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Do you believe only one in every 100,000 Christians can actually go to heaven?

What is God's No. 1 attribute, love or holiness? In the OT, He is holy. In the NT, He is a loving and forgiving God. Whenever I listen to Christian radios, 90 out of 100 times I hear the message of love. Have we forgotten His holiness? I somehow tend to believe love is His No.2 attribute and holiness is His No. 1. attribute. Certainly Jesus died for our sins, but it doesn't mean we can go to heaven easily by just believing in Jesus. When Jesus said as long as you believed in me you would have eternal life, He was speaking to people who didn't believe in Him. Today, as a believer, I don't believe we can go to heaven easily. God is not lowering His holy standards. Probably only one in every 100,000 Christians can actually go to heaven. What do you think ?

26 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    "I believe in Jesus!" That's what the devils say, And they tremble too.

    I believe it is better for a christian to believe it is difficult to go to heaven. I have heard some preachers say that the most difficult thing we will do is to make the rapture. We are told in the bible to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling.

    We first trust in Christ to do what we cannot. Then we go and live however we choose. Never listening to the call of god upon our lives and obeying His leading. Eventually we become christians in name only. We must judge ourselves.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe that YHWH/Jehovah and His only-begotten son Yhshua/Jesus created the earth for a reason. They also created mankind to live without death on the earth in a paradise and satan can not ruin their design, so practically nobody goes to heaven. YHWH/Jehovah has promised a new earth and that is where those who choose to follow the example of His son will reside.

    only a few are "bought from the earth";

    God's original purpose for mankind, which He made from the dust of the earth, was to have everlasting life in Eden/Paradise on earth. He will restore that original purpose, and the few who were "bought from the earth" will rule with Christ over that "new earth".

    Ecclesiastes 9:5

    John 11:11-14

    John 5:28, 29

    Daniel 12:2

    John 6:40

    Revelation 21:2-5

    Psalm 37:29

    Isaiah 65:17

    Revelation 5:9, 10 only 144,000

    Revelation 14:3 bought from the earth



  • 1 decade ago

    Those two things are linked together--He is both love and holy. If you don't have both of them, you're going nowhere no matter how good you think you are. Without holiness no one will see the Lord. No, entering into heaven is not going to be as easy as people think. But I don't think only 100,000 people will go to heaven. There will be much more than that.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If only 1 in 100,000 Christians can go to Heaven that means that 99,999 Christians aren't really Christian then, are they?

    I would urge you to reread the Old Testament. Because God is very merciful to the Israelites. He gave them mana and quail in the desert wanderings. For 40 years their clothes and sandals did not wear out. He gave them continuous water from a rock. But in the New Testament Jesus tells us about Hell and damnation. And that we should strive to enter the straight gate. For many will try, but few will be able. Jesus tells us more about Hell than about Heaven and to count the cost of following Him because it could just cost you your life (and to some people it does). Think on these things and ponder them deeply.

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  • 5 years ago

    Wow, decide lots recently? comprehend that Christians are not some primary, homogenous group, in settlement approximately each and every element (that is why there are maximum of diverse sects of Christianity). So "Christians" as a (very great) group, purely proportion some undemanding ideals, as an occasion, that Jesus is the son of God and supply redemption from sin. some sects are fundamentalist and have self assurance that each and every single observe of the Bible is extremely authentic. Others have self assurance that some components of the Bible are thoughts meant to instruct specific instructions approximately how existence could be lived. nonetheless others have self assurance that some components are literally authentic whilst others are metaphorical. yet others have self assurance that the full e book is extremely authentic - yet open to interpretation. comprehend there is likewise a private element of all faith - the way you place what you have self assurance into prepare. All faith can variety from its scripture the place the rubber meets the line.

  • Eds
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    IN China,

    I believe that all have an opportunity to go to Heaven. However, I believe that a number of p-eople will never read, study, and obey GOD's WORD because they are not interested in HIS WORD and refuse to follow what HIS SON and the Apostles had to say about Heaven and Salvation. It is good to see you asking another question. Have a great week!!


    Eds, Christian


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Almost 100% of all "Christians" are liars, and many lie about being Christians (knowingly or unknowingly).

    That's pretty much what you were saying, but I don't like the way it sounded... Made it sound like Christianity is works-based salvation.

    I am absolutely certain that 100% of true Christians go to heaven... unless, of course, Christianity isn't true... but I currently have no reason to believe it isn't at this point.

  • 1 decade ago

    1. I have never been to heaven so I cannot say whether we will or will not all go.

    2. God is everything, thus every attribute is most and least important.

    3. It doesn't really matter what anyone here thinks. What do you think?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Christ is the key. Salvation is through him and no other. Sanctification and holiness are built upon the foundation of faith first. So we go back to Christ is the key. It is by faith that we are saved. Without that foundation there is no building. No God does not lower HIs holy standards which is why we need to be in Christ. He is the only one who met that standard.

  • 1 decade ago

    For God so loved the world that He gave His only son, that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16

    Seems like He plans on all Christians going to Heaven.

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