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Lv 5
Seeker asked in Social ScienceGender Studies · 1 decade ago

Women's rights??

I have always had a negative veiw of all those woman who argue for the rights of other women saying we should have equal jobs, pay, treatment etc. and women should have all the same choices as men. Fighting for our choices has caused many of us to lose them. Now we have no choice but to get a job b/c of the way the world has become. I would give anything to be a stay at home mom but, can't b/c of how materialistic everyone is. I think it's do to the fact that women started working making their own money and spending it and now we have no choice but, work or look like freaks to everyone else. I have a garden and can my own veggies etc. I wish life was like the 50's but, here I sit w/ my college degree at my dest with my daughter in daycare. Do I really need my suv? no but everyone else has one. So I just wanted to say to you who fight for women's rights try to remember those of us who wish we could just stay home and clean our houses and play w/ the kids.


I am not blaming anyone for my life. I just wanted to point out to those on the women's rights bandwagon that they do not speak for all of us. I have met some of these women and they think they can save us all and can't believe that not all of us want the same things. Maybe my judgement is clouded b/c of the opinionated woman I met.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You have to remember that feminists believe that women who are not like them are weak and oppressed. I don't think I'm oppressed and I don't think I am weak and you know something becuz they say I'm weak and oppressed I'm supposed to believe that I'm weak and oppressed. See, to a feminist no other woman is strong except for them. You know something you go by your own calling card; you don't have to listen to them; all you have to do is listen to yourself. Ask yourself if you really need that SUV or if you'd really rather sit behind that desk while your daughter is in day care. Now you know that you can make decisions and yes stay at home moms are strong. Here's one talking to you now. You have to do what means the most to you is all I'm saying.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, I understand what you mean. The problem is not "women fighting for their rights", but a society that has turned this whole ideal upside down. Now women like us who want to have children and be stay-at-home moms are being mocked, as though we were 'inferior' or just plain stupid. I do fight for my rights to have equal opportunities and to have the same social rights men have and had had since forever. In the 50's you had no choice but to have children and get married, now you have the choice to work and use condoms, and even if that doesn't sound all that 'liberating' to us moms, it definitevely IS a huge step from that 'slavery' that meant to "be a woman" back then.

    So, in conclusion, what needs to be done is to let women fill their needs and not being pushed into 'modernity' and materialism.

    I have never felt more complete as a woman than when i had my kids, and you probably feel the same way, so go ahead and be proud of your maternity, and let's show society we are no less than other women out there. Enjoy your womanhood.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why would you have to do things because you worry about what others think?

    Why not just stay at home like you wish, like any other women in this world do? What you do is your choice, the choices women of the past fought for, and a choice that should be made only by you, not because you "have to be materialistic" simply because everyone else you know is materialistic.

    Just be happy being you, and stop letting others control who you are. You'll be much happier. :-)


  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i'm in undemanding terms sixteen, yet i think of they could desire to be allowed to vote. through fact i've got faith in equivalent rights for each individual. For that area approximately women human beings making judgements in keeping with emotion... i don't likely accept as true with that. i'm a guy and thoughts get interior the way of my judgements perpetually. So returned to what i became into saying, confident women human beings could desire to stay with the the final option to vote.

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  • 1 decade ago

    My answer to this is stop being materialistic and don't worry about what others think about you. I am a feminist and I am just greatful that women are given choices today. How would you have liked living in the 1950's to a man that turned out to not be the same guy you thought you had married. You are stuck at home with no money and having a baby every year because you have no access to birth control. You husbands idea of a fun night is to get drunk and beat the crap out of you. Nothing you can do because guess what there are no laws to protect you and the neighbours are just ignoring what is going on because they feel that you belong to your husband. Not a nice scenario is it. Be glad that your son's and daughters have choices and grow up with equality instead of blatand dominance.

  • 1 decade ago

    "I have always had a negative veiw of all those woman who argue for the rights of other women saying we should have equal jobs, pay, treatment and women should have the same choices as men"

    Grow up.

    "Now we have no choice but to get a job"

    Having a paying job is PART of what being an ADULT is as oppossed to being a dependent child. The fact that it's your dream to "stay home" indicates that you would prefer to remain as a child and be taken care of by a father figure.

    "I have a garden and can grow my own veggies etc"

    And having a job hinders this how???

    "Do I really need my suv"?

    You could drive a Gremlin for all anyone cares.

    "try to remember those of us who wish we could just stay home and clean our houses and play w/ the kids".

    The only thing I think about is how your childishness profoundly contributes to male-chauvinistic attitudes.

  • 1 decade ago

    you are putting blame in the wrong place.

    no one made you buy that SUV and no one held a gun to your head and said "you are a LIBERATED WOMAN! get a job or we will kill you!" If you are worried about how people will view you and you make choices you hate because of it, that is your insecurity. It is not the fault of women that wanted something else besides being a mother/homemaker that you cant afford to stay home. Its not their fault that you feel this need to buy big, gas guzzling vehicles. Its not their fault that it costs so much to live in the US that just one income is not enough to raise a family.

    Those of us who fight for our rights and your rights have and do fight for your right to choose how to spend your life. there is activism that is lobbying for women who stay at home to receive health insurance and certain types of benefits from the government because we believe that being a homemaker is just as much a career as being a computer programmer or something like that.

    get some perspective please and stop ignoring the log in your own eye in favor of the sliver in your neighbor's.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Don't blame society because you can't say "No!" to keeping up with the Jones. Your life is still pretty much your own. If you want more, figure out a way to get it and be with your kids. That's what your education is for, to teach you to use your brain, not blame everyone else because you can't cope.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you can afford to stay home and not have a career, and if you WANT to stay home and not have a career, there is nothing stopping you. You think you need an suv because 'everyone has one'? How shallow is that?

  • Ever wonder why women cant have equal rights and pay etc and there is no harmony and love in relationships between the two genders , although this cannot be true because there others in large numbers living happily and women as successful professionals have happy faimly lives???

    Because after upheavel comes restoration and introspection.

    We all , be it men or women have to work a lot more and go through many hardships and hurt before the restoration comes.

    My heartfelt wish is that men and women should work together more and more towards this goal , this would hasten the long awaited restoration.

    This requires faith in humanity and we need this faith now more than ever.

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