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Lisa E
Can anyone give me suggestions to help with Arthritis?
I am 51 years old, but have had arthritis in my spine since my early 30's. I have pain pills and don't abuse them, but I've been on them for fifteen years. It's degenerative which stinks, but lately it's getting bad. I have an 8 year old child, and do animal rescue and work a full time job. I can NOT afford to be in pain like this, and I have to be able to move, so fuzing things isn't happening. Does anyone have any suggestions that might help? I took a header off the porch carrying two 5 gallon buckets (in the rain...hit a slick spot on the deck and the rest is history), and I couldn't move fast enough to brace myself. I am not okay with this! Any real ideas are welcome. Thank you!
1 AnswerPain & Pain Management5 years agoWhat is that black ...whatever that is, in the bottom of my vaporizer?
I know, I know...'minerals from the water' but that really doesn't tell me much. I can boil water in a pot until it's dry, and never get that black pellet to form. What is it, and is it caused by some process that occurs in the heater core-thingy? (Yes, 'thingy' shows you my scientific expertise).
1 AnswerOther - Science6 years agoCan I get some input from Military folks who served/are serving in Afghanistan or Africa (Ebola outbreak)?
We are putting together care packages for Military people serving overseas. and I need to know what things would make them happiest...(other than plane tickets home). The only input I've gotten so far, is hand sanitizer, wet wipes, soft drink mix, hard candies and beef jerky. I know they have to miss more than that. Any ideas would be great! Thanks!
1 AnswerMilitary6 years agoCan you video game folks help me with a pretty simple problem?
Ok I admit it. I am 'video game challenged'. My daughter got a video game for her Xbox 360 but it says 'kinnect' and she can't play it on her console because it needs to be able to read her movements (Just dance video game). Is there some add on piece of equipment I can get, or is that whole Kinnect thing a console itself? I mean, do I have to buy a whole new variety of Xbox? Because I'll just get the game for the Wii instead, lol! I'm not paying hundreds of dollars so she can dance in front of the TV, ya know?
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games6 years agoQuestions about cortizone shots.?
My doctor has offered these for arthritis in my spine. Now, I have it in other areas too but the degenerative arthritis that literally slows me down is in my spine. I have been on pain pills for at least 6 years and I'm not even 50 yet. What I want to know they actually help? If I get them, is it possible for me to do something stupid and hurt myself and not know it? I have a young child, and I need to keep up with her. I don't feel old and having this is absolutely the MOST frustrating thing I've ever experienced, because I have always been athletic and active, and this cr@p is forcing me to be an old person before my time. I still try to do things I've always done, but my body is not cooperating and it's really honking me off. Any opinions about this option? Thanks!
1 AnswerPain & Pain Management7 years agoI know this has been asked before, but is my goldfish depressed?
I have a goldfish we got at the fair almost 3 years ago. She's about as long as the tip of your thumb to your wrist. She's in a 30 gallon tank with two Cory cats. Two or three weeks ago, she had four Danios in there with her, and I know tropicals don't go with goldfish but...they were doing fine for the three years. I got a few more Danios and put them in, and...she ate them. She didn't go after the larger ones that had been there since the beginning but ...anyway, I got a 15 gallon tank and set it up for the Danios, thinking she's only going to get bigger and they aren't, and they may end up looking edible. We got another little goldfish to put in with her, but he's very small and she was kind of picking on him, so we moved him out. Now all she has is the cats, and she just hangs there like a big gold teabag. When I go up to the tank she livens up and is very excited to be fed, but half an hour after that 'event' is over, she's back to just hanging there. I see no fungus, or ich or blood spots...she just literally looks like she's bummed out. Is this possible? Maybe goldfish and cat fish don't hang in the same circles, but their presence is apparently not good enough. What do you think? Could she actually be depressed?
2 AnswersFish7 years agoDoes anyone know what could cause one of my glofish to stay at the top of the water, with it's mouth open?
It isn't gasping and the others are fine. This one is just hanging out at the top of the tank with it's mouth sort of stuck open (not opening and closing it). I have never seen this before, but I'm not a fish expert. Any ideas on what it is, or how to fix it? Thanks!
2 AnswersBirds7 years agoAnyone know what online trading company uses Celtic music in it's TV ads?
I've heard it but for the life of me can't remember the name of the company!
Thanks for any help you can offer!
1 AnswerOther - Television8 years agoWhy can't I post on Yahoo News comments?
I have not been kicked out and haven't posted anything bad, so no...that's not it. For some reason I can't post in the comments section. I type and hit 'post' and nothing happens. It's not my computer because I've tried it on two different ones, from two different locations. Any ideas? God forbid Yahoo would give technical support about things like this. When I clicked 'customer care' it told me to ask on Yahoo Answers. Wow...thanks Yahoo.
1 AnswerYahoo Answers8 years agoDoctor Who fans, help me out please?
I see on BBC America, they're saying Dr. Who Live is coming on at 2pm Eastern time, to announce the new doctor, but on my guide there's no 'Dr. Who Live'. It shows some older episode, first aired in April 2010. What am I missing?
