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Where do I start to learn .NET programming?

I have a lot of experience with HTML and basic site design (also using css).

I want to know where to start so I can learn .NET programming. I have a science and math background, but not a lot of programming (other than html, which I learned myself).

I have Macromedia Dreamweaver 8. But I do not know the basics of programming in order to understand how to use it to create the .net pages.

Please be specific. I have already searched the web and only found information that assumes you know VB or ASP. I do not know VB or ASP. Do I need to learn that first? Do you have a specific book to recommend? Or an online tutorial?

Thank you for your help.

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hi, .NET is a Microsoft technology and the best you could do is to get a Visual Studio .NET 2003 or 2005 and to use Visual Basic .NET - it is the easiest platform you could ever find - it completes the code automatically, gives hints etc.

    For tutorials etc look at

  • 1 decade ago

    ASP is a subset of VB. ASP.NET code is a set of object-oriented code that the Microsoft IIS server loads with the web page, and can perform actions on either the page itself or on other externally connected data files based on the code. In this way, the end user can interact with the web application in ways that have been previously impossible.

    A really good place to begin is

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