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Lv 42,656 points

1st time momma

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  • Has anyone taken norethisterone?

    I will be going to the doctor tomorrow but I would like to hear from people that have taken this. I want to delay my period for a trip. Did you have any side effects? Did your period return to normal after stopping the pills?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Middle names for Isaac? Do you like any of these?

    So I had really liked Isaac James but our last name ends in an "s" sound so I don't like it now. I really like Isaac Owen, Isaac O'Neill (think surfer brand) or Isaac Matthew (kinda boring). Do you like any of these? Any other suggestions? Thanks for your help!

    7 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Middle names for Issac?

    So I already had chosen Isaac James but last name ends in an "s" sound so I decided I don't really like it. Some other options I have come up with are Isaac Owen, Isaac O'Neill (think surfer brand) and Isaac Matthew (kinda basic) Anyway do any of these stand out? You like any of them? Any other options?

    6 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Confused about dating a pregnancy?

    I know about the add 2 weeks to conception and everything but I am just wondering, when I am 4 weeks 1 day, I have already completed the 4 weeks right? So I am actually IN (not completed, just starting) my 5th week. When I read what is going on with the baby I need to look at week 5 not week 4 since I have already finished week 4. Sorry if this is confusing. I was never confused with my 1st pregnancy!

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 4 positives, 1 negative?

    I know I am probably just freaking out but yesterday which was actually 5 days before my period so 1 day too early to test I took 3 test which were all positive, faint positives but still positives. A First Response, an equate and a Clear Blue Digital. So this morning I wake up and take another First Response and it is negative! I took another equate and it has a faint positive still. The digital I took yesterday said PREGNANT and just thinking too much about it?!?!? PLease help

    8 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • How did you make your baby start sleeping thorugh the night?

    My baby is 6 1/2 months old and the pediatrician got mad at me because he said that a 6 month old should sleep through the night. He wakes up anywhere from 3-5 times a night just to nurse. The doctor says he is capable of not eating through the night. We do have a bedtime routine it just doesn't seem to help and I am ready to start getting more sleep! lol Any suggestions? Some say refuse nursing for 2 nights and they will quit? is that mean?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Does/Did anyone else have this problem?!?!?!?

    My 4 month old hates his carseat! I just do not understand what it is. I have checked it over and over to make sure nothing is hurting him or scratching him. Did you baby ever go through this? Did they get over it. My husband and I were thinking of going out and buying a new seat to see if he will do better in that one. He just cries and cries and cries, sometimes to the point of screaming. We have a LONG trip ahead of us, do any of you have any suggestions? PLEASE!

    11 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Irregular periods after baby? please help!?

    I had my baby almost 3 months ago. I had bleeding after baby for the whole 6 weeks then at week 7 I got what seemed to be a period, a lot different from the postpartum bleeding. I have now missed a period, I am a week late, I was just wondering if this has happened to anyone, I know that periods can take a while to start up again, but mine started up and now I am late. I have been on birth control pills and using other forms of protection. THanks!

    5 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Swimming ok after having a baby 4 weeks ago?

    I was just wondering if it is ok to go swimming after just having a baby 4 weeks ago. It was a vaginal birth, no tearing or anything. I have not heard anything saying no but I just got invited swimming and it got me thinking if it is ok or if I should wait the six weeks. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • bleeding after baby?

    I had my baby a month ago now and I am still bleeding. I know it can be up to 6 weeks, but my midwife told me that by four weeks it should definately be like spotting (brown) and then turn to just yellow discharge around 6 weeks. My bleeding had slowed down very much but now it is back again and it is still bright red and seems to be getting heavier. Is there something I can be doing to make this happen? How long did your postpartum bleeding take? Did you bleed the whole 6 weeks? I really want to be done with this by my 6 week appoinment. Thanks!

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Just wanted to say thanks for all the help! (free 2pts)?