2 AnswersSoap Operas8 years agomy goldfish was injured today. How can I help her?
Yes I did post this earlier but I'm going to do it once more on the chance someone might know something that could help. My goldfish swam into a tank decoration that I thought was FAR too small for her to get into, and got stuck. She couldn't turn around and couldn't swim through, so I chipped away the decoration until I could free her, but now she has a scrape on her nose. This fish is hypersensitive to EVERYTHING. If I so much as top off the tank (with treated water that sat over night) she will get a fungus, so I'm very worried that a scrape will stress her (not to mention being crammed in that thing) and she'll be a diseased mess by tomorrow. I added some slime coat to the water, but is there anything else I can do to prevent illness or to help de-stress her? She's also missing some scales. Not a lot but I would assume, enough to let nasty things get to her (maybe 3 or 4, not in a group, but randomly on one side where she struggled to get herself free). Someone suggested aquarium salt, but with a wound I'm not so sure that would be okay. Any advice is appreciated.
2 AnswersFish8 years agoMy goldfish is injured.?
My goldfish swam into a tank decoration that I thought was FAR too small for her to get into, and got stuck. She couldn't turn around and couldn't swim through, so I chipped away the decoration until I could free her, but now she has a scrape on her nose. This fish is hypersensitive to EVERYTHING. If I so much as top off the tank (with treated water that sat over night) she will get a fugus, so I'm very worried that a scrape will stress her (not to mention being crammed in that thing) and she'll be a diseased mess by tomorrow. I added some slime coat to the water, but is there anything else I can do to prevent illness or to help de-stress her?
2 AnswersFish8 years agoI am convinced that there's something wrong with my tap water.?
I have 4 fish tanks. I care for them regularly and while one fish has always had problems from the day we got it, the others were great. The last time I topped off the water in my ten gallon tank, everything got fungus/fin and tail rot. I treated it and got rid of it. Then I topped off the other tanks (again, never had a problem). ALL of my fish got fungus and I lost two fish overnight. I do treat the water of course, with the stuff that removes chlorine etc... and I didn't do a water change...I just topped off. What I want to know is...can I use spring water or other bottled water for these tanks? I'm scared to use my water! (Heck, now I'm half scared to drink it)!
5 AnswersFish8 years agoWhat am I doing wrong with my fish?
I have four fish tanks (small). I have two that I CAN NOT keep healthy.I've had them set up for a while. I test the water, I do 1/3 water changes and every time I do anything, my goldfish gets ich, and in another tank, my cory cat and Lyre Tail Mollie get lethargic. I don't know what's wrong!
2 AnswersFish8 years agoI need help to regulate my fish tank?
I have a ten gallon tank with one goldfish and three zebra danios. The goldfish has ich and I've been treating this with aquarium salt and ich meds, (and I even tossed in a pinch of fishmox) but he's not really improving. I've raised the temp to 74 and I've been doing regular 1/4 water changes between doses but now all of the fish are lethargic. The PH was EXTREMELY blue when I tested it, so I've just added a pinch of the stuff you lower it with, but if this doesn't work, (or if I'm doing it wrong) please give me some advice because I'd really like to keep these guys alive. Thanks!
1 AnswerFish8 years agoWhat would you do if you found out someone you love...?
What would you do if you found out through a 3rd party, that someone you love with all your heart, did something horrific years ago, when they were in their teens? I told him 'I got a weird message' and told him what it was. He said the person in question was a weirdo, but never denied the accusation. Now...I don't know how to feel.
5 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agoGeneric vs name brand?
I have been taking the same medication for four years. The pharmacy I go to, just changed to a new manufacturer and I swear, it isn't working. This isn't something I've built up a tolerance to. It worked right up until I had this prescription filled. Is it possible that this is due to it being generic? Because I thought these drugs were regulated pretty strictly.
1 AnswerPain & Pain Management9 years agoWhy do I keep finding bees stuck inside of my pumpkin blossoms?
I know pumpkin blossoms only actually 'bloom' once, then close up and shrivel, so I don't know if these bees are doing this purposely or not, or if they can get out once it closes. I found three in one bloom tonight. Are they doing that for a reason or are they genuinely stuck? I opened it and one flew out. I am going to check in just a minute to see if the other two left, and let them out if they're still stuck but gees...not exactly the surprise I wanted! Who knew pumpkins were carnivores?
2 AnswersGarden & Landscape10 years agoMy child won't sleep through the night at age 4!?
I seriously don't know what to do. We've sabotaged her in some ways. I know this. First, she slept in our room until she was 18 mos. old because we had no choice. She had her own bed and we didn't go to bed with her, but still. She was sick for the majority of her first three years, so more often than not, we soothed her to sleep. About three months ago, we started putting her to bed without us in the room and that was going well, though we've never had problems with her GOING to sleep...just staying asleep. She was getting it. She was only waking once a night. We'd put her back and she was fine. Then three weeks ago she got sick again. She's better now, but she's waking 3-4 times a night and screaming bloody murder if one of us doesn't stay with her...mainly me. She's become ten times more clingy with me than she EVER was. She won't even take a bath without me being in the bathroom as opposed to just daddy. She won't use the bathroom, go to any other room or let me leave the room without following. I'm getting literally 3 hours of broken sleep a night. She goes to daycare and likes it, but where I used to be able to give her a kiss and say "I'll see you this afternoon.", now she cries when I leave, and hangs on my leg until I literally hand her to her teacher. It's killing me! My husband does take her back to her bed so that I can get at least some sleep, but she still wakes several times. Nothing traumatic has happened to her, except that she was home with us for a week solid when she got sick, but it's been almost two weeks and she isn't getting past this separation anxiety. Any advice?
7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler10 years ago