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response to answers about texas food stamps in wisconsin.?

ok, first of all, i didn't ask to be judged.Im trying as hard as I can right now. I just moved to texas to get out of a horribly bad abusive relationship, while I was pregnant. I had to just get on a plane and leave, without my ex knowing, and I left EVERYTHING, my clothes, my car, furniture, pictures, everything. I was lucky my baby inside of me was still ok. I now live with some other people, and I had a job a month after I moved. Then my ob put me on bed rest, so I couldn't work, although I really wanted/needed to. I had my baby 4 months ago, and I know work at a church, becuase I don't have to pay for childcare, and I get to keep my baby with me. I am trying as hard as I can to give my baby the best life. I'm not at all happy with my situation, and am entirelly embarrased to be on welfare. Im 22 yrs old, I went to a christian college, and then I got in a bad relationship, and got pregnant.A Also, Im not paying for my plane ticket,my parents are.thanks for making me feel so horrible

7 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Don't listen to those on here that tend to judge.

    Most of them - if any - have ever been in the situation of not having. They have had someone to bail them out, or use connections to get what they have.

    I admire the fact you got out of the relationship - especially with a little one on the way. Too many women stay in abusive relationships "for the sake of the child", and find out that it was stupid too late - usually after the baby is seriously injured or killed by the abusive person.

    Don't every feel horrible about your decision. You are doing what you can, and you are doing it for the sake of your child. You are being a mother - and a damn good one!

    By the way - the ones judging you for being on public assistance - I don't see them offering you money so you don't have to be on it. Funny how that is. You are working to do what you can to support you and your baby, but yet asking for assistance is a sin?

    From one Wisconsin girl to another - you go! Don't listen to the sick b@stards on here! Most don't have a child, and wouldn't know the pride one eats to do whatever to support that child. My prayers are with you and your child. Good luck!

    Source(s): Me - mother of a 20 month old and understand the need to do what is right for the child. . .
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You asked a legitimate question in your earlier question - and some people responded with a legitimate answer hoping to help you. You do not have to dignify the uneducated answers you got with an explanation or justify why you are doing what you are doing. Obviously, those people have never fallen on hard times . . . yet. You are precisely the kind of person the system was designed to help and you should use it until you can make a better way for yourself and your child. Seems like you're doing everything right and that your heart and mind are in the right place. Good luck to you!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You work and pay into them, dont feel bad. As far as losing everything, theyre just things, you will come out on top. Whoever made you feel bad probably is still living at home, in their parents spare room, jobless, fat and lazy. Hope things go well for you and your baby, and I commend you for wanting a better life for the both of you and trying so hard. GOOD LUCK!

  • Lisa E
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I don't know what people said to you, but don't let it get to you. You're a young, single mother. You're working, which is more than a LOT of single parents can claim. You do what's right for you and your baby. Keep pushing yourself and your child will learn a good work ethic and will understand responsibility. You're doing fine!

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  • Stoic
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    If you don't abuse the food stamps don't worry about it.

    Where I come from (southern Texas) people who don't even depend on them (i.e. aren't in difficult situation or in need of financial assistence), get them just because they can. Same goes for Medicaid, but i believe it's the same else where.

  • 1 decade ago

    state to state

  • 1 decade ago

    Thats LIFE!

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