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Why is my wife so lame?

I am so bored with my wife. We have a 5 year old son and have been married 6 years. The sex is about 2 times a month and I am going crazy. If I try to have sex with her during the week she says that she does not enjoy it and wants to do it on Sunday eve only. Well, plenty of things come up and there is zero or very little sex on Sunday. Why can't she be more spontaneous? Also, she never initiates anything sexual. On top of all this bullsh**t, if we get in an aurguement she won't talk to me for one or two weeks. I have tried to talk to her after a day or two but she says she does not want to talk. The aurguments are over very small and stupid things. I have known plenty of women and been in enough relationships to know she is not normal. I am very tempted to have a fling to keep myself from going nuts. I would leave her but my son is important to me. She is not very supportive and has criticized me more than anyone I have ever know put together. Any suggestions?


My wife works full time and I have my own business so she is not at home all day with my son. I dress him in the morning, feed him, make his lunch for the day and bring him to preschool. I pick him up later in the day and bring him to work with me. We go home and I cook dinner. She does not cook, clean or do much as far as taking care of my son. She plays with him but she doesn't comb his hair, dress him or make meals for him. On the weekend she is in bed until about 11am. My son and I have had breakfast alone since he was an infant. I have asked her to have breakfast with us and sleep late once in a while. Now my son sits in bed with her watching cartoons waiting for her to get up. She will get up early to go play tennis though. I try to make my son's day interesting and we do things like go to the park, etc. I don't think she has ever really spent a whole day with him alone and doing something together. She thinks all she has to do is work. There is more but I am keeping it brief

21 Answers

  • deb
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    To me it sounds like she is depressed. Maybe she has health issues that she isn't addressing that are keeping her from enjoying your life together? Trust me depression can cause lots of physical problems. Does she have a family history of depression? I know people don't understand depression but it can be a chemical imbalance and maybe she doesn't even realize that she has a problem. With treatment she can get better and you both will be happier for it.

    By the way its very normal for a couple to go through rough patches especially around the seventh year of a relationship. If you can work through these problems now you have a very good chance of having a long lasting marriage.

    Please don't listen to people who tell you to ditch your family and run off. Once you start running from the rough stuff you will never stop the pattern you will be making.

  • 1 decade ago

    This one is a hard one. You should ask her to go to marriage counseling with you. If she refuses it is best for you two to separate. If you have an affair you will be hurting her and yourself as well. You have every right to be happy. Your child is already suffering because Mom and Dad are not getting along and believe me they are smarter then what you think. I will never understand why women withhold sex and think that the man will not have a wondering eye. Nothing worse then having to make a date for sex only on Sundays. What is she thinking? Try to give her lots of attention out of the bedroom without trying to have sex with her. Tell her you still find her beautiful. Buy her some roses and make her feel special. Be more romantic. Try some of these things before you head out the door. Then you can say you tried everything. Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    Have you looked at what her day is like? Does she work and come home and take care of the child and cook and clean and handle all the business? Is she perhaps tired? When is the last time you took her out and made her feel beautiful? Instead of destroying your marriage with infidelity and damaging your son through divorce, why dont the two of you sit down and talk? Or go see a family counselor. Dont write her off yet, try and fix the problem.

  • 1 decade ago

    you sound like an complete jerk. your wife watches a 5 year old from sun-up to sun-down. the only down time she's got is when your son takes a nap. and even then she's probably got a thousand things to do like cleaning/laundry, etc. and just because she's too tired to have sex you say she's "so lame"?? maybe if YOU were supportive and YOU wouldn't be such a horny asshole then your wife wouldn't be such an ***. and maybe if you helped out around the house and did some work instead of just bitching about how your wife is "so lame" then you'd get some...obviously you're beyound stupid.

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  • 1 decade ago

    First off do not have a fling just to keep yourself from going nuts, if you are at that point you need to sit down and confront your wife. My husband sat me down a week or two ago and told me that he needed more than I was giving. He told me that he loved me and appreciated the things that I do for him, but also let me know he would like a little more in the bedroom department. To be honest I thought this was great that he could tell me, it makes me feel safe to know instead of having a fling he tries to resolve the situation first. I also have to commend you for staying for the kid, but honestly the kid does notice that there is tention between you and his mom and I am sure he would be happier if both of you were happoer, Just sit down with your wife and lt her know how you feel, tell her that you feel like she critisizes you alot and makes you feel unimportant, pull at her heart strings a little.

    Source(s): me, myself and I
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ok dude, calm down. Sounds like she may have some deep resentment inside going on. ?? but don't know.

    Try sharing your heart with her and telling her how you are feeling. Don't blame, criticize or etc.. just tell her how you feel. Use this please, When _______ happens, i feel ______. That way, no blaming, put downs, etc. happen.

    If you go out and have a fling, that is adultery my friend and that is wrong!!! She is your wife good or bad. Remember your marriage vows. There is something going on inside her

    and your going to have to try to get it out of her so you two can work it out. ( At least it sounds like that ). Love her, be patient. Love endures ALL things. Good luck, God bless.

    Source(s): I did not once mention she was right. It is not right to deny husband but at same time, an affair or divorce or etc. is not right either and two wrongs don't make a right.
  • 1 decade ago

    Aside from life keeping her distracted, it could also mean she just may not find you that great in bed. If you are always taking care of your needs when she does let you, and your doing nothing for her, why would she want to?? Are you sure she has ever even had a orgasm?? A cold and uninspired woman, may need more from her partner than he's been giving. She may be thinking the same about you.

  • 1 decade ago

    i think your wife may be depressed and she needs help, she is lacking in sex which means she is a normal mother but she also needs help in that area too. after having a baby you kind of loose sex appeal for anything and have more focus on the baby, maybe you should steal the baby and let her be baby free for a while , then maybe she might have energry to have sex. if she gets mad for a week or two then tell her you are taking off so you wont have to deal with her for a week or two. see what she says.i think she might change what she says from now on. i think you need to tell her also how you feel, she doesnt know unless you tell her.!!! good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    For one don't cheat on her!!! You'll feel bad and then if she finds out it will hurt her more than you know. If you aren't happy I suggest you try marriage counseling and if that doesn't work at least you can say you tried. You shouldn't stay with her just for your son. Trust me on this one man if you aren't happy your son knows they are way more perceptive than you think. Do yourself a favor if it doesn't work get a divorce. You'll still be a great dad just a single one.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's very simple!!

    If she has a busy schedule, then she sounds like a normal wife to me. If she doesn't, then that just means that she doesn't want to be with you any more.

    You still need to tell her how you feel. There is nothing better in a relationship than "communication". She won't know how you feel if you don't tell her.

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