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To all of you who went overdue.....?

How far overdue did you go? Did you go into labor by yourself or did you need to be induced? I am due tomorrow and just wondering what you ladies experienced. How dialated and effaced were you? Thanks! I am just so anxious to meet my baby boy!

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    With my second I was 10 days late and they had already scheduled an induction for just before my 42 week mark. I went into labor 3 days before and had our little guy 2 days before the induction. The last time I was checked (the week before labor started) I was only about 1 cm and slightly soft and once my labor started and I went in to be checked (contractions were 2.5 min apart) I was 2.5 and about 50% then labor stalled for 6 hours which gave me a chance to catch my breath. Once it started back up, I gave it about 5 hours and went in and was 6-7 cm and I think 80% and delivered a couple hours later. It's tough to go over but in the end, your body and baby know best how much time it needs so don't let them induce before 41 weeks or so unless it's medically necessary. Your risk for complications and c-section go up. Best of luck and I hope labor happens soon for you and goes smoothly!

  • 1 decade ago

    I went overdue and was induced with all three of my pregnancies. The 1st was 2 weeks over, I was dialated to a 2 for like 3 weeks and never progressed. My 2nd I can't really remember how far dialated I was, but I was 1 week over when I was induced. My 3rd I was also 1 week over when I was induced, but that time I had dialated all the way to a 3 or 4. But my doctor decided that I probably just would never go on my own ever. I'm sure you will have your baby boy soon! Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    With my first baby I was 10 days overdue! My doctor didn't want me to go much longer so I was induced. I don't remember how much exactly I was dialated....but I wasn't progressing on my own. I actually hated the fact of being induced- I wanted my baby to come when SHE was ready! Do some housework, go for some long walks, and have sex! I have heard these things will 'speed' it up! lol Good luck and congratulations!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My first child was eight days late. I was actually going into the hospital the next day to get induced but went into labor that night! I had been dialated to about a 3, don't remember the other specifics. My third child was three days late and they induced by breaking my water.

    Congratulations and good luck on your new baby!

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  • 5 years ago

    My first son was Overdue by 6 days and was born at that time because I asked to be induced. He was 9lbs 7oz and the docs were totally surprised he was that big. My second son came nearly 3 weeks early all on his own and was 8lbs 8oz. Let me tell you that there is a HUGE difference between being induced and going into labor on your own. If I had it to do again, I'd rather be overdue by a week or so as long as there is no danger to the baby and wait to go into labor naturally than get induced again. Good luck to you!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    I was one week late and had an appoitment with the doctor to discuss options but I went into labor the day before the appointment. I think I was about 3 cm dialated and was not making any progress so the doc broke my water and six hours later I had my little girl!

    Source(s): Mommy of a beautiful 3 year old girl
  • 1 decade ago

    Man I have no experience yet, so I can't answer your question, but I am in the same boat as you. I am so worried that I will have to be induced and it wont take and I will have to have a C-section

    I am 39 weeks today. I am due memorial day.

    My last appt (fri) after my examination she said I was not dialated at all, cervix closed tight, no loss of mucous plug and I have not had any contractions yet. No signs for me yet. :(

    Have you had any contractions or diarrhea or a burts of energy yet? Those I read were the signs and I am anxiously awaiting them (LOL never thought I'd be looking forward to diarrhea!).

    But good luck to you

    At least we are having our little ones before it gets HOT

    And I too am looking forward to my little boy Connor

  • kj
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    My baby boy, I was originally told was due to arrive on October 3. On Friday, October 30, I had a sonogram and was told "he just isn't ready." They also said "if he hasn't arrived by the following Friday, they would induce". I guess he must have heard that because he finally arrived on his own, on Sunday, November 1.

    It's OK, you won't stay pregnant forever. I can promise that.

  • 1 decade ago

    i was 2 weeks overdue with my son. when i went for my last check up i was told me come in the following friday for induction.. i mentioned i didt feel my son kick much and they sent me for a ctg. and it showed his heart rate slowing alot. so they decided me induce me that day instead of the friday. this was on the monday. i had waters broke and than all the sudden his heart rate dropped and i was rushed for a emergency c-section. my son was taken in2 special care with a infection that nobody knows how he got ! never had a explanation. he was poorly for 10days before i could have him bk on ward with me. so please just get ur doctor 2 keep checking you and insist on not going more than 7 days overdue. i was told by midwife 7 days is LONG enough. hope u go on ur duedate are close after it. all the best

  • 1 decade ago

    I went 4 days over with my first child. I was induced because I had not dilated and was only slightly effaced. It is not that uncommon to be induced.

    Best of luck to you!! Congratulations! :)

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