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Do guns KILL people or do people kill people? Do Cars kill people or do drivers kill people?

Simple logic states that if anti gunners want bans on legal ownership of guns, they should also want bans on legal ownership of vehicles, baseball bats, knives of all kinds, rocks, lamps, plastic bags, etc, etc, etc.

Many murders are comitted using the bare hand, should they start an anti hand campaign and push for legislation that will cause everyone to have their hands amputated?

31 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Guns exist because they are much more efficient killing machines than most other types of weapons. Gun control is about which people are allowed to obtain these weapons and which weapons they are allowed to obtain.

    Your argument is too simplistic to address the complexity of our current gun control situation. For example, should people with demonstrated histories of severe violent mental illness be allowed to easily obtain assault firearms?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That is the problem, the anti gunner thinks that the simplest answer is the best, well it's not, banning all guns will not remove them from society or stop the killing. The problem that need addressing is how we are raising our young, do you let the T.V. raise them or do you take the responsibility and teach them the value of human life, and to respect the power that a gun instills into the person using the weapon. I have a lot of things that I don't need to survive, several "assault weapons" included, our society allows us the luxury of owning such items, they could have just as easily have been a number of other things but that is what I like. I was taught at a very young age to respect what a gun can do and to respect other people, this is what we need to do in our schools it's all about recognizing the dignity of the people that you are surrounded by.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The reason are founding fathers made owning guns a right was to keep other country's mainly England at the time from invading us by have a population the has a lot of guns make it difficult for the invading army's to control the population. One of the reasons the France was so ez to control in WW2 was the lack of guns in the general public. Are nation is strong because of are right to have guns, don't be fooled to thinking to if there were laws against guns that crime would go down check out England they have guns laws and they have killings by guns also.

  • Belle
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    We raised the drinking age, put up speed limits, and set federal crash safety guidelines and cut the number of deaths in half. Nobody is seriously talking about banning all guns, but cars are a great example of how a few well-considered laws and regulations can make a huge impact on how many innocent people get killed.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Life must be very simple for you. Yes, people kill other people with guns and autos but that is a simplistic answer. Would you let a 10 year old or a mentally ill person drive? The idea is not to ban guns but to keep them out of the hands of those that are unstable. If the laws were upheld it would help but tell me, do you really need an assault rifle or a 25 round clip? There is a middle ground where people can own guns but not assault weapons. I own 2 rifles but I still believe that we need to control the ownership of guns.

  • wahoo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I agree, the guns, cars, baseball bats, nylon stockings, are all harmless objects with no will of their own. These objects in order to do any harm, or good for that matter must be motivated by a being, usually a human being. This being is the one who motivates the object, the being is the one with intent, the human is the one in control...I think is the humans that should be banned and but behind bars if they get a hold of any object and do intentional harm with it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The idiot behind the gun or the steering wheel is the one who kills people. Gun control laws do not work, because CRIMINALS do not obey the law. That is why they're CRIMINALS! Kennesaw Georgia enacted a mandatory gun-ownership policy several years ago, and that city's crime rate plummeted to rock-bottom. There hasn't been a murder in Kennesaw since that time. All residents are required to own a firearm!

    On the opposite side of the coin, gun ownership (until recently, when the Supreme Court ruled DC was violating the individual's 2nd Amendment rights) was outlawed in Washington D.C. Washington has probably THE highest rate of murder in the U.S. Any city where gun rights are curtailed has more crime. Why? because criminals know they won't get SHOT if they break in on someone.

    In Montana recently, a 12 year old girl (who is also a state champion skeet shooter) was broken in on by two illegal aliens. Because she had been properly trained in the use of a firearm, she grabbed her Mossberg shotgun and killed both intruders dead before they could get to her. Had she been unarmed, she most likely would have been savagely raped and murdered by these two idiots! They had broken in on an elderly gentleman before coming to the girl's residence, and had killed him, and stolen his firearm, which was found on the body of one of the intruders.

  • 1 decade ago

    Inanimate objects only kill people in the hand of those who misuse them, whether intentionally or unintentionally. And guns have more than one purpose, they aren't used for just killing things. I enjoy competition shooting a lot. You ought to try it. It's both challenging and fun. And if I feel like I need a fully automatic assault rifle with a 30 round clip, that's my business and should be my constitutional right to own.

  • jade j
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Kind of an over simplification, but I agree with you. It is the lack of personal responsibility that gives power to the anti-gun movement.

    The poor choices people make are the real problem, not the availability of weapons.

    FYI: I am for some gun control, but not the banning of legally owned weapons.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not everything is so black and white.

    Its a well known fact that using a gun is much easier than to use a knife or any other handheld intrument, because it detaches you from what you are doing.

    Every death is down to someone not concentrating, or acting wrongly.

    You're right, people do die on the roads all the time. Someone gets hit by a car because they weren't looking, or the driver wasn't paying attention.

    But it is a deliberate thing to kill someone with a gun. Not a momentary lack of concentration, or a matter of just not looking both ways.

    And yes, people to get murdered in ways other than a gun, but those people get killed up close and personal, it is a very deliberate act and a very personal act.

    You cannot kill someone with a knife or another weapon from a distance as you can with a gun.

    It is a cold weapon.

    You dont have to be emotionally involved in any way to use one.

    Thats why is should be banned.

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