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had to be induced because the baby wouldn't come? When did they induce you? What did they use? pitocin? Thanks ladies, I am 39 weeks 1day and am getting anxious that he will not come. I do not want to be induced. I have heard it is a lot worse, the contractions are harder on the mom. I hope he somes on his own!


My midwife says their cut off date is 41.5 weeks and they will induce.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    with my daughter i started having contraction and never really dilated. i walked for a hour and only dilated half a centimeter. they let me go for as long as i could with no drugs, after awhile they broke my water. i couldn't handle the pain any more so after 3 centimeters they gave me something for the pain. thing were still very slow so they gave me pitocin. i had to stay on that for awhile. toward the end i had a spinal and 20 something hours later i had my daughter. this is like the worst labor i have had i my family so i'm sure yours will be much better. the most important thing is to go in and just think about the moment. don't worry about exactly what you are going to do in ever situation. things change and you never know what will happen so be open to what the doctors are telling you would be best.

  • 1 decade ago

    There are several methods of medical induction. It all depends on what condition your cervix is going into it.

    The cervix needs to be ripe for induction to work. By ripe, I mean softened. Usually it is the consistency of a cold stick of butter. In order for uterine contractions to be able to efface and dilate the cervix, it has to be soft, like the consistency of room temperature butter.

    To ripen a cervix artificially, they would use one of 3 methods. The first is prostaglandin gel. The second is Cervadil - like a tampon string, mesh fabric that is embedded with the medication, placed up behind the cervix - can be uncomfortable during insertion. The third is Cytotec, which is a pill, also placed up against the cervix. I will also note that Cervadil often sends women into labor after being in for a few hours - but not always. It isn't intended to induce, just ripen.

    One the cervix is ripe, then there are two methods they could use to start contractions. First, if the baby is low enough in the pelvis, and if you are dilated at least 2 cm, they could rupture your membranes. In most women, labor starts on its own within a few hours. But you can't rupture the membranes if baby is high, because you risk a prolapsed cord, necessitating an emergency c-section.

    If they don't do that, then they will use pitocin. It goes through an IV. It can feel different than laboring without pitocin. Without it, contractions build up more slowly to the peak, and fade away. With pitocin, they tend to come on and peak quickly, but they also go away rather quickly too rather than trailing off. Either way, contractions are painful.

    Source(s): RN, Labor & Delivery, mom of 3, 2 inductions
  • 1 decade ago

    I went to 41 weeks when I was pregnant with my son. I went to my 40 week check up and I wasn't dialated at all. My doctor asked me if I wanted to be induced in a week or if I wanted to wait it out (I had already gained about 69 pounds, there was no way I was waiting!) so I said to induce. They put me on Pitocin and I had an epidural. He's my first baby so I don't know if the contractions were worse with Pitocin than with just a normal labor. I wish you the best of luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    I have never been induced, but I have been late with four of my babies and expect to be late with this one. Being late does not become a problem until you are 42 weeks. Then the placenta starts to die and the baby is at risk. So don't worry, you still have 3 weeks before that becomes an issue, and believe it or not, you won't be pregnant forever.

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  • 1 decade ago

    There is not reason for you to be induced unless the doc says you HAVE to. You can go until 42 weeks and still be very healthy. I wouldn't induce...there is an epidemic of inductions in this country.

  • 1 decade ago

    I was induced with my second. Not because she wouldn't come, but because the dr wanted me to fit his schedule. Anyway... they put potocin in an iv and rolled their eyes at me when I told them I was trying to go no epidural. They were very pokey and rude. I ended up getting one. So many interventiions. As soon as you give into the first, they all start pouring in. But, with a midwife, I would think it would be a lot better. I doubt she'll want to hook you up to anything. Try self induction. Evening Primrose Oil, sex, walking.

  • 1 decade ago

    when i was having my baby i had clamsia, i was on a lot of drugs and barely remember anything, but i do remember the doctors popped my water bag with a plastic rod with a hook at the end to get the labor proccess started

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