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Does/Did anyone else have this problem?!?!?!?

My 4 month old hates his carseat! I just do not understand what it is. I have checked it over and over to make sure nothing is hurting him or scratching him. Did you baby ever go through this? Did they get over it. My husband and I were thinking of going out and buying a new seat to see if he will do better in that one. He just cries and cries and cries, sometimes to the point of screaming. We have a LONG trip ahead of us, do any of you have any suggestions? PLEASE!


Oh and I am always with him in the back seat, he has tons of toys and pacifiers. Nothing will calm him down when he is in his car seat..nothing at all.

11 Answers

  • Ethel
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes I had to deal with this - with my first born. I don't think a different seat would matter - he just didn't like to be in that position and confined. If you have to travel, travel during nap times, play music your son is familiar with, sit with him if it helps - otherwise don't sit with him. And if you can, forget about that trip, sometimes with some babies its not worth it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not a parent, but my first gut instincts were these suggestions:

    1) Try to stay calm when putting baby in car seat, baby might be able to read that you get anxious when doing it

    2) Maybe get some of those car toys that attack to the seat so baby can have something to look at?

    Good luck!

    ps I don't think a different car seat will make a difference, but I guess it can't hurt to give it a go!

  • TX Mom
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I'd try another car seat, maybe a friends' and see if it's better. My family used benedryl a lot on our trip--suggested by the dr. The baby slept the whole time we were driving, but then when we stopped for the night, the baby didn't want to sleep anymore.

    Don't forget to make sure the sun isn't in his face, and bring lots of toys.

    TX Mom

  • 1 decade ago

    And this only happens when he's in the car seat? That's weird... Is he still facing the opposite way in the backseat (towards back window)? If so it might be that it scares him since he' doesn't have anyone by him and he's basically going backwards... Do you have tinted windows in your car? It can be different things... My daughter used to cry but only because she was alone in the back seat, so someone always had to be w/ her until I started positioning the car seat facing the right way... you'd have to wait until your baby weighs more than 20lbs though before you can do that... maybe that's what it is...

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  • 1 decade ago

    The carseat may just be uncomfortable for him. Maybe it's too hard or he doesn't like the way he is positioned (i.e. maybe his head isn't at the right angle.) I would suggest going to babies r us and have him sit in different car seats, and see how he responds. Have you tried having him sit in the carseat when it's outside of the car? Perhaps he just doesn't like car rides.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    my 8 week old is like that. even when she has company in the back sometimes. 1st make sure the sun isn't in his eyes, take toys and rattles...always have someone sit in back with him. my daughter likes to look in a mirror. bring a bottle. i took a 6 hour trip with her both ways at around 5 weeks old, and something that worked temporarily was to turn on the radio to a static station really loud. it is so sad listening to that hysteric crying...we had to stop multiple times. make sure you plan to spend 8 hours for a 5 hour trip, if yours is anything like mine. she really just wanted to be held, mostly. i have no idea if a new seat would help, but i don't see why it would. just stop a lot to cheer him up, take plenty of breaks, feed and play. good luck & i feel for you...

  • 1 decade ago

    My daughter has gone thru her phases of wanting and not wanting to be in her seats. Most babies don't want to and will throw fits. Perfectly normal. Try attaching toys and such to the carseat or back of seat for the baby to be entertained and see how he does.

    Source(s): mom of 1 and 30 weeks pg
  • 1 decade ago

    Motion sickness, well he probably doesn't get sick but personally I can't stand riding backwards in any moving vehicle, even carnival rides that go backwards make me feel ill. You may just have to live with it until you can put him in a forward facing seat.

    Ask the pediatrician about Gravol or other motion sickness meds for infants. They may help or at least for the long trip help him sleep through most of it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I always sat in the back with our baby(in the carseat of course,you never know nowadays though.) That always helped our little girl.Maybe give him something to suck on,or look at while you are going to go on a trip.Prepare him by putting him in his seat earlier on to get him to be adjusted to having to go in it.My daughter always disliked a change in our routine,shes still that way,sometimes you have to let them get adjusted.Best of luck to you :)

    Source(s): Mommy of one
  • jhg
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I do know that there are babies who hate their car seats. My kids loved them, but that has to be hard. Does he like to be swaddeled? If so he may not like his seat cause he is hangen out there and not wrapped up and if he doesn't like to be swaddled it may be that he feels totally confined and that doesn't feel good to a baby.

    Does he like binkies? Have you tried that for in his seat?

    Hope this works out for you!

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