. c.a. 2000 advert? LOL And no, God already planned sending Jesus even in the previous Adam sinned. Jesus became into born a while between 6BC and four advert.

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