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Is God guilty of nepotism?

God gave his only son, the job of being the messiah, saviour of mankind etc. This seems like favouritism to me.

Is nepotism a sin?

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Why not take that a few steps further.

    God must have -really- hated his son, knowing what he was up against and still sent him rather than that kid down the block. You know the one, that always got picked on.

    I mean, maybe God just wanted him out of the house for a few decades so he and the angelic chorus could get a poker game going. After all, God works in mysterious ways. Dealing from the bottom of the deck and all.

    All the evidence points to Jesus' coming to Earth as a punishment for not cleaning his room, a spiritual grounding if you will.

  • 1 decade ago

    Actually God is a stingy dude, what the hell 4 billion years , surely he could have created a son a day or a son a minute & send hundreds of sons to earth .......... but no , he sends 1 guy some 2,000 years ago , who mumbles some mumbo-jumbo & then some other dudes come along & say they are the true messengers not Jesus & then we have total chaos ........ Damn ....... really bad management ........ despite all his powers a very poor show, not worthy of a 1 on 100

  • 1 decade ago

    Rom 9:19 Thou wilt say then unto me, Why doth he yet find fault? For who hath resisted his will?

    Rom 9:20 Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus?

    Rom 9:21 Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour


  • 1 decade ago

    Just happened that His Son was best qualified for the job.

    See, in order to do the job, you had to be the Son - divine. Anything less wouldn't have been adequate.

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  • Abby C
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    It never said in the bible that nepotism was a sin. They neglected to mention it.

  • 4 years ago

    See, you recognize the reality. a twin of each and every man or woman on the face of this planet does. and honestly everyone seems likewise conscious this one real God that despatched Jesus Christ of Nazareth. and also you recognize that purely by repentance of sin in course of the daddy, and faith in Christ Jesus on my own would a guy be kept. . . . it really is the forgiveness of sins, and it really is free. and also you recognize this, and are without excuse. you at present were reported as to repentance. you at present have a ministry of reconciliation. And it is your useful duty to proclaim the gospel to others. Repentance in course of the daddy, faith in Christ Jesus. He died for our sins in accordance with scripture. He develop into buried. He develop into resurrected on the 0.33 day in accordance with scripture. ~The Gospel. the front and midsection. finished and finished.

  • God, being God is unable to commit a crime or sin.

  • 1 decade ago

    Christ WAS the ONLY ONE who could have done what was Needed to be done.

  • 1st. of all GOD never had or will have a son ;he is Allah the one Allah the self-sufficient master, whom all creatures need,(he neither eats nor drinks).he begets not,nor was he begotten and there is none co-equal or comparable unto him...

    Qur'an "surat maryam (mary):Which means"

    "16".and mention in the book (O Muhammad) the story of maryam (mary), when she withdrew in seclusion from her family to a place facing east .

    "17".she placed a screen (to screen herself) from them ;then we sent to her our ruh(angel jibril 'Gabrilel') and he appeared before her in the form of a man in all respect.

    "18".she said "Verily ! i seek refuge with the most Gracious(Allah) from you , if you do fear Allah."

    "19".the angel said : "i am only a messenger from your lord (to announce ) to you the gift of righteous son."

    "20".she said :"how can i have a son when no man has ever touched me nor am i unchasted?"

    "21".he said "so )it will be ) your lord said "that is easy for me (Allah) : and (we wish) to appoint him as a sign to mankind and a mercy from us(Allah), and it is a matter (already) decreed, by Allah."

    "22".so she concieved him , and she withdrew with him to far place.

    "23".and the pains of childbirth drove her to the trunk of a date-palm. she said"would that i have died befor this and had been forgotten and out of sight!"

    "24".then he said "Grieve not: your lord hase provieded a water stream under you.

    "25".and shake the trunk of dat-palm towards you , it will let fall fresh ripe-dates upon you.

    "26".so eat and drink and be glad. and if you see any human being say: Verily i have vowed a fast unto the most Gracious (Allah) so i shall not speat to any human being this day."

    "27".then she brought him to her people carrying him ,they said :O mary indeed you have brought a thing sariy ( a mighty thing).

    "28".O sister of harun (Aaron) your father was not a man who used to commit adultery , nor your mother was an unchasted woman.

    "29".then she pointed to him ,they said "how can we talk to one who is a child in the cradle?.

    "30".he(Isa"Jesus") said' Verily i am a slave of Allah , he given me the scripture and made me a Prophet.".

    "31".and he has made me blessed wheresoever i be , and hase enjoined on me (prayer), and Zakat as long as i live."

    "32".and dutiful to my mother , and made me not arrogant,unblest.

    "33".and (peace) be upon me the day i was born abd the day i die and the day i shall be raised a live"

    "34".Such in (Jesus), son of maryam(mary). (it is) a statment of truth, about wich they doubt (or dispute).

    "35".it befits not ( the majesty of ) Allah that he should beget a son {{ this refers to the slander of christinas aginest Allah , by saying that (Jesus) is the son of Allah}} Glorified be he , when he decrees a thing he only says to it be " and it is done.

    "36".Jesus said " and Verily Allah is my lord and your lord so worship him (alone) that is the straight path."

    ... Qur'an surat Maryam 19 (16:36).

    after that::

    then the sects differed so woe unto the disbelievers(those who gave false witness by saying that Jesus is the son of Allah) from the meeting of a great day ( the day of Resurrection when they will be thrown in the blazing fire.) Qur'an surat maryam 19 (37)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No. But then again, YOU should be grateful that stupidity isn't a stoning offense. Such questions.....geeeshh.....

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