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Are there some negative effects for society to Rev. Dobsons ideas about raising children?

Dobson spiritual empire wields political clout - The Boston Globe

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I just finished reading your link and from what bits and pieces I could get from the article, I didn't feel at ease about what I was reading.

    I believe that child development starts very early. Once a child's mind starts working is what I would assume.

    From the articles I have read a child starts developing its own mind as early, and probably earlier, as when trying to pacify itself from being neglected as an infant. (not getting a bottle on time or changed on time)

    I can remember seeing a Christian woman letting her baby cry in its crib. She did this because she didn't want to spoil the child. Of course, she knew the child was fed, changed and no pins were sticking the child (at that time we used diapers with baby pins).

    But, the mother monitored the baby and if the baby cried to long then the mother would pick up the child to try to find what was wrong.

    This got out of hand by irresponsible Christian mothers. It became a useful tool for mothers who did not want to deal with their child and would let their child cry and cry until the child talked itself into not crying. Either by getting tired and falling asleep or simply getting tired of crying.etc. It didn't necessarily fix the problem, now did it?

    I honestly think that mothers/parents think that children to not have the ability to think as a baby. It might not be words, but I do think it is emotional , disciplinary and other trigger points. (this is where I need to do more research). I would think this would be developing boundaries and self discipline etc. So it would be simple in my mind to love your child from the beginning. You are all it has to think for him/her. Waiting until it responds to words might be a little to late.

    I say start early, teach early. And you know what. The child doesn't even know it is a Christian yet!!! What works for one will probably work for all.

    I read a little about child neglect and abuse in articles by Ann Miller.

    Most of what I have said in the above paragraph is my opinion based on these articles. They are not in any way quotes from Alice Miller. I simply wanted to give my opinion.

    I grew up in a Christian family. I love my God, but some of the Christian ideas can be very misleading and if used by the wrong parent could really harm a child) and even though it is said so make a stronger child a more disciplined child I'm not sure that it does, but it might cause a child who only responds to demands. In my point of view it would be better if a child shows discipline and respect because that is what it received. Not because he was trained to react.

    My theory is Kind of well without supervision..LOL (just kidding). I do not like cloning (not kidding)

    When I read Rev.Dobsons ideas about raising children, I instantly think of bullies, Bush's, Cheney's, Rove and followers of these men. That is scary.

    Maybe we should have a discussion on the mis-interpretation of the Bible....false Prophets...etc

    I've also come to realize that this method works differently for different classes of Christians. Now how can that be......if it is all based from the bible. This is not to put down Christians, I am a Christian and I grew up only knowing Christians, responsible and irresponsible.

    This is just a thought

    to be researched and continued.

  • Amy m
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    They have been proven wrong time and time again.Their practice of reparitive therapy for gays is not backed upped by any mainstream psychological society in America, Europe or Asia.These same psychological society's say these treatments cause long term damage to the people that receive them.How is teaching someone to lie about their sexual orientation and forcing them to think they have no alternative but to enter into a traditional christian marriage doing god's work.Think of all the lies and victim's what about the innocent wife who find's out she has aids because the so called reformed husband has in unprotected gay affair.Think about all the teenagers who might catch aids from unprotected sex because of abstinence only education these teenagers are now proven to engage in high risk sexual behavior because protecting their virginity becomes a priority.What about abortion if you won't teach a teenager how to use birth control aren't you actualy increasing the risk for unwanted pregnancy and if so why in the hell would you want these type of people to be allowed to adopt the children?

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    understanding, endurance and documents will artwork wonders. each and each time I take my infants out someplace, I anticipate them to act and to bear in concepts their manners and be courteous to all and sundry they meet. maximum folk are great, besides the incontrovertible fact that it would additionally be severe-high quality while certainly one of my sons steps aside to enable a grown-up struggle by using a doorway first, that the guy recollects their manners besides and not manage my infants as being invisible. I usually see human beings charging around, bumping into my young ones as though they are invisible and have no thoughts, and each so often my infants are injury, however the guy under no circumstances apologises. what form of occasion are grown-united statesexhibiting infants, while they are in a position to't return courtesy? With public training, I do delight in the interest that instructors do, yet I honestly have noted alot of anger and yelling from some instructors, they do exchange into annoyed and that i've got faith that there could be greater instructor's aids obtainable to assist ease the burden. I help out in my son's lecture room. the respond guy, while infants strengthen as much as exchange into adults, they are going to be those paying the taxes for the two our era and the subsequent, so all infants could be not in basic terms taught, yet respected as our destiny.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He's just another evangelical nutcase like David Koresh, Jim Jones, Sun Myung Moon and the rest of the wackos.

    I think if a church is going to be involved in politics, they should lose their tax free status and pay taxes like the rest of us.

    Religion belongs in the church and the home.....period....

    Strange how Karl Rove would find the need to call this wacko on an important appointment - especially seeing as how Roves boss talks with god all the time and god talks back to him.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    James Dobson is a power hungry evil man seduced by his own self-righteousness and shouldn't be allowed to be near children, much less giving advice on how to raise a bunch of little self-righteous hypocrites just like himself.

  • 1 decade ago

    Dobson's ideas can't be any worse than the freaks who don't believe in telling their children 'no' and are afraid of losing their love if they spank them (and I mean spank, not beat...there is a difference)...Dr. Dobson's advice is solid and biblically-based and while I don't agree with 100% of his techniques, at least he is trying to help parents raise children into responsible adults who believe in holding themselves accountable for their actions!!!

    And to everyone who thumbs this down, deep down you know I'm right! Truth is not always popular, but it's ALWAYS right!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    No. He simply advocates what has been the responsibility and the normal way of raising children for generations until the Dr. Spockites got involved. It is perfectly natural to expect your child to obey and respect you and others.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    dr dobson, not reverend. He's a legend in his own mind

  • 1 decade ago

    who is that?

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