    All througout my pregnancy you all have been a great help. I finally delivered my baby 7 days late on Tuesday May 29th. I had a healthy little boy 8 pounds .07 oz. 19 1/2 inches. I got to have him naturally like I had wanted. Now you will see me asking all kinds of questions in the newborn section. Thanks again for everything!!!

    17 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Overdue with cramping?

    I am 3 days overdue and have been having a lot of cramping. I do not think it is contractions but I do not know. If I am sitting down they are not as strong and fell just like menstrual cramps but I have noticed if I am sleeping on one side and turn over or laying down and get up I get horrible cramps/contractions that are really strong, I even have to breathe through them. Are these pre-labor contractions maybe or just BH's? I have been having them for the past couple of days. I have been having bloody show for the past couple of days also. I am 2 cm, 70% effaced, baby is engaged. Any help would be great! Thanks

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How did you feel postpartum?

    I am 3 days overdue and just wondering what I will feel like after the birth. Were you totally miserable? How was the bleeding? Breastfeeding? Did it take you the whole 6 weeks to feel back to normal or were you feeling okay before that. Thanks so much for you help!

    20 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Anyone have any experience with being induced with prostaglandins?

    My midwife made an appoinment to induce me in one week. I will be 41.2 weeks if I make it that long. She said they have pills and suppositories that they insert in the vagina and it helps start labor. She did say that it could be 2-3 days I could be in labor before I get to see my baby!!! Is this true? Have any of you used this? How long did you labor? Thanks.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Has anyone had thier membranes stripped?

    Did it do anything to bring on labor? I am 40 weeks 2 days and just had one done. Did it just bring on cramps and spotting or did it actually bring on labor? How long after? Thanks!

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • To all of you who went overdue.....?

    How far overdue did you go? Did you go into labor by yourself or did you need to be induced? I am due tomorrow and just wondering what you ladies experienced. How dialated and effaced were you? Thanks! I am just so anxious to meet my baby boy!

    11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Due tomorrow and having trouble urinating. Please help?!?

    I am due tomorrow and as of yesterday I have been having such a hard time urinating. I am wondering if maybe the baby is engaged all the way now and just putting tons of pressure on my bladder. (he was almost engaged at last appoinment on Thursday) If I am laying down or sitting down and I stand up, it is like "I need to pee!!! NOW!!!" But then I go to the restroom and hardly anything comes out! So I have to go back to whatever I was doing still feeling like I have to pee. Then I go back to try again and same thing. It is just like I can't empty my bladder all the way. It is so frustrating. I was just wondering if this is normal or if I should call the midwife. They open in a couple of hours.

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Bleeding after exam or mucous plug? (TMI) Sorry!?

    Yesterday I went to my 39 week appoitment. The midwife checked my cervix to find out I am only at 1.5. 60% effaced, baby is at station -1. She told me that after the exam I would probably have some pink discharge because she was really high up in my cervix. I have never bled before and have had a few exams. Well I came home and aobut 20 minutes later I noticed a dark red/browm discarge which kept coming all day. Not a lot but jsut a little bit everytime I would uriniate I would notice some. Today I have still had a little and I went to the bathroom a little while ago and noticed a big dark, dark clot it was almost black. I dunno if that is just from the exam yesterday or if maybe her examining me made me loose my plug. Sorry ladies, it sounds gross but I am just wondering if this is normal. Thanks

    18 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How far dialated were you when you went into labor?

    I was just wondering what the doctor had told you at your last appoinment before you went into labor. I am only at 1.5cm, 60% effaced and baby is at -1station. I am 39 weeks 2 days. I am wondering if this means I will go past my due date possibly. Were any of you only at a 1 and still went into labor? THanks so much!

    14 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How many of you...?

    had to be induced because the baby wouldn't come? When did they induce you? What did they use? pitocin? Thanks ladies, I am 39 weeks 1day and am getting anxious that he will not come. I do not want to be induced. I have heard it is a lot worse, the contractions are harder on the mom. I hope he somes on his own!

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